...I've grown so weary of the Political Season that I have decided to have my Minimally Invasive AVR on November 4th.
Then again, that was the earliest that could be scheduled...
My AVR is scheduled for Election Day, when I got that news I called my County's Election Office & was able to get an Absentee Ballot (& an address change also).
I have already Voted, then they informed me that my Signature didn't match my card on file. I registered about 33 years ago. So I had to take care of that.
Anyway, the wait is just about over.
This whole mess started back on August 4th with me having some breathing problems. I had been having these problems for a few weeks. I thought it was allergy related. It was getting worse, & I was getting weaker. At the time I didn't have a regular Doctor, so we go to the neighborhood emergency room. Swedish/Ballard Hospital hooked me up to their goodies & said that I was having a Heart Attack. Jimminy H. Cricket! I thought they would say some kind of breathing problem & give me an inhaler. They decide to transport me to Swedish/Cherry Hill where the Cath Lab is. Three days later I get to go home. The Doctor doesn't know what happened, the blood numbers say that I had a Heart Attack, but my Heart has NO DAMAGE! They did discover a 'leaky' Aortic Valve. The pump rate of my Heart is 45 (55+ is normal).
After getting home, I go out on walks to get my Heart Rate up in the 120bpm range. I am ready to get cleared to go back to work. My Doctor doesn't like he fact that the blood numbers didn't go down like they should have. He decides to get another sonogram where they discover that my Aortic Valve is now fully open, & not closing at all. Good News is the Pump Rate is near 60. The drugs & walking has done its job.
Gee Wiz! I now get to go thru a battery of tests! Scans, X-rays & enough blood to make a Vampire drool! The rest of me is in great shape! We'll forget that I am about 80 pounds overweight.
We have discovered High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, & Cholesterol (201). The Diabetes puts me at a slightly higher risk for infection after the surgery.
The worst thing for me is the fact that I might not be able to work the plate as a Little League Umpire. Because I am so young (I just love it when they say that), A mechanical Valve is what I need. Y'all know that this means blood thinner for the rest of my life.
Those 11 & 12 year old kids can throw hard enough to be a concern. My Surgeon says that 'a Foul Ball strait back to the mask can still cause internal bleeding that nobody will ever stop!' Kinda makes ya think... I have Umpired in Ballard Little League since 1991. I earned my Birdman Nickname in District 8 All-star Tournament. I look like I am flapping my Wings on close "Safe" calls. The players have called me "Low Strike Mike" since back then also. Heck! the top of the knee of a 10 year old is about 6 inches off the ground...
Spring is a long way away! I still might able to work the bases.
I read Electric Meters for Seattle City Light. I have not worked since this has stated, thankfully I had more that 7 months of sick leave built up. My boss said that he figures that if I am out the rest of the year, I will have about 400 hours remaining, he was amazed!
Then again, that was the earliest that could be scheduled...
My AVR is scheduled for Election Day, when I got that news I called my County's Election Office & was able to get an Absentee Ballot (& an address change also).
I have already Voted, then they informed me that my Signature didn't match my card on file. I registered about 33 years ago. So I had to take care of that.
Anyway, the wait is just about over.
This whole mess started back on August 4th with me having some breathing problems. I had been having these problems for a few weeks. I thought it was allergy related. It was getting worse, & I was getting weaker. At the time I didn't have a regular Doctor, so we go to the neighborhood emergency room. Swedish/Ballard Hospital hooked me up to their goodies & said that I was having a Heart Attack. Jimminy H. Cricket! I thought they would say some kind of breathing problem & give me an inhaler. They decide to transport me to Swedish/Cherry Hill where the Cath Lab is. Three days later I get to go home. The Doctor doesn't know what happened, the blood numbers say that I had a Heart Attack, but my Heart has NO DAMAGE! They did discover a 'leaky' Aortic Valve. The pump rate of my Heart is 45 (55+ is normal).
After getting home, I go out on walks to get my Heart Rate up in the 120bpm range. I am ready to get cleared to go back to work. My Doctor doesn't like he fact that the blood numbers didn't go down like they should have. He decides to get another sonogram where they discover that my Aortic Valve is now fully open, & not closing at all. Good News is the Pump Rate is near 60. The drugs & walking has done its job.
Gee Wiz! I now get to go thru a battery of tests! Scans, X-rays & enough blood to make a Vampire drool! The rest of me is in great shape! We'll forget that I am about 80 pounds overweight.
We have discovered High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, & Cholesterol (201). The Diabetes puts me at a slightly higher risk for infection after the surgery.
The worst thing for me is the fact that I might not be able to work the plate as a Little League Umpire. Because I am so young (I just love it when they say that), A mechanical Valve is what I need. Y'all know that this means blood thinner for the rest of my life.
Those 11 & 12 year old kids can throw hard enough to be a concern. My Surgeon says that 'a Foul Ball strait back to the mask can still cause internal bleeding that nobody will ever stop!' Kinda makes ya think... I have Umpired in Ballard Little League since 1991. I earned my Birdman Nickname in District 8 All-star Tournament. I look like I am flapping my Wings on close "Safe" calls. The players have called me "Low Strike Mike" since back then also. Heck! the top of the knee of a 10 year old is about 6 inches off the ground...
Spring is a long way away! I still might able to work the bases.
I read Electric Meters for Seattle City Light. I have not worked since this has stated, thankfully I had more that 7 months of sick leave built up. My boss said that he figures that if I am out the rest of the year, I will have about 400 hours remaining, he was amazed!