Well the dreaded layoff is happening

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I hate this, Ross. you have already cut to the bone. don't know how you will make it now. this is just awful. You'll be back at the top of my prayer list and I will pray for God's bounty.........
Ross you & Lyn will be in my thoughts and prayers. This is happening all over the place. I can't promise you it will get better but I fill we need to lift each other up in this time of need. I hope you & Lyn can get some sort of help until you can figure out what to do. My hubby has been cut back also with the R/R but we press on and know who hold our future. Sorry guys its not Obama. My you have a peace at this time to know what your next step will be. Keep us up dated and take a day at a time.
Ross and Lyn - so sorry to hear this. Not really sure what I would do in your position either. I was cut back to 32 hours a couple years ago and it really hurt us in the long run. Went back to 40 hours 4 months before I had to have OHS, then down to no hours for 3 months, then only 20 hrs a week since then, so I know where you are coming from. Thank goodness that DH has our health insurance through his job and he is in no danger of losing his job (knock wood) anytime soon. I work in the title industry so layoffs have been looming over our head for a couple of years already. We have gotten busier, but not enough to warrant me going back full time (even if I could handle it physically) so we are still living on half of my income. I think that the government will be paying either 1/2 or 3/4 of the Cobra premiums at least for awhile, so hopefully that will help you!

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Lyn. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you guys. Will be thinking of you and praying for better things in the future!
Well Lyn made it through the day. She did not get laid off, but did get her pay cut drastically and now only a 4 day work week. We figured it out, she'll make a whole $30 more then if she'd of taken lay off. Not sure it's worth it, but at least she still has a job and still has benefits, even if they suck unless something catastrophic happens. Were still going to be hurting big time. Not sure what more I can cut. I've trimmed and trimmed, but that dental thing killed us even with all the help.
Cripers Ross,
When I read your post this morning I was so sad. My husband and I have been lucky so far, but there are threats of lay-offs with my employer also. I am hoping that I survive the cuts. I will pray for you and Lyn. If this ecomony doesn't turn around very soon we are all gonna be at the Food Bank.

I wonder how much cornbread and beans I can make before my blood sugars go thru the roof:eek: As it is right now my husband is working to pay the mortgage, so if he get laid off, I guess we will need to make a comfy home in my SUV:rolleyes:

I will continue to pray for you and everyone who is struggling to make those ends meet.
I guess we will need to make a comfy home in my SUV:rolleyes:

Check this out for low blows. There is a preacher here in Ohio who had a house built on church property (Now in foreclosurer) with now exhausted church funds. The parishioners got him a trailer for him and his wife to live in on the property. Now the county comes along and says it's against it's county code and zoning regulations and they gave them 30 days to vacate the premises.

Tell me, is there justice in this world?
Oh Ross, so sorry to read this. So many people are losing their jobs, taking pay cuts, being furloughed. All because of corporate greed, wall street greed, and lousy oversight by the people who are supposed to represent us. I'm looking at a pay cut or furlough along with 13,000 other employees. Time will tell but the sales tax figures that have just been released paint a forboding picture. Something has got to give.

I am so sorry to hear that Lynn's hours and pay was cut. At least so far she does have a job and benefits, even if they are not the greatest! Pay cuts wouldn't be so bad if the cost of living would go down too, instead of keep going up! Our economy is in the pits right now all over! You definitely didn't need this headache to add to all your other problems. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that things will get better.
:( sad news Ross also this end too ,hubbys welds oil tanks
Big cuts and major layoffs with company's here...PRAYERS

zipper2 (DEB)
Folks I'm not posting this as a request for charity. Just informational. Lyn and I have been through this so many times and we always come out of it. It just sucks while it's happening. Supposedly, this is only going to last 3 months, but I'm not holding my breath.
Ross - I do not think that any of us thought you were posting for charity.....we all know you better than that! Sometimes, you just have to vent and what a better place than the forum where we all know and love you.....And geez - I put a remark in my last post for you and you totally missed it!!! Tryin to make you laugh and be your usual self! There are a ton of people going through the same thing and we all need to pray that it gets better soon. Not gonna hold my breath, but eventually the economy has got to pick back up!

You touch so many lives everyday with information, concern, love and most of all humor that I believe that something good is going to happen to you guys soon! Maybe Lynn's situation will allow her to spent some quality time with her sweetheart! (I hope that's YOU!;))
I am the eternal optimist...I tend to think the good guys still win in the end! Know you are in thoughts and prayers!

Ross and Lyn im so sorry to hear your news, i know just what you are going through, in the UK times are just as hard my hubby was in the building trade he was a plasterer, the building trade was the first to be hit, building sites just shut down and they still lay quiet, but after about 5 months of odd little jobs he has found a new great job as a lecturer in plastering at a college. But he got the job to late to save my car having to go back, we were like you cutting down on things all the time, if he hadnt found this job we would of lost our house. I didnt know how much more we could take it was one thing after another, then me having the operation i had no sick pay left as i had used it when i had my stroke.
But things do get better, and im praying that they do for Lyn and you.
You both take care, my thoughts are with you both
I havn't been here for a number of days, and now I see this.
I'm really sorry to hear this news.
Hang tough and hopefully things will improve someday.
My son is laid off right now and both my son-in-laws are on shaky ground.
Thankfully all the wives are still working, but who knows for how long in this day and age.

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