What's your favorite non-heart-related event?

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What cool and interesting responses today! Woo hoo! See ... this is the type of "character building", "relationship building", "connections (can you say networking? ;)) thread that is needed every now'n'then ;).

Rain ... ssssooo good to see ya again ;). I'm OK ... still having abdominal pains that the doc thinks is irritable bowel syndrome made worse by work stress ... hate the call center job so "desperately" trying to find a new job ;). otherwise...things are good! Hope all is well for you!!!!!

Memories and fun ... what a cool combo ;).
Fun thread! This will be the forth year for making wonderful new memories of the past ones. About this time of year, I finish the compilation of a fairly long movie that mostly spotlights our kids and grandkids. It's got music, transitions, and production.

What makes this such a neat annual event for my husband and I is when we get together with them all to watch it. Throughout the year we hear, "Stop taking so many pictures." "Please put that video camera down!" But that all changes for them when our kids and grandchildren watch it and faces light up, with all the laughter, and hearing the pleas of the older grandchildren to "play that part again" where we videod them getting into mischief. Funny how our grandsons especially delight in that part. :eek: Really gets to me when the super busy mom's in our family get those teary eyes as they reflect on how fast the babies are growing up.
Hi Ann,

So - another night owl.;) :D ;)

You are so right about family movies. Even those of us who hate having our pictures taken can be excited and even vain when it comes to seeing things that tell stories of our lives. What a priceless gift you are giving your family.
Hi Gina,
Maybe should go to PM for this, but I'll make it quick. So you sail? Wow, my husband and I want to learn that as he's originally from Hawaii and we hope (soon) to find out if he can retire. If so, we'll be in our area 1/2 the year and if all works out, in Hawaii the other half. Of course, we want to learn to sail. Question... where do we start?

Also wanted to say how neat it is to get to know a bit more about the folks on this site. I so respect the paths many of you have traveled ....

I believe that is what is known as "the power of family pictures" ;). My grandmother (mom's mom) LOVED family photos, and my grandfather (as we found out after Gram died) felt the same way.
Ann L said:
Hi Gina,
Maybe should go to PM for this, but I'll make it quick. So you sail? Wow, my husband and I want to learn that as he's originally from Hawaii and we hope (soon) to find out if he can retire. If so, we'll be in our area 1/2 the year and if all works out, in Hawaii the other half. Of course, we want to learn to sail. Question... where do we start?
WOW - 1/2 the year in Hawaii - how great is that? My SO and I almost bought property on the big island a few years back but made another choice. Not sure it was the right choice but, hey, live and learn.
I learned to sail from fellow members of a yacht club community where I used to live. Since there are a few lakes around here, you might find opportunities to learn on one of them. I would try calling or visiting one of the boat dealers around as they may have some suggestions. I am sure you can learn in Hawaii. I remember seeing quite a few places to rent sailboats when I was there.
Hi Knightfan... nice to meet ya. What's so neat about pics, especially taken by our parents & ancestors, is an inside view of what caught their eyes ... and their hearts. Aw yes, those wonderful Hearts.

I hope that the best Events in all of our lives are captured not only in our hearts but on media too. Never put much thought into that until I saw the effects of our family "documentaries". As a sidenote, my husband has been preserving his family's old photo slides (remember them?) by photographing them with a digital camera. Then they are downloaded into a computer and digitally improved. They come out nicely. The slides were fading and even had something moldlike growing on them from being improperly stored through the years.

Ok... back to the main Events! (I do get sidetracked sometimes :rolleyes: )

Nice to meet you, too, Ann.

And, no, I wouldn't call that a "sidetrack" to the main thread ... after all, it is an event ;).

I remember going through all of the photographs Gram had saved ... both as they were preparing to leave the house here in Elgin (in September 2001) that they'd lived in since 1983 and while they were living in Mt Morris ... and then again, even as Aunt Chris and I went through Gram's scrapbooks. I've always enjoyed looking at old photographs ... see how people looked/lived back then. Course, you can bet that an old pic with an old car in it captures my attention quite easily/quickly ;).
I know I've already had my turn but can I give ya another favorite event? Oh, good! :p .... like Gina said, Cincy has these street-festival food tasting events that are too too good, but my new fav outside of the home would be our Scottish Festival. I hear that there is a push to bring more of them across the country. Being a musician, I couldn't believe my ears this past summer at the quality of playing there. Ok, this sounds chinsey, but it was so inexpensive to hear playing that actually brought standing ovations.
Ann (and everyone else),

You can give as many favorite events as you want ... the more, the better :).

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