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And here's my baby with his baby.:D (I'd post one of Mommy too, but I know she'd kill me. She was looking pretty worn out after labor.)

Can you see her little inky footprints on his scrubs? I'll post one of Grammy and Avery when I get one. I figure I have about 7 hours before I can lay my hands on that munchkin!
That is one proud papa. Thanks for sharing and hope you get your hands full soon.
Where is the picture with the Doc holding her upside down and slime dripping off of her?
How refreshing!! She is beautiful and Dad seems so proud!
Are you sure your son is old enough to be a papa? ;) He has such a baby face (but of course I remember some folks telling you that you didn't look old enough to be a grandma!)
He sure looks proud and madly in love with that little angel!
Oh shes just soooo beautiful!!!! And doesnt she look like her daddy in that first photo?!

And Karlynn, you would have to win most glamorous granny in any contest!!

Have fun with your cute new addition!

Love Emma
Grandbaby Avery

Grandbaby Avery


She is absolutely gorgeous!!

I think this is one of the most important pictures.... holding the baby for the first time. The love shows to very clearly in their face.
What a Cutie!!!!!

What a Cutie!!!!!


Avery is absolutely adorable!!! Just looking at her pics tells me that you all are going to have a wonderful life together!!! Prayers and Blessings to you all..Harrybaby:D :D :D

The photo of your baby holding his baby is worth a thousand words! Priceless!!! Hang onto that photo -- I'm sure there's a contest somewhere out there to enter it in.

Congratulations to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh my gosh - how sweet!! How can my babies be so big - seems like five minutes ago - they were this tiny!!!
Your baby looks like you - you must be so proud.
I am so happy for you - I wish I could have a turn holding that little love bundle!

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