Who's got snow?

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Snow, I don't want any stinking SNOW!!!!!

Snow, I don't want any stinking SNOW!!!!!


Living in DC for 19 years was enough snow for me. Of course my one year vacation in Alaska broke me of EVER wanting to see snow again.

Guess I'd better be careful, the first year we lived here we got a dusting on the ground. That was enough. No more, ever.

Keep warm and,

May God Bless,



I'm just outside Boston. The forcast Friday was for 5-10" changing to rain about 2:00PM and then light snow from 4 to 6:00. It did change to rain for about a half hour, but then went to almost white out conditions. Worst traffic/driving I've ever seen, with only about 5-6" of snow! Very wierd! Took over an hour to go about 6 miles. Brian:(
Born and raised in NY for 34 years I dealt with snow. Moved away to warmer weather and now my wife has informed me that we must find snow for her family that will be visiting from S. America over Christmas and New Years since they have never seen it. Can I throw myself to the ground kicking and screaming like my kids? Do you think that will work??:eek:
We'll just send her some of our snow - with the travel times included!
Weatherman calling for snow FLURRIES after midnight:D Will probably wake up to 3 inches.:p MTNBIKER....We may have enough over xmas up here to bring your Mother-in-law..:D Looks like the conditons are getting right. cold and rain ..daily......Will let you know. bonnie
Don't care if I ever see snow again.

Don't care if I ever see snow again.

No snow here in SW Arizona, and I don't care if I ever get to see it again. I've never missed that white stuff as I don't like being cold. We do get snow in the mountains and it looks wonderful from a distance. We do have cold nights and it does freeze and the early mornings are chilly. Need a sweatshirt or jacket to keep warm.
The last time we had snow on the ground at the altitude where we are was in 1987. It even stayed for a few days and I remember we went 4 wheeling at Reddington Pass with the girls.
Take care wherever you are.
Karlynn said:
We'll just send her some of our snow - with the travel times included!

HAHAHAHAHA, thanks ... uhmm .... I think.... :rolleyes:

Granbonny said:
MTNBIKER....We may have enough over xmas up here to bring your Mother-in-law.. Looks like the conditons are getting right. cold and rain ..daily......Will let you know.

Bonnie, we will be heading your way at some point. What can Christmas in Georgia be without a trip to Helen? Besides, my kids love that shop with the model trains. Thanks.
Who's got snow

Who's got snow

Okay everyone, I'm new to this site (as of yesterday). I've read some great posts and you all seem to be an extremely friendly group of people so I thought I'd throw my two cents in about snow. I live in southern California and although we didn't get any snow today, it was cold...I had to wear a long-sleeved shirt. I knew you would all feel sorry for me.
Thanks for letting me be a part of your forum. And please don't take any offense to my reply...I have the feeling you all have a good sense of humor. FranR
geee's we got some up here

geee's we got some up here

Paul_N said:
Just over 6 inches last night. I'm 90 miles south of Chicago. Winds picked up at around 10:00 p.m. and we ended up with some pretty good sized drifts. As fate would have it, my daughter's school is the only one in session today in Iroquois county. Many east/west roads are still drifting as soon as their plowed. Some north/south bound lanes are impassible on south bound side because of drifting.

We had 5 rescue calls on interstate 57 last night or up to 2:30 a.m. this morning. Fortunately they were all slide offs. As I was heading to work this morning, we were paged for 2 more ... ended up being slide offs too.

How many days til summer?
Racine WI 5 inches thank God I have a great neighbor with a snow blower. I can't (shouldn't shovel my Mitral is very severe and I'm sheduled for repair on the 22nd. Anybody had repair done by Dr. O'Hair at St. Lukes??
FranR said:
Okay everyone, I'm new to this site (as of yesterday). I've read some great posts and you all seem to be an extremely friendly group of people so I thought I'd throw my two cents in about snow. I live in southern California and although we didn't get any snow today, it was cold...I had to wear a long-sleeved shirt. I knew you would all feel sorry for me.
Thanks for letting me be a part of your forum. And please don't take any offense to my reply...I have the feeling you all have a good sense of humor. FranR

Welcome to the site. Most everyone here is friendly, you may want to watch out for Ross though, he has a tendency of soliciting pictures of the members in Bikini's. He sent mine back though:eek:

I do feel sorry for you about the long sleeve shirt, did you have one or did you have to go buy it?:D

Paul117 said:
Racine WI 5 inches thank God I have a great neighbor with a snow blower. I can't (shouldn't shovel my Mitral is very severe and I'm sheduled for repair on the 22nd. Anybody had repair done by Dr. O'Hair at St. Lukes??

Start a thread under heart talk and I guarantee you will get lots of replies. welcome
how's Jaydee

how's Jaydee

Christian said:
Four inches in Pittsburgh. Took me ninety minutes to shovel the driveway and walk. Thank God I'm not the heart patient. :)
Howis Jaydee doing?
Hi Mary, I'm just about six hours west of you in Joplin. The ground was covered for one day last week. It was gone by the afternoon. Today it got up to about 60 degrees outside. Unreal! ! I love the snow. I don't like the ice but I think snow is beautiful. When the kids were home we always made snow ice cream. Has anyone else done this? The kids loved it.

FranR, welcome to the site. You have to have a crazy sense of humor to go down the road where we've all been. If we can't laugh at ourselves, who will? Right? Again, welcome.
Definately no snow here !!!!

Definately no snow here !!!!

Well its stinking hot here !
We have all the fans going, its absolutely sweltering here !!!
Want to swap places !!!!
I'd prefer it cooler, ( Funny that we are never happy with the weather ! )
Best Wishes
Snow ? Have I got snow !

Snow ? Have I got snow !

Last week I measured 27 inches and it's been on and off since. Now I have atleast 3 feet on the ground...but being homebound for recovery is so much more bearable when it's that deep outside. I live about 5 miles from town...so I'm up in the hills abit, and the Lake effect snow you all hear about is a part of the territory in Western NY. Funny thing was...it was 62 degrees a few days after I returned home from surgery. A little over a week later....27 inches in one fall. And it's lightly snowing as I post. Tim
Ya gotta love when the lake snow machine kicks in. Fortunately, I live far enough South of Lake Erie, that if she's working double time on producing it, we seldom see it here. Once in a while, wham, we get hammered.
Glenda said:
Hi Mary, I'm just about six hours west of you in Joplin. The ground was covered for one day last week. It was gone by the afternoon. Today it got up to about 60 degrees outside. Unreal! ! I love the snow. I don't like the ice but I think snow is beautiful. When the kids were home we always made snow ice cream. Has anyone else done this? The kids loved it.

FranR, welcome to the site. You have to have a crazy sense of humor to go down the road where we've all been. If we can't laugh at ourselves, who will? Right? Again, welcome.

It's been really cold in SE Missouri. We had freezing rain during the night, but it's melted now. How far are you from Fayette, MO? One of our boys is working on his Master's at Central Methodist University, and we routinely exchange weather reports.

We'll have to start a thread titled, "Who's wearing short sleeved shirts?" just for you and a few others.:p :p :p :p
We had a little bit of snow on the 2nd of december(or was that the 1st,) and we took the kids sledding in it. I'm tired of the cold, though...send me some of that 50 degree weather! It wasn't too bad driving in it. I'm used to it. Growing up in MN, we ALWAYS had a lot of snow! Drive careful everyone!

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