What's your favorite non-heart-related event?

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Just curious as to what your favorite event is that does NOT pertain to your heart issues....

Mine is coming up next Saturday, February 25. The church I attend in Batavia IL is hosting its Annual Spaghetti Dinner. It has done so ever since I can remember, even back in the late 1970s when my grandfather was the pastor. When I started attending the church in the early 1990s, I was surprised to find that they were still hosting the dinner. It's a wonderful event that brings out church members and community/area residents for an evening of delicious spaghetti, fine desserts and wonderful fellowships. I look forward to it every year ... and I just about cannot wait until next weekend!

So...how about you? What do you look forward to that does not involve your heart specifically?

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
"I know there?s so much more to life" ... Vonda Shepard ... 'Searchin' My Soul'
Mine would have to be "Taste of Cincinnati", Memorial Day weekend. This is a street festival that has food from over 50 of the local restaurants. It is the type of function you have to fast for a few days before going to truly appreciate all there is to offer.
I like the apple and chili festivals that we have in NM. It is always lots of fun and get to sample the goodies and buy. We also have the balloons here in our town and several other NM towns. The biggest being in Alburquerque. It is really something to see. So I guess I have two or three favorite things.
It is really nice that you like this spaghetti dinner so much that you can absolutely say it is your favorite thing.
I think I might like to go there if I could. You make it sound great! I will always wonder what the spaghetti is like!!!
Have fun and enjoy the food and friends.
Every other Saturday my sons and I do what we call "A daddy day out". We leave mom at home to relax (or go shopping). The boys pick the activity they would like to do and we are off for the day. Sometimes we hike, sometimes we ride bikes but it is always a special day for me to enjoy my sons. There is nothing else that could possibly come close to these days and I wouldn't miss them for anything.

Some cool ones thus far ;).

And, Missy, come on up here if you want ... have a few days to plan.

Heh...and, actually, that goes for anyone ... if ya'll want to come to the Spaghetti Dinner ... would be cool to see you there :).
Well, I was going to answer simply "dinner" but then I read some of the replies and realized that my answer fit the wrong question. . .

I'd have to say that for the past several years my favorite "events" have been the "dad and daughter" weekends my daughter and I take. A couple of times a year, we leave mom at home and take off for the weekend. Sometimes we go to familiar cities where we have friends or family (like St. Louis or Terre Haute/Indianapolis), but sometimes we pick another city and just aim the car at it. We make up our own itinerary as we go, and just have fun. I find that the "windshield time" (old salesmens' term) when we are just riding in the car is perfect for those conversations you need to have but cannot allow to be interrupted. (I'm sure other parents know what I mean.) My "little one" is now 19, and I realize that these weekends will soon end, as she fashions more and more of her own life, but so far we both still enjoy them.
Any weekend that involves being with my Grandchildren..:) :) :) :) I have one asleep now (Day off from school, President's Day)......They are so sweet and innocent ( when they are asleep):p :p ..but, keep me young at Heart:) :) Bonnie
Mary said:
Sex. . . .can I consider that an event, Cort?

Mary - now you're just depressing poor Cort.

Gosh, there are so many! One would be German Fest in Lincoln Square where my niece lives.
What an interesting, thought provking question. At first, I was thinking of a holiday, festival, national celebration, and the like. Then steve posted and I made my decision. Our favorite, Al's and mine, is the birthday of our one and only child, Alex who will be 33 years on March 9.

When we married, we planed on many children. Later we were told there would be none!!! Alex was born one week before my 31st birthday, and it is likely he was conceived on my mum's birthday. His birthday always signals to me that when doctors run out of choices, divine intervention is always possible.


My dearest Mary, Karlynn is correct ... that is a rather depressin' topic. However, if you can guarantee I'll finally find out about that event of which you speak within the next couple weeks, I will let you count that as an event ... fair enough? ;).

Heh...if only it were that easy ... he he he.

Ross, I thought that was mine to do ....

Steve, Those weekends sound great. I'd bet my Dad would say the "father/daughter" dances that he and my sis used to go to when she was in HS. They both seem to remember those fondly. Sadly, while she was in HS and going to those dances, I was in college ... and not around to see that interaction between them.

Bonnie ... ah, to have Presidents' Day off again ... enjoy those grandchildren!


Wow ... what a neat reply and event for you and your husband ... and, I'm guessing, your son as well ;).

As for your comment about when doctors run out of choices ... divine intervention is possible ... if you have an opportunity, I'd suggest you take a peak at Naomi Judd's book _Love Can Build A Bridge_. In it, she discusses the disease that took her from the stage she had shared with her daughter for nearly 8 years. And, often, she talks about willpower and how individuals can build up their own immune system by thinking positively, etc. ... and believing in divine intervention.
Great Topic!

Great Topic!

Cort, What a delightful thread to find! I like the sound of everybodies posts... Mine would have to be my sailing club's Annual Island Hop(Excluding last years). We sail small catamarans from Gooseberry Neck in Westport Mass. to the Elizabeth Islands and Marthas Vineyard, stopping for lunch and usually a swim. The boats are so fast that with the right wind we can easily sail 30 miles or more, and be back in time to have a great cookout at the beach. One year we had lobster salad and steamers in addition to all the regular cookout foods! For me it doesn't get better than that! You can check out the pics at www.thebeachcats.com, under catamaran pics, in the Team Goose Album.:D Mary, you are one hot bird despite that Antarctic climate. It's either all the dancing, or all the... Brian;)
BDMc said:
Cort, What a delightful thread to find! I like the sound of everybodies posts... Mine would have to be my sailing club's Annual Island Hop(Excluding last years). We sail small catamarans from Gooseberry Neck in Westport Mass. to the Elizabeth Islands and Marthas Vineyard, stopping for lunch and usually a swim. The boats are so fast that with the right wind we can easily sail 30 miles or more, and be back in time to have a great cookout at the beach. One year we had lobster salad and steamers in addition to all the regular cookout foods! For me it doesn't get better than that! You can check out the pics at www.thebeachcats.com, under catamaran pics, in the Team Goose Album.:D Mary, you are one hot bird despite that Antarctic climate. It's either all the dancing, or all the... Brian;)
Do you sail Hobie Cats? I used to race Star Boats (based out of Greenwood Lake in northern NJ) in the Northeast and we had a group in the yacht club that raced Hobie's. They always scared me because of tipping over. The Star boat has a huge keel and it took almost an act of God to flip (never was in one that did flip). Hobie's are sure impressive to see moving and I always thought the harness looked liked fun. Not much hiking needed on a Star boat, just a lot of trimming. I was lucky in that I always managed to miss the boom and I am sure I would have had some serious injury if it hit me (being on coumadin) but the fun overpowered any danger.
I look forward to our summer outdoor theater here - warm nights, crickets & tree frogs, stars, cooler full of beer, seeing old friends, watching (usually) great musicals. It harkens back to older times when everyone went outside to escape the summer heat instead of holing up in the air conditioning. There are only four shows each summer so I treasure each of them.
4th of July

4th of July

Hey Cort!

How ya doin? :D

My favorite is the fourth of July. Every year we have a family reunion at the lake. Those of us with boats bring them, some of us camp out for the weekend on the lake. It's a three day blast!! :D Friday night my two sisters and I always make Navajo Tacos........ can you imagine doing that at the lake?!! :eek: :eek: We've been doing it since before my mom died.... must be like ten years now.

Ya all are invited this year!! Bring your boats and jet skis!!

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