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I have reached my heat limit. 106 degrees in Ohio is like a blast furnace. Can't breathe, can't move without losing every bit of moisture in my body, even my air conditioning is strained. Lots of power outages in the area from overuse. Even the cats run away from the door when it's opened. Unusual because they normally try to escape into the great unknown (they are indoor cats only).

My pool water feels like a bathtub - no longer refreshing.

I guess it beats winter but this is way too much. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Come on over......

Come on over......

It?s been smoking hot here in sw CO.... :eek: but it finally rained. Rained all night last night and today we?re only at 80 degrees. :) Much cooler if you drive about 20 miles to the mountains, and a much higher elevation. So ya all are invited to come enjoy our cool Colorado mountains. :) It?s pretty darn nice outside today. :)
Go see a Movie

Go see a Movie

Hubby, Grandson (age 13) and I decided too hot to even go to the pool. :D so we decided to drive down to Gainesville, Ga. (30) miles to see Bad New Bears. ...I laughed so funny BUT not for any child under age 13. :D :D Billy Bob Thornton and his Bad Bears..could really dish out the foul words. :p :p :p Grandson sat in front of us and laughed all the way thru movie. :D ( I'm sure he had heard the words and gestures before) :eek: But, was a good way to spend a HOT afternoon. 98 down there......Tomorrow is suppose to be the HOTTEST day we have had so far. :eek: then a cool down by weekend. :) :) Bonnie
Rain said:
It?s been smoking hot here in sw CO.... :eek: but it finally rained. Rained all night last night and today we?re only at 80 degrees. :) Much cooler if you drive about 20 miles to the mountains, and a much higher elevation. So ya all are invited to come enjoy our cool Colorado mountains. :) It?s pretty darn nice outside today. :)

My daughter and her husband are taking you up on your invite. They leave Friday for Denver and then they're spending all next week visiting various national parks. Cortez was originally on their itinerary, but it got bumped in favor of Arches!
son a dtr-in-law spent their recent 5th anniversary in Denver. They live in Sarasota. It was a high of 70 when they got to Denver and said they'd love to live there in summer - but Sarasota in winter! They loved it. Neither had ever been there before. Rain, they said it was just lovely.
We've been gyped!

We've been gyped!

The weatherman had promised, promised that we would be through the hot spell by today.

This morning he reports that it will be sometime tomorrow! :eek: :eek:
It's not fair! I had high hopes I could get outside today, and now they've been dashed! :( :( :(


I read your post 4 hours ago..Felt so sorry for you..that I went to the pool and spent 3 hours in water..calling Mary. Mary Where are you? :D :D :D :D ..BUT..the pool water was too warm..and NO way to sit out except under shade..and it was HOT there, too. :p :p :p Bonnie

I agree. My pool water is like a bathtub. Not refreshing at all. Only good part is coming out of the pool and into the air conditioning. First time I have felt cold in months.


Hey Mary,

I hope they aren't staying in Denver. I mean Denver is okay and all.... but they really need to visit the mountains. :) And it is soooo nice and cool and quiet and clear and just wonderful in the mountains. You can't really properly appreciate them just looking at them from Denver. :)
Rain said:
Hey Mary,

I hope they aren't staying in Denver. I mean Denver is okay and all.... but they really need to visit the mountains. :) And it is soooo nice and cool and quiet and clear and just wonderful in the mountains. You can't really properly appreciate them just looking at them from Denver. :)

Oh Rain,
I'm glad you brought the subject up! I just asked Brig today so I could post where they're going!
Two nights in Denver with good friends; next night southeast of Grand Junction in Grand Mesa Nat. (?) I think they head to Colorado National Monument (wherever that is) then Moab, Utah to visit the Arches. There's someplace else near there that they're going to see (Canyonlands?) Then down to the Black Canyon of Gunnison something or another. Have I managed to mess all that info up or not! :D :D
The thing they like best about the trip is they will be outside for most of it. I told her she shouldn't knock Cortez out of the agenda, but, Hey! She's just a kid! :p :p :p :p
Mary said:
The weatherman had promised, promised that we would be through the hot spell by today.

This morning he reports that it will be sometime tomorrow! :eek: :eek:
It's not fair! I had high hopes I could get outside today, and now they've been dashed! :( :( :(

She?ll have a great time.

She?ll have a great time.

Hey Mary...

She?ll see some very pretty country. I think my favorite of all them you listed is Black Canyon of the Gunnison. It is absolutely beautiful. And Canyon Lands! Very pretty in a different way... lots of huge rocks and canyons. My boys went on lots of winter camping trips there when they were in Boy Scouts. Moab is fun for biking.... did you say she was a biker?? Also great rafting trips from there...Is she going rafting in the Colorado river?? By the time she gets there she?ll almost be to Lake Powell.... a waaaaaay cool place.... and you know what?s on the other side of that?!!! The Grand Canyon... awesome!! Totally Awesome place. You know what she?s missing by not coming through Cortez....... Mesa Verde National Park! :eek: I know, I know... lol ya can?t see it all in one trip.

She'll love Colorado, I promise. :) Moab too... :p


How HOT are you? I saw a live interview with a reporter in Greensboro, N.C....110 degrees today. :eek: Was that real temp or heat index?Hot again here today. We turned our a/c in motorhome on and prepared it for a trip to local lake for weekend.Taking Grandson and friends to a waterpark on Sat. for belated Birthday. I pray we will have cooler weather. If not, Granbonny will be sitting in the Kiddie area with younger Grandkids. :D I think they are forecasting the afternoon thunderstorms to return tomorrow. don't know which is worse?The Heat or the storms. :eek: Bonnie
We are finally wonderful here in sunny Chicago. It's 74 now and a nice, soft breeze!
Steamy Here In NH Too!!!

Steamy Here In NH Too!!!

Just thought I would add my 2 cents worth in and let yall know that it's H O T here in the Lovely Dump of NH (LOL) as well....WHEW!!!!! :D :D :eek: :D :D Harrybaby :D :D :D
Bless this house, oh Lord, we cry.
Please keep it cool in mid-July.
Bless the walls where termites dine,
While ants and roaches march in time.
Bless our yard where spiders pass
Fire ant castles in the grass.
Bless the garage, a home to please
Carpenter beetles, ticks and fleas.
Bless the love bugs, two by two, the gnats and mosquitoes that feed on
Millions of creatures that fly or crawl, in Florida, Lord, you've put
them all!!
But this is home, and here we'll stay,
So thank you Lord, for insect spray.
HOLD IT............there's more.................... YOU KNOW YOU ARE
IN FLORIDA IN JULY WHEN. . . The birds have to use potholders to pull
worms out of the ground. The trees are whistling for the dogs.
The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance. Hot
water now comes out of both taps.
You can make sun tea instantly.
You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron! .
The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly. You
discover that in July it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car. You
discover that you can get sunburned through your car window. You
actually burn your hand opening the car door. You break into a sweat the
instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m. Your biggest bicycle wreck fear
is, "What if I get knocked out and end up
lying on the pavement and cook to death?" You realize that asphalt has a
liquid state. The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is
pull one out and add butter, salt and pepper.
Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying
boiled eggs.
The cows are giving evaporated milk. Ah, what a place to call home. God
Bless Our State of FLORIDA !!

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