And here's my baby with his baby. (I'd post one of Mommy too, but I know she'd kill me. She was looking pretty worn out after labor.)
Can you see her little inky footprints on his scrubs? I'll post one of Grammy and Avery when I get one. I figure I have about 7 hours before I can lay my hands on that munchkin!
Are you sure your son is old enough to be a papa? He has such a baby face (but of course I remember some folks telling you that you didn't look old enough to be a grandma!)
He sure looks proud and madly in love with that little angel!
Avery is absolutely adorable!!! Just looking at her pics tells me that you all are going to have a wonderful life together!!! Prayers and Blessings to you all..Harrybaby
The photo of your baby holding his baby is worth a thousand words! Priceless!!! Hang onto that photo -- I'm sure there's a contest somewhere out there to enter it in.
Oh my gosh - how sweet!! How can my babies be so big - seems like five minutes ago - they were this tiny!!!
Your baby looks like you - you must be so proud.
I am so happy for you - I wish I could have a turn holding that little love bundle!