Your prayers for a little girl please??

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Thanks for the update on Mollie.

Thanks for the update on Mollie.

Emma said:
Thankyou all again for the wishes for Mollie!

The latest news on her is that they are going to try and extubate her today but weren't sure how that would go. After a rocky time, she has had a fairly stable 24 hours - fingers crossed it continues that way! She still has a long road to travel yet


Please let us know if they were able to extubate her or not. Keeping Miss Mollie in our prayers. Much love. J.
Hi all,
They weren't able to extubate Mollie last night. I don't know why yet but everyone is hoping it will happen today instead. Mollie is still as stable as she could be for now.

Thankyou as always for your prayers for her and her family!
Love Emma
Sorry I am so late to this thread, but I just want to extend my prayers and best wishes to Mollie and her family. I hope things go well today.
Next update

Next update

Mollie is now being referred to renal and nuero teams to assess damage. They are going to do a brain scan.

Everything crossed that the renal and nuero teams have only good news for Kate and her Mollie - what a horrible mothers day for them today!!

I am passing on all your thoughts and wishes
Thanks for keeping us informed. We are all still praying for Mollie.

On another note - great photo of Chloe. Is she gorgeous or what?:D :D
still thinking of Mollie

still thinking of Mollie

Mollie is still in our thoughts and prayers, keep us informed if you can and let Kate and Mollie know we are all pulling for them. ((((((((hugs)))))))) to them both.
Sill praying for Miss Mollie...........

Sill praying for Miss Mollie...........

from across the water. Thanks for updating us, Emma, and a happy mother's day to you. Hugs. Janet
Mollie has been sucessfully extubated now and has SATS of 91%! WOOHOO!
On the right road now I hope!! Still renal and neuro tems to see yet though to keep the thoughts coming please,

Love Emma
Glad to hear some positive news. I'll continue to keep her and her family in my prayers.
I'm glad to hear the news Emma, but I will continue to keep her in my prayers until she is released from the hospital.
MORE good news!! Mollie has just had some milk, yogurt and apple puree and even thanked the nurse for the milk! YAY Mollie!

Their main concern is now that Mollie has still not had a wee so although she's doing well cardiac wise now there are other concerns still. She's doing well though! What a star!

Love Emma
Fantastic news, Emma!

Fantastic news, Emma!

Emma said:
MORE good news!! Mollie has just had some milk, yogurt and apple puree and even thanked the nurse for the milk! YAY Mollie!

Their main concern is now that Mollie has still not had a wee so although she's doing well cardiac wise now there are other concerns still. She's doing well though! What a star!

Love Emma
Got a double dose of great news today. Prayers for Miss Mollie continuing. Please tell them to make sure she is not dehydrated like Katie was............shouldn't be if she is still getting IV fluids, but Katie was getting way too much lasix and aldactone. Many hugs and thanks for updating. J.
Yeah Mollie

Yeah Mollie

Way to go Mollie -- what great news -- will continue to keep good thoughts and prayers going out for Mollie and Kate. (((((((hugs))))))) to them both!

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