What do you do for a miserable sinus infection?

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Susan BAV

And have any of you found anything you can do to avoid sinus infections?

I'm just about miserable right now.

I've been having trouble since the wildfires--the air here is just awful with ash and soot and dry winds--and it just exploded into a full-blown sinus infection for me.

"Gloom, despair, and agony are we..."

Mr. W just picked an antibiotic up for me at the pharmacy but I have to eat something first before I take it.

I searched this subject here and saw that some members here use saline sinus rinses; but how often? Do you use it all the time or just when you start having trouble?

Does anyone have any [other] suggestions? And did I mention that I'm just miserable right now?
I've used Flonase (prescription nose spray) for awhile now. My NP just gave me a long term prescription, since it seemed like I was constantly needing it. There have been a couple of times this year when I thought I was going to start getting clogged up/congested. I took some Flonase for a couple of days and it cleared right up! Not sure if it REALLY did the trick, or if it would have gone away on its own.

Sorry, I guess that's not all that helpful. I do know I can't take any of that over the counter stuff. Makes my heart do all kinds of funky stuff! :eek:
This is going to sound really crazy, but a few months ago I saw Dr. Mehmet Oz on Oprah (when he ever has time to do heart surgery beats me)! In any case, one of the things he talked about was this thing called a sinus douche (I kid thee not)!! I think you put saline solution in it. In any case you empty it into one nostril and keep your head back so that it will go all the way into the sinuses. It then comes out the other nostril. In doing this, it seems to clear out all the junk that has accumulated in the sinuses.

I have never seen this in person in the pharmacy, but there was a woman on the show that now swears by it!
Adrienne said:
This is going to sound really crazy, but a few months ago I saw Dr. Mehmet Oz on Oprah (when he ever has time to do heart surgery beats me)! In any case, one of the things he talked about was this thing called a sinus douche (I kid thee not)!! I think you put saline solution in it. In any case you empty it into one nostril and keep your head back so that it will go all the way into the sinuses. It then comes out the other nostril. In doing this, it seems to clear out all the junk that has accumulated in the sinuses.

I have never seen this in person in the pharmacy, but there was a woman on the show that now swears by it!

They sell spray bottles or misters at the CVS/ Walgreen's. I use them all the time and it helps. I think one name brand is Ocean. Not quite a douche but it is a saline treatment. It keeps the old snoz pretty cleaned out and that guards against sinus infections. Good luck, sinus infections are miserable.
Gnusgal said:
I've used Flonase (prescription nose spray) for awhile now. My NP just gave me a long term prescription, since it seemed like I was constantly needing it. There have been a couple of times this year when I thought I was going to start getting clogged up/congested. I took some Flonase for a couple of days and it cleared right up! Not sure if it REALLY did the trick, or if it would have gone away on its own.

In regards of Flonase; my husband uses it 2 X a day everyday. The Specialist (earn nose & throat) told us he would have to be on it for the rest of his days. And it does take a week to start working if it's new to you.

Susan, have you just tried breathing steam? Take a towel and make a tent over your head while breathing steam from a kettle.
Its worth a shot. Its only temporary, but it may help in giving some relief
I have taken Singulair 10mg for the last couple of years. I am prone to sinus issues, especially headaches. I have had few issues since I started taking this medication.
Susan - You have my sympathies, dear, I had sinus trouble for years. I had surgery to repair a sinus birth defect 10 years ago and I'm all better now thankfully. But, the memories are still slow to fade, you poor thing! I know how you feel all too well.

The sinus thing is great, my ENT made me buy one post surgery. Said it cut the postop recovery in half and it was the best. Google "waterpik nasal" and check out the results. You literally buy a waterpik machine (yes, the kind for your teeth, the kind us rheumatic heart folk were told not to use on our teeth) and a special endpiece for nasal use (sold by Gronan I think?). You then fill the thing with salt water and use it as a douche. I believe this is what Adrienne is referring to. The bottles called Ocean are great too, far less complicated. I wouldn't bother with the waterpik unless you have a chronic problem, it's too complicated but it does work wonders.

You can try to drown your troubles, drink lots of water to help loosen congestion. Sit in a hot bath, take a hot shower. The old Vicks vapo-rub works pretty well and they now have some things out for babies where the menthol plugs into a wall socket for aromatherapy. Check out the baby aisle, the Gerber vapor bath is pretty good too. I'm with Gnu, can't handle the over-the-counter pills much anymore!

Did I mention I'm sorry you're miserable?

All my best,
I usually take out a hammer and hit my thumb as hard as I can. I forget all about my sinus infection for awhile. :D

But seriously...if it's a bacterial infection it takes antibiotics, all of the other stuff people have mentioned...and unfortunately time. I use the saline spray during pollen season(s) but sometimes that doesn't do the trick. I also use Rhinocort nasal spray regularly and have not had a sinus infection in several years. Both Flonase and Rhinocort's main ingredient is a type of steroid that reduces the inflammation in your sinus cavaties. The combination of the steroid spray reducing the inflammation and the saline spray keeping your sinuses rinsed really helps to reduce the odds of getting a sinus infection if you are someone (like I was) who is prone to getting sinus infections. And as you probably know...any kind of bacterial infection always adds an extra risk to us valvers.
See if you can find a nettie pot..even better than saline drops as the **** doesn't run down your throat.

a good humidifyer
chicken soup
bunny slippers and a warm blanket..
hope you feel better soon!
Thank you all for your suggestions!

