Hello all you patient and caring friends! I just spoke with Zipper and she confirmed that they'll be prepping her for the OR around 6:00 or 6:30 for movement to the surgical suite at 7:00 am Mtn time, or so.
She's very calm, very confident in her surgeon and is commonly referred to as The Adventurer. We were joking about how many papers Dr Modry and his team will be getting published as a result of all this. He figures there'll be a few pics on that camera before the morning's over.
I passed her all of your prayers and wishes, even though I didn't list everyone's names, she knows that all of VR is pulling for her and that we're in all of her fellow journeyer's corners too. She sends her best to everyone and will be posting to you next week when she gets home.
I'll open the new thread after I talk to the hospital tomorrow. Dale will let me know when she's gone through the double doors and then I'll call the ward in the early afternoon to check how things are going.
Take Heart, everyone, thanks for your kindness to Zipper and her family AND especially for the support you show everyone who has this "adventure".