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Active member
Jan 15, 2011
I am celebrating my 9-months' anniversary post AVR in a Holter monitor following a rapid increase in heart rate, from 98 to 152 in a split second, while on a treadmill at my gym. No interval rates were recorded. I had just spent 40 minutes in a warm water therapy pool working on chronic foot/ankle and neck problems and had not consumed much water all morning. Because I felt tired I was walking very slowly: 10 minutes at 1.5 to 1.9 MPH, and when I increased to 2.0 the jump occurred.

My initial reaction was that the treadmill was freaky, but then my chest and upper back got a bit tight and my breathing became stressed. A nurse on staff found my vital signs worrisome enough to dispatch me to an ER. My heart rate in the ambulance was in the 200s. Blood tests and chest x-ray were normal so I was given a beta blocker and sent home. The next day I was assessed by my cardiologist and put on a Holter.

Various stresses over the past few weeks resulted in my not adhering to the good cardio workouts I had done during cardiac rehab and I think that was a factor in what happened, as were probable dehydration and working out in warm water and taking a hot shower before hitting the gym. I hope the Holter results won't reveal anything serious and that I won't have to be on Metropolol long-term.

My cardiologist was not concerned; she sees a lot of heart rhythm problems following surgery. I did not experience palpitations when arrhythmia was reported when I was in the hospital following surgery nor when I was wired during rehab, so I am not aware when I am in A-fib. Pat
Sorry to hear about your bout with A-Fib. I had several bouts after surgery, and was then put on amioderone in addition to metoprolol. I am still on the metoprolol, but was taken off of the amioderone a month after starting. I believe I will get off the metoprolol at some point, but as of today I am still on it. It doesn't come with any complications for me, although others do have lethargy/lack of stamina from the drug. I hope your tests went well.
I, too, am sorry to hear that you're having issues that may get in the way of your continued recovery. I had so many rhythm issues immediately following surgery that I now have a pacemaker. . . and I'm still hitting the gym 5 days a week. Keep after the docs to get to the bottom of your issues so that you can continue recovery as you planned. I'm a firm believer that we all should continue with regular cardio exercise, to whatever level is right for each of us. There are meds that can be prescribed to reduce the likelihood of many of the rhythm issues. Like Jason, I am taking metoprolol - since my surgery at the end of February. We think I may be developing some side effects now, but nothing urgent - so I still consider it a success.
I have had A-flutter twice post surgery, zapped back the last time. I was able to lay on my left side to get it to go back the first time. Strange, but I would feel my heart miss a beat every so often when I laid on my left side. I didn't like it so I usually wouldn't lay that way. It seems like a-fib and flutter it is common but still scary. They could check for anemia too. That is another trigger.
I hear you all loud and clear on rhythm issues. Being 3 months post op I still feel strange sensations coming from my heart on the daily. Seem to be getting less and less but the change is subtle. I also have a pacemaker so could be pacemaker issues or could be the heart adjusting only time will tell. Before surgery I rarely would have strange feelings coming from my heart, I mean it to like maybe once every 5 years might get a short flutter or sensation. After heart surgery I'm aware of almost every heart beat. I think strange rhythms maybe something us AVR patients will have to deal with for life. They might go away for 5 years and come back for what seems no reason. I don't think doctors really know themselves. As long as its not immediately life threating they shrug it off. Doesn't change the fact that its stressful and annoying.
Thanks for the responses. I was glad to read of similar experiences and good outcomes. I was on a Holter monitor for 48 hours and had more episodes of arrhythmia. I am doing a 24-hour repeat to see if a week on Metropolol has made any difference but I will probably need an ablation.

I'm afraid to exercise because I am still reeling from what happened last time I was at the gym. My cardiologist said it can as readily happen at rest. She does not think it is A-fib, but rather atrial tachycardia or supraventricular tachycardia or atrial flutter.

I think this is my Halloween "trick."

How panicked should I be?
Ah,yes, the bummer!! I am six months out, just that day at night I pulled eight somethings as I was readinding reclinig(do that alot!!) and thought, bummer.... Have had one, or two...but ...eight?? The next day was cardio rehab... I woke up tired-we most of us know that tired -not to go exercise if you're tired-but went anyway ...little intimidated by the nurse there. Now, had cut down on an SSRI on my own...and that probably dido it... I pulled TEN of those up-down quick beats...then they're asking me all these q's, at the same time saying it's nothing.!!!!
Sorry to say it, but you give me hope..-I was totally bummed out for days.
They often check me for hydration because I walk in with a bp of 75/51 sometimes and wouldn't know anything was wrong...
They ask me to drink WATER (just never been a fan, time to be one, now) and also I can forget to take my potassium or eat bananas (daily) to keep that beat strong and
not wanting to miss and do it's own thing...I think
good, strong potassium levels keep that beat
DEFINITE sounding...instead of, chummy-tired. Yes
I hear my beat all the time,
To me, the tiredness would be the signal, to rest and/or go eat something good for me. My Dr. Says not to make too much of off-beats like I had (suuuuure!) and just drink water, REST, and eat the best colored fruits and vegetables I can... Also dark chocolate helps in my humble opinion. Oh I forgot fish oil or salmon or flax seed oil, I know that calms down the heart (fish oil thins blood though-careful!!) and coffee can irritae the heart too- but then it can also strengthen the beat.! Not a Dr. Here, these have just been my observations.
At 9 mos out, with no history of these beats... I would think there are so many perfect storm scenarios-hot shower, dehydrated ... Seems pretty low tech stuff like eat(a little better, are you missing something?) sleep more/ better, exercise a little more better (slower when tired?!!!! Hydrated, when not upSET) .... Hope they don't just "go in" unless they really need to...
Keep us informed, okay? Michelle
Lots of good advice, Michelle. Thanks! After a good summer in rehab I really backslid in Sept/Oct when my family was consumed with the death of a dear cousin at age 47 of breast cancer. We were with her the evening she died and I have never seen such anguish. I kept thinking of my brother who died at 29, also of cancer, when I was in India and could not be reached for weeks, so I never went through the kind of mourning I just shared.

In looking at all your suggestions, I noted that I ran out of CoQ10 weeks ago and may not have been paying enough attention to nutrition. I got a spice grinder last Christmas and intended to start grinding flaxseeds but that never happened. "Good, strong potassium levels" will be my mantra! And I will do better with fish oils. My sleep is never restful; I have severe obstructive sleep apnea and wrangling the hoses and mask is a pain. I will take your advice and rest or meditate, instead of exercise, when I am feeling tired. Maybe if I nap during the day that will make up for insufficient sleep at night.

I am now back on the Holter and think that no matter what the results are that is just a slice of time and whether the results are good or ill that does not mean they will be the same the next 24 hours or ever. I made the mistake of reading about ablation for flutter and tachycardia and it sounds scary. What if a good part of the heart is destroyed? The only person I know who has had this procedure was really shaken by it.

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