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Valve Replacement Forums

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I first found this site when Chloe was very tiny (can't remember if she'd had or was about to have her MVR) and I was looking for people who had been through the experiences already. Chloe's daddy/my husband was not too interested in knowing the details - more a 'head in the sand' man, but I needed that information - I had to know everything I could about Chloe's condition.

Although I belong/ed to many parents heart support groups in the UK, mitral valve replacement in a very young child is rare and so I had only met one other person with a VR. Found this site and gained lots of comfort in the fact you all dealt with warfarin and mechanical valves daily and led very normal lives with them.

I then came away from the site for a while as a member, although I lurked from time to time. I rejoined a couple of year ago, again feeling the need to talk to 'like' people and perhaps share experiences which is what happened. I love coming on here now. I still get comfort from hearing about people like Joe who lived and are living long lives with a VR without warfarin causing too many problems.
We're now coming up for 6 years with a mechanical valve and warfarin so hope that somewhere along the line we may have helped one or two people in this extended family too.

I don't post as often at the moment as I am trying to create a healthy balance in the amount of time I spend researching and reading about heart issues as I know what I've done to myself before by doing too much and thats the only reason my hubby is bothered about my being here too much, but I check on you all daily and do really count a lot of people here as friends.

When I found out I needed AVR, I was so scared as I did not know what to expect,
I found VR through a search engine and found out so much it really calmed me down.
A few days after my first visit to VR I sat down with my family and told them all I had learnt from the VR members and that I was no longer afraid, it was a relief for us all to know that others had faced AVR and MVR and come through it.
VR helped us as a family to come to terms with heart related problems and for that we will always be grateful.

Bill and I have been lucky enough to attend two VR Reunions and meeting the members was the icing on the cake,
I look forward to Sunday Night Chat after which I always tell Bill whats going on in the wonderful world of VR.Com

I do not post very often but I am often lurking,

I have made some great friends and my family understand this and encourage me to keep in contact as they realise how much VR means too me.

So here's to you all my VR friends

