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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
I was just wondering how soon I could have a Mammogram after my AVR. My scheduled appointment was for July 6, well that's just one month after my surgery and I'm sure I'm not going to be up for that kind of tugging, pulling and flatening of the ****s that soon after surgery! ! :( :( Women know what I mean?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I just called my breast cancer surgeon and his nurse said that probably about 10 weeks out would be okay. I went ahead and scheduled because I can always cancel if I don't feel up to having the procedure. Let me know what you think.
Glenda, if memory serves (tho sometimes it doesn't serve at all) someone else had this one come up. Maybe whoever it was will stop in and refresh us. Or someone who has a better memory than mine?
Good question, Glenda. I've post-poned mine because even at 8 months out I don't feel ready to be pinched like that. I'm also hesitant because I have a lot of scar tissue across my lower breast due to the heartport procedure. I've even wondered if maybe they could do do an ultrasound or something instead. I have to make an appointment soon since I am already overdue. Let me know what you find out, okay?

I just had my mammogram at six months post surgery. I had a minimally invasive surgery - so my scar is only about 3 (?) inches long, if that. I got through the mammo just fine.

The technician told me she wouldn't have done the mammo if my scar was still healing or crusted, etc.

And by the way, the mammo was negative. :) I still know to self-check, though, as mammo's are not fool-proof.

As Betty says, maybe an ultrasound would be the way to go. I, personally, feel that ultrasounds should take the place of mammo's anyway.

Christina L.
Thanks for your suggestions. :) :) I had breast cancer over four years ago and had a huge lumpectomy (spelling?) and 18 lymph nodes and most of chest muscle taken out so it's required that I have a Mammogram every six months. By the way Christine, it was through self check that I found the cancer. I can't stress this enough to my daughters and every woman I know to do a self check. If it doesn't feel right call the doctor. It acutally saved my life! I also have a lot of scar tissue that has built up in what's left of that breast because of the radiation treatments, but otherwise everthing seems to check out fine. (to me, that is)

Betty I will ask my heart surgeon when I meet with him next Wednesday to discuss my selection of valve I want. I'm going with his suggestion (pigs valve) because of the many strikes I have against me going in to this operation. The ultra sound may be the way to go.