Interesting thread, Marguerite!
Gina--My hubby is an online game addict too (he loves playing EverCrack, I mean, EverQuest

), so he has no right to challenge me on my online time! Besides, I'm finishing my CLAD certification online and I keep in touch with many of my out-of-area friends through e-mail. I'm always on the computer, part of my job, part to have fun.
But, yes, Mike is supportive, though. He says he worries more about me now that I've had surgery than he did before my valve repair. And, as many of you know, I've had a pretty interesting post-op experience with my constant runs to Dr. V's. (first there was my syncope episode in the shower, then severe dyspnea from the BP meds, then changing my beta-blockers, and then the stress echo--I can only say I hope all that craziness is over with and I can actually make it three months without having to see the cardio! The nurses joke that I just want to see Dr. V because he's
so, no

.--Greek men are hot, but not my doc. If he is hot, it's because he's hairy.)
And although Mike respects the time I spend online prowling the boards here and posting, he accuses me of being "fixated" on my valve. I literally have thought about my valve at least once a day since last April. Before surgery, it was, great, I'm short of breath
because my valve is failing; now, it's I'm short of breath from my new beta-blocker/recovering from surgery. Like my cardio said, it'll take a while yet from my heart to adjust to it's "new" mostly non-leaky valve. And in that regard, it'll take some time for me to adjust to the post-surgery me. In many ways, both good and bad, I'm not the same person I was before June 16. Mike says there are two phases of my life: B.S. (Before Surgery) and A.S. (After Surgery). I can say mostly that my worries have subsided and I don't freak out as much over weird little symptoms (just attribute them to recovery and adjusting), but I wonder if there will ever be a day when I don't think about my valve at least once. Have any of you gone through that?
I have to say, though, that VR has been a blessing. I stumbled across this site shortly after my cardio first uttered "valve replacement" and I was scared; now, almost two years later, I find myself so grateful that I'm not the only one to have gone through this. Talking with many of you on the boards and in PMs, I've realized that it's not silly to have the concerns I've had. I probably would have ended up in my cardio's office or on the phone with him a lot more if it weren't for VR. You are like a second family. Mike understands and respects that, and I'm trying to get him to sign on so he understands more about what I've gone through, because he still freaks out when I sigh a certain way or seem to have a weird symptom. Then he threatens to call my cardio. And
who's fixated on my valve?
Susan--No probs here with my picture avatar, but I do like seeing faces with names. Like I think Adrienne said, it makes me feel like I "know" who I'm replying to.
Debi (debster913)