Wait I still function

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WOW! You sound fabulous!
I could barely get into a chair on day 1, then I slept there all day.
Food? whazzat?

Welcome to the other side!!!!
So happy you're doing so well!!!!! Great news! You'll continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Great news Robb!!!!! You're doing great, keep it up! Take care of yourself, and get some rest too!!!
So, I shouldn't make you laugh then?

Afib seems to get most everyone. Par for the course. Now, no more speedbumps and tell your heart to behave from here on out.
What did they do to tame your A-Fib?

Many Doc's like to use the Sledge Hammer of Anti-Arrihythmics, Amiodarone, 'because it works fast' and they can release patients quickly. Just don't take it too long if that is what they used.

Sotalol seems to work well for several of our members and has fewer side effects.

'AL C'
What did they do to tame your A-Fib?

Many Doc's like to use the Sledge Hammer of Anti-Arrihythmics, Amiodarone, 'because it works fast' and they can release patients quickly. Just don't take it too long if that is what they used.
'AL C'

Well, when I got it, it took probably a dozen bottles that were given IV and about 9 hours for me to come out of it. Is that fast? (I'm guessing not.) When they hung it for about the 5th time I remember saying, if this isn't working why are you giving it to me again? I was told it had a cumulative effect. I think I got enough to put a team of horses out.
Cardizem by iv it took from about 11:00 to 6:00 am. Now I am on a pill every six hours. Waiting for surgeons practioner to come in and remove my chest tube. My legs are really swallowen so I'm on LASIK now that my blood pressure has come up.
I agree with Ross the more you walk, the faster you will get rid of the fluid AND on your way home. I know is is a PIA when you still have the chest tues in to get your laps around the floor in. What kind of chest tube (s?) do you have? the one with the little plastic bulb at the end or hooked to a plastic box that sites on the floor and has water in it, pleur Evac? IF you have a family member with you, maybe they could help with the walks, when Justin had the bigger pleur evac we put that in a wheelchair to make it easier for him to walk. the little bulbs the nurse put some tape around,the tube making a little tab, that he could just safety pin to his clothes. BUt Hopefully the tubes will be pulled soon and it won't be a problem.
Are you doing your breathing excercises spirometer frequently?
Sorry it sounds like I'm being pushy about walking and breathing. Justin figured out, for him at least, it really helped to walk quite often and even tho he hated it work on the breathing. He says recovering is hard work, but it really pays off. I actually was a little surprised they hadn't had you walking the day they moved you out of ICU.
The coughing sucks. do you have a pillow or something, to hug to your sternum when you have to cough? if so use it, it makes alot of difference.
I'm glad things are going so well

Good news is you are over the worst already, yep coughing not much fun, but if you are busy on the spyro, you should be done with coughing in next few days.

Robb, think you will agree that coughing while sitting and upright is so much easier than when you are prone like 1st few days.

Will chest tube likely coming out today and your capability for greater mobility, all will become easier.

chin up, the worst is behind you


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