Wait I still function

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Sorry you had these troubles Robb, but soooo glad to hear things are getting back into shape and you're probably going home tomorrow!!!!! Let the healing begin! Take care!
Whew, glad you're back in a normal rhythm. I've been thinking of you a lot today. Take it easy. I imagine you probably feel pretty worn out from so much a-fib. I'm sure going home will feel really really good.
Sorry about the afib Robb. I had it too about 2 wks post-op. I came close to needing the paddles, but either the Amiodarone did the trick or I came out of it on my own, not sure which. Hopefully yours will be like mine (at least so far - crossing my fingers) and be temporary. I'm now 11 weeks out and have had a couple of relapses, but they didn't last very long (longest one was about 10 min). Haven't had any episodes in a while now so am thinking things are getting healed up, and like they said would be likely, the afib is staying away now. Now get on with your regularly scheduled recovery!
haha. i hear this post. when i made the decision for the mechanical valves this time, i was like I DO NOT WANT A THIRD SURGERY AAARGH BLARGH. and my cardio was like, but babies? and i was like blaaargh third surgery noooo. I CAN ADOPT. when my surgeon was like, well we can schedule your surgery for a month from now, that'll give you more time to decide, i was like AAARGH NO. THIRD SURGERY. NO. AARRGH.

though at the time of the first surgery, they were like, "on a scale of 1-10, what's your pain like?" and i was like, "i dunno. if 10 is the worst pain EVER EVER, like caught under a tractor dying in the sun, where no one can ever find you... i guess this is ... a. ... five?" i probably did myself a massive disservice.

So, Pika, it sounds like you're still on fence, lol, mechanical vs. tissue. Let us know once you decide which direction you're going!

I love the 'under the tractor dying in the sun" analogy! Glad you threw in the "dying in the sun" part, otherwise it would have only been an 8. But I agree - I probably did the same dis-service to myself saying it was a 5, cause I too was comparing it to dying under a tractor. Might have gotten a few more pain meds if I added a number or two ;)
1st doctors approval to leave the hospital waitin in surgeon then the phantom admitting doctor.

Ah the evil plot to send the patient home routine. I'd like to know why they take all day to sign you out, but only a few minutes to sign you in.
Thats great. I hope the jail keepers don't take all day to write your get out of jail paperwork. Take it easy at home. Don't forget to do your walking and breathing.

1st doctors approval to leave the hospital waitin in surgeon then the phantom admitting doctor.
Great news Robb and congrats..........when everyone has been found and you are released GO HOME, RELAX, TAKE IT EASY do not push anything but do start to enjoy your life.

Robb, I don't know if it works the same for everyone, but here's what I've found about afib (and staying out of it!). One trigger for me seems to be dehydration. So drink lots of water. This has been hard for me as I've never liked water... Always been a pop/soda/coke drinker only. If from midwest, it's pop, if from out east or out west, it's Soda, if from the south, it's coke (and you have to specify what 'kind' of coke - whether that's dr. pepper, pepsi, etc.). But I've found some flavored water I can live with. The other main trigger for me seems to be lack of enough sleep. When I've pushed it and not gotten enough rest, that seems to be when I get the irregular beats. Also could be some relationship to caffeine for me - a couple of the times I had irregular beats (but not full-on afib) I had had a few vodka diets, forgetting that the diet has caffeine in it.
Hurray. You'll feel so much better now and can sleep with out someone wanting to poke or probe you. Unless you like that then maybe we can send someone over every couple of hours lol.
May all your speed bumps be behind you.

Heal well

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