carepage update
carepage update
51 August 24, 2005 at 11:16 AM CDT
Hello all,
Things are stable here. The nuclear scan will not be done until tomorrow due to sevral different factors. This is not done here too often. Ususally they would do a MRI but he is not able to have that done due to his pacemaker wires.
Andrew is bored but feeling fine. We don't get to leave the PICU and it is not the funest place to be but like I said before it is quieter and roomier. I am bringing a couple games up and Dad will bring his gameboy from home today. He is getting a new game to go with it.
Nathan and Joel are coming today as well. We have Grant his cousin and Paul his uncle and Grandpa and also Uncle Brian coming for a short visit as well. They were already coming this way for a Cubs game. They have two extra tickets so we are letting Nate and Joel go with their Uncles.
Poor Nathan probably thinks we have forgotten his birthday. Mom and Dad here are behind the eight ball on his gift. But we haven't forgotten really!
Dr Gotteiner just came in and we are still working hard on getting this test done in house. Something else to pray about. He possibly may end up being transported to another hospital just for this nueclear imaging if it can't be worked out. We are still planning on doing it here.
Just saw Hailey's page (I think I keep spelling her name wrong sorry) She is doing pretty well but it is hard for mom and there are things to be tweeked. Keep holding her up in your prayers as well.
Thank you each one for your messages. They mean alot and your prayers mean even more. I have not made many calls as I wasn't ready and didn't think Andrew was ready to hear too much of all that is being concidered. I have shared more today. Pray for him I can only imagine having to face surgery again so soon. He has only been feeling well for a few weeks. I want what is best for him though it may not be what is easiest now.
heart hugs,
Wendy, Randy, Nathan and Joel