Today again a bit more improvement. She remains continent, and I got her to walk unsupported about 10 feet to get a piece of bologna--she did several more little walks for more treats--lesser distances each time. I guess she needs to rest for a while now. Even now she prefers to sit up rather than lay down. It seems both of her front legs' motion is completely back to normal now.
The sore on her leg is on her outside right thigh, and appears to be healing now; the E.-collar remains because she tries to lick the sore whenever I'm not looking. She leaves her paws alone. More often than not she also puts her rear paws into correct position while walking, oddly the rear right leg's foot turning under more often than what used to be her most paralyzed leg, her rear left. She still feels heavy and eats normally now, especially canned wet food that to her is a treat. She wolfs (of course she should, after all Malamutes were bred originally from wolves

) down any canned food, meat chunks, treats, etc. She still barks when strangers pull into the driveway, so she cares about things, still. Her hindquarters and belly are still thin, but her front, face, and eyes all look fine. I think I'll post this then go give her a dog biscuit. I feel better today, too. It's sunny, I'm wearing shorts (yes they're thick and long), and don't feel sick for the first time in weeks.

Thanks again for all the prayers; it seems that they're being answered now in a positive way.
Whatever changes come about with Andie, I'll try to post them.