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Sep 13, 2011
I've been in the hospital for a week today. They had to draw 2 liters of fluid EACH off my heart and lungs. It's been a wild ride. I will explain more when I get home and get on a computer other than my cell phone. It apparently was my coumadin levels that causes it. At any rate, I'm greatful to be better!
Sounds like you've had quite a ride! Happy to hear you'll be home soon, and interested to hear what role the coumadin played.
Stay well Bill, hope this is the LAST speed bump for you.
Good to hear you are heading home soon. Keep us posted and let us know what happened.
I've been in the hospital for a week today. They had to draw 2 liters of fluid EACH off my heart and lungs. It's been a wild ride. I will explain more when I get home and get on a computer other than my cell phone. It apparently was my coumadin levels that causes it. At any rate, I'm greatful to be better!

Sorry to read that you've had such a tough time, but hopefully you'll be home soon. Take it easy until then!
Sorry to hear you had so much plueral and pericardial fluid, that's pretty scarey. You must have felt pretty bad with that much, good thing you got checked out. Hopefully you will be feeling better and get home soon.
Yes both types of effusions are pretty common after heart surgery for people on or not on Coumadin, Justin has had bad pericardial effusions after a couple of his OHS. But Coumadin, or any anticoagulent even managed correctly and in range, can play a role in increasing the amount of fluid or how long the fluid continues to come back.
Its been fun! Anywhoo..I'm still in the hospital. My INR was only 1.4 today so I have a few more days before they can let me go home. The reason this wasn't caught any earlier is because my breathing problems had existed for quite a while before the surgery. It was trapped gas. Anywho..I feel better than I have in YEARS so it's all good. I have to stay because they are trying to bridge me from heparin to coumadin. It's all good in the long run even though it's driving me crazy.
Warfarin can be a roller coaster. I think it sucks, and management of it sucks. But no matter how bothersome, the alternative sucks even worse.
Came back from hospital today. Good to be out but scary too. Every little gas pain or hard heartbeat makes me nervous, lol. In a week and a half, I've lost 43 lbs. No telling how long the fluid has been building up. I was having lots of trouble with flutter and a fib but since these procedures, i've not had a single episode. I hope it keeps going like this but I know it probably won't.

I was on a lot of meds that enhanced the effects of the Coumadine. I was taken off of them so hopefully all this is going to be back to "new normal" for awhile. It will be welcome!
Im glad to hear your home. I know how it can be kind of scarey to be home after bigger complications, since it can feel like the "safety net" has been taken away. Each little thing can make you wonde i it is something "important" or just normal post op stuff. I 'll say a prayer that you can stay away from hospitals and docotrs, except for normal boring planned appts. :) and you will finally really be on the path to healing.
Thanks for updating us in the middle of so much going on. It will help someone else down the road too
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You still did not state what fluid build up you had, coumadin usually does not do this. Do you have CHF, fluid build up is usually a complication from that condition, I did without coumadin. Check into this and get back with us with information that we all can use. Hugs for today.
I have to agree with Rocky.. i don't like coumadin at all.. for those who might wish to consider an alternative to coumadin.. do some research on a liscensed /registered naturapathic Dr. My naturapathic Dr. worked with me in tandem with my cardiologist . She put me on a regimine of herbs and vitamins to strengthen me before and after surgery . And we while we used coumadin for 2 mo. post surgery, we switched over to Nattokinase after that. Nattokinase is a well documented blood thinner and it dissolves blood clots that coumadin cannot . I got a small clot in the calf of my right leg, ( any clot is not good ) it was about the size of a marble . I was on coumadin at the time , after about a month it was still there, but when we switched over to Nattokinase , the clot dissolved in about 3 weeks . Natto thins your blood very effectively and keeps clots from forming. Coumadin does not do that. I stay on Natto now as i have atrial flutter on a daily basis ,but not so bad as to require intervention . Billy... i am thinking they need to adjust your lasix amounts .. you might need more for awhile . Lasix is what helps me keep the fluid buildup off my lungs and heart area. I am only on 20 mg a day now.. ; )

good luck and a speedy recovery to you !
I have to agree with Rocky.. i don't like coumadin at all.. for those who might wish to consider an alternative to coumadin.. do some research on a liscensed /registered naturapathic Dr. My naturapathic Dr. worked with me in tandem with my cardiologist . She put me on a regimine of herbs and vitamins to strengthen me before and after surgery . And we while we used coumadin for 2 mo. post surgery, we switched over to Nattokinase after that. Nattokinase is a well documented blood thinner and it dissolves blood clots that coumadin cannot . I got a small clot in the calf of my right leg, ( any clot is not good ) it was about the size of a marble . I was on coumadin at the time , after about a month it was still there, but when we switched over to Nattokinase , the clot dissolved in about 3 weeks . Natto thins your blood very effectively and keeps clots from forming. Coumadin does not do that. I stay on Natto now as i have atrial flutter on a daily basis ,but not so bad as to require intervention . Billy... i am thinking they need to adjust your lasix amounts .. you might need more for awhile . Lasix is what helps me keep the fluid buildup off my lungs and heart area. I am only on 20 mg a day now.. ; )

good luck and a speedy recovery to you !

Margie, What kind of Valve do you have/ I'm guessing/hoping it is a tissue valve since your docotrs know you aren't taking Coumadin. Right now, people with Mechanicals valves, dont have the option of going off Coumadin, so I just anted to be clear about your valve incase people with Mechanical valves read this and think they can just stop their coumadin and try something else.

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