Your prayers for a little girl please??

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My family sends prayers for Mollie and her family through this horrific ordeal they are enduring.
Thank you for the update Emma. I'm still praying for Mollie and family.
Mollie's update

Mollie's update

Well, everyone's sending of prayers and positive thoughts is working but don't stop now please - keep them coming.
Mollie is doing better, taking slow steps towards recovery. She's still in PICU - ventilated and sedated and has had a couple of very rocky days which she was not expected to come through, but today they managed to close her chest and have started ng feeding her too. They are talking of letting Kate (her mummy) in Mollies bed with her if she continues to stabalise this way as this will obviously benefit both of them. At one point, even the changing of a drugs syringe was sending Mollie into VF so there is obvious improvement there.
Kate has finally managed to get a little sleep and eat something as she hadnt slept for several days at one point, quite understandably.
So thankyou all for the thoughts and I'll keep you updated.
Lots of love
I'm sending immediate prayers and best wishes for Mollie. May God Bless Her and bring her through these times of crisis safely,Amen!:)


Prayers and love to Mollie and Kate are winging their way from Arkansas, USA.
So happy to hear that Mollie's chest was closed - certainly a good sign.
Prayers continuing and hugs sent out.
Thanks for the update, Emma!

Thanks for the update, Emma!

I have been wondering about her. Yes, yes, yes, the chest being closed is a very good step in the right direction. Please tell her mom that Katie had her chest openfor two days following surgery, had a rough recovery, but she is HERE, doing well................uh, too well on some days............sigh!

Talked to Jane. Sounds like Bev and LUcy are having a really tough time. I so hate to hear that. Mollie and Lucy are tops of our prayer list. Hugs. J.
Congrats to Mollie

Congrats to Mollie

And our continued prayers for her recovery. Eric had his chest left open after his first surgery and on the 3rd day they were able to close it, but then had to reopen as well 5 days after they had closed it. So keep up the good work Mollie -- she and Kate will have our continued good thoughts and prayers.
Not so good

Not so good

:( Sorry, this isn't a very happy update. Unfortunately Mollie has taken a huge nose dive in her recovery and isn't at all well. The doctors were coming to talk to her mum earlier but I don't know what was said as yet.
Kate, her mum has said all can she do is hold her hand and watch her struggling. :(
It's not sounding good at all but we are all still hoping and praying for a miracle for Mollie as I know you will all continue to do.
Thankyou so much and I will update as soon as there's any more news
My prayers ask for strength for all involved, and the ability to cope with any outcome.
Another teeny update.
Mollie seems slightly more stable but is having liver and kidney problems and experienced a lot of bleeding earlier.

What can I say?! - we continue to send all things positive their way!!

Love Emma
This thread about little Mollie is making me cry. I am praying so hard for her to pull thru.
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Thankyou all again for the wishes for Mollie!

The latest news on her is that they are going to try and extubate her today but weren't sure how that would go. After a rocky time, she has had a fairly stable 24 hours - fingers crossed it continues that way! She still has a long road to travel yet


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