Operation Scheduled in 3 days!

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New member
Aug 25, 2011
Hi Everyone!

I am glad I joined this place awhile back.I read up on the posts and am really glad that even with valve surgery we can lead an active lifestyle.

I have BAV, Aortic root 5.3cm, Aortic Valve severe regurgtn and going in on Tues 04.Oct.2011 for my 1st and only surgery (hopefully). Being only 23 years old and male, I will be going through a Bentall procedure to replace my aneurysm with dacron graft and I chosen a mech valve.

I decided to follow my surgeon's advice to take a Mech Valve in lieu of my young age and the much higher risks for re-op, as if I were to choose a tissue valve, my surgeon would have to resit the dacron graft on the new valve (for subsequent surgeries) which he told me is complex and risky.

As for the type of valve, I heard and read about the ON-X and asked my surgeon about it. However, he recommended either SJM or ATS. I guess I leave the valve decision to him when he 'opens' me up and decides which type fits better right?

I hope it will be a success and I can share my success story with everyone and to encourage those going for op too!

Cheers! :)
I am glad you have found the site, and will be thinking of you this week. Be sure to check back and let us know how it goes!
Let the surgeon work with what he or she is comfortable with. On a side note I would push for the ATS valve over the SJ if possible. Just for the sake of relating I'm 28 years old and had the surgery done 9 weeks ago.
I will be thinking of you as this week too and hope all goes well. I will be following you by less than a week with my valve surgery.

Go Class of 2011!

Hi Gaia,
Happy you found us but sorry you are facing surgery.

Sounds like you have made all the decisions and are ready to go for your surgery.
Hope all goes smoothly and you have successful surgery and bump free recovery.
Please let us know how you are doing.
We'll look forward to hear from you after your surgery.
Wishing you the best Gaia! Let us know how you are doing after it is over! I hope it is a fast and smooth recovery for you.
Jason,JKM,MS2: Thanks lots! I be sharing good news with you and the rest too!

Julian: Hi Julian, nice to meet you! would you like to share why would u push for ATS over the SJ? Is ON-X your choice of valve? Was your age a factor?

Dan: Thanks man! I am glad to be your 'classmate' =) Hope to hear good news from u too=)

UPDATES:My op has just been postponed for one day till Wed 5.Oct.2011, as there's an emergency case=)
All the best Gaia. We are all rooting for you. See you in the Post-Surgery forum after tomorrow.It is a complex procedure but very routine. You should have nothing to worry about especially at your young age.
Hey Gaia,

Just checking in on you...I hope everything went well and you are already feeling better and on your way to a fast recovery! Keep us updated!

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