care page update from Wendy
care page update from Wendy
August 27, 2005 at 02:17 PM CDT
My appologies for not posting sooner. As all of you who have been here know sometimes you just don't get a chance to post news good or bad. Well the ICD went in fine. We finished somewhere around 4:00. I actually walked back to our PICU room and he was there and they were still finishing things up there.
He was playing the blood pressure game with the surgeons and team but they got him settled and everything was fine. We got in the room with him and you know how time just flies. The business center was closed for a bit so I had planned to get in there at seven when they reopened to make a quick post.
Andrew falls asleep so Randy and I grabbed a bite to eat and more time passes and I never did get on line. Around 8 he has an allergic reaction to the antibiotic and has a rash all over his body and also has major pain in his left arm and hand. I get a call from one of my heart friends (sorry Wendy) and I had to let her go before I really got to say much. It was just one of those hopping nights. He starts shooting his blood pressure and pvc's and just making us a little worried.
We gave him benadryl in his line after figuring out what probably caused it, stopped the antibiotic (sorry can't remember names just now)and settled him with a bit of versed. Then he slept and things were quiet for a while.
When we talked to the surgeons Dr Mavroudis,(Drs. Backer and Stewert put his ICD in)We were told we would probably stay in the PICU until Monday. I had heard we would be leaving sooner from cardiology so was surprised, but CVS felt since his heart had been through so much he would need a bit more monitoring.
Well this morning nursing told them that we stopped his dopamine because he lost his IV line because of bleeding.When we put it in the other line he had left he started complaining of burning. His pressures looked fine though at this point.We did get another line in but he still had problems with it. His veins are tired of it i think. :-0.
Well we got to leave the PICU and got to 5 west around noon. I was extra careful not to lose anything this time. Andrew is doing well. He is getting just a liter of oxygen.
Before we left PICU he had a long period of testing his pacemaker/icd. It is working firn and we go back for a recheck next week. I really suspect we will go home tomorrow.
He was NPO until after his pacemaker check and x rays (which were taken at around 4 AM) so he just started eating around 1:30. He really didn't get much chance to eat yestbefore midnight as it took a long time to wake up. i am sure he will make up for it though.
Well that covers about all of it. I will now have to learn all about EKG's if you know me. This is all pretty new for me but I am excited to have this chance to need to learn it.
Praying for all of you! Thank you Arlene for the thought ful snacks! Sure am sorry I missed you. Thank you for the calls and well wishes you have sent my way. Great to talk to you Valerie. Thank you for your understanding when I get mixed up. Thank you all!
heart hugs,
wendy, Randy, Andrew, Nathan and Joel
54 August 26, 2005 at 10:56 AM CDT
Just a quickie. Andrew is still due to have the ICD implanted around noon. Pray all goes as simply as it is suppose to. i have great peace and believe it will be fine.
Missing my other two boys but should be home soon. Maybe even tomorrow! Even by Monday would thrill my soul. But sooner is better.
heading back to wait the last bit with the x box king. LOL
with hugs and prayers,