Thank you all for your suggestions!

Thanks so much -- I think I'm going to print these suggestions out!

Thank you also for the kind words. What a relief that my face doesn't hurt as badly this morning as it did when I posted last night.

I'm going to have to get some of the saline nasal things and use them; thanks for all the great suggestions.

I was given Flonase some years ago when it was a new med and it seemed to help. The doctor gave me something called Nasonex this time. The antibiotic is one I've never taken before, called Avelox, and I took one with food last night but I don't have much appetite. I've also been taking an OTC thing called Musinex D but in half-doses. Sudafed used to make a liquid cap sinus OTC that I used to take just now and then (in half-doses) but evidently that specific one was a big illegal-drug favorite and it's no longer available but it would kind of help me avoid going into an all out sinus infection if I would take it now and then; I'd only go through about a half a box in a year or two. Like you mentioned, though, the OTC meds would seem to be too strong sometimes, thus my half-doses. There are lots of warnings on their boxes for heart and BP issues.

Sounds like regularly using saline sinus stuff is a safe option and I'm going to look into everything you all suggested.

Thanks again! Great suggestions; really helpful! I really appreciate all your posts!
Glad you are feeling somewhat better today. I used to get so many sinus infections that it went into my inner ear and I had an inner ear infection for a long time.....loss of balance issues and vertigo. No fun.

I found that warm compresses were helpful. Just fold up and soak and wring out a washcloth and get it a little less hot than you can stand and press it on your sinuses. Do this for about 10 minutes several times a day. That along with the tenting, the saline spray (choose one spray or the other...I wouldn't drown your sinuses with too many kinds of wash unless your ENT thinks it's okay....they may be counterproductive otherwise) should keep things loosened up.

Good luck.

Thanks Marguerite!

There was another thread I found on sinus infections which also had some helpful information, and here's the link in case other members ever search out this subject:


Also, there was a thread on home remedies here some time ago and there were some helpful suggestions there also:


My mother told me she'd read in Prevention magazine that humming in the shower was good for sinuses, humming by just putting your lips together and humming so your throat stays open; you will notice the vibrations.

She also told me that eating cinnamon is supposed to be good for the sinuses. I think I'm going to trot into the kitchen, humming all the way, and make some cinnamon toast for a late breakfast;)

Thanks again for all the helpful suggestions!
Avelox is great stuff. Strong as heck and will knock any infection that its susceptable too, to pieces in 5 days or less.
Ross said:
Avelox is great stuff. Strong as heck and will knock any infection that its susceptable too, to pieces in 5 days or less.
Good to know; thanks! I feel like it's working already. The doc wrote the RX for 10 days of it.
After reading the posts here about rinsing out the sinuses, I went and bought, for $10 at a local drug store, a NeilMed Sinus Rinse kit. My allergies have been awful this year and still are, even after a few good freezes. I keep waiting for my sinuses to start incubating some beautiful bacteria. It came with a squeeze bottle and 50 packets of premeasured a sodium chloride (salt) and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) mix.

It was very easy to do. It's a little freaky to have liquid go in one nostril and run out the other. But I'm hoping this will help my sinuses - based on what was posted here. I've used a saline spray for years because of dry membranes, but it wasn't doing much with the allergy relief. So I followed the sinus rinse (douche) suggestion. It certainly won't hurt. I imagine it will take a few days to notice any big change. But my sinuses feel very sparkley clean right now.:)

Susan, I have no doubt your infection has to do with all the junk you've had to breath in from the fires. I hope you feel better quickly.
Karlynn said:
...But my sinuses feel very sparkley clean right now.:)

Susan, I have no doubt your infection has to do with all the junk you've had to breath in from the fires. I hope you feel better quickly.
"Sparkley clean sinuses!" I love that! Thanks, Karlynn.

I haven't seen any local news reports on it but illnesses must be fairly rampant around here right now because of all the toxic and corrosive ash and soot blowing around.
Susan BAV said:
I've also been taking an OTC thing called Musinex D but in half-doses.
My NP has me take the Musinex NOT D. Without the decongestant (which is what's in all those other OTC meds) it shouldn't have an effect on the heart. I have not had a problem with it at all. But I can't really compare it to any other OTC med, since I've never been "allowed" to take them. You might try it (even though I know we WANT the decongestant to get rid of the congestion, it still seemed to help me) so you can do a full dose...

Good luck! I hope you get some relief soon.
Karlynn said:
After reading the posts here about rinsing out the sinuses, I went and bought, for $10 at a local drug store, a NeilMed Sinus Rinse kit. My allergies have been awful this year and still are, even after a few good freezes.
Ah.. You bought the netti pot I spoke of!! Supposed to truly prevent sinus problems!
marky said:
Karlynn said:
After reading the posts here about rinsing out the sinuses, I went and bought, for $10 at a local drug store, a NeilMed Sinus Rinse kit. My allergies have been awful this year and still are, even after a few good freezes.
Ah.. You bought the netti pot I spoke of!! Supposed to truly prevent sinus problems!

Marky I have a question, I was watching a video of the netipot on youtube and was wonderring how it works. It looks like it just cleans your nostrils, does it actually go in the sinuses too? oh here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8sDIbRAXlg

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