Thank you for the thoughts/prayers/well-wishes. As you all know it means alot (even to us overly-analytical types) especially during our PSM times (yes that's PSM not PMS... PSM="Pre-Surgery Moodiness"). After realizing lately that I had PSM, I now somewhat understand how the other half lives... and my lovely wife understands unfortunately understands an out-of-character-over-the-top response to some trivial situation.
So, I try and monitor my PSM and analyze my way out of it when I realize I'm being irrational. It is just a trip that I get pissed off or sad or un-motivated for no particular reason (other than the realization of my own mortality, pending chest cracking, unknown result in both the short and no-so-short term, and pending surgery in which absolutely-everything is absolutely-completely-crazily-out-of-my-control!!!!!!!!). Anyway the out of my control thing really makes me crazy - so I'm trying to control that

Thanks for all the tips and advice. I have already placed my request for fentanyl and tramadol. I'm impatiently awaiting VR.COM honorary recovery shirt arrival. I'll beg for the tape in lieu of lip-clip and extra-sensitivity for my broken neck once I'm in the hospital (and put my tenacious, amazing, wonderful wife on that duty too).
I'll try and keep my kibitzing to a minimum.... although that will be a challenge since I'm not one to really just relax and let others handle things....
I'll show Priscila how to post today so she can update y'all
I'll pass along your "Hello" to Ryan. BTW, are you still monitored by him at all?
I have already been praying for you and will do so tomorrow. As I said before "Last one home is a rotten egg and I'll even give you a day head start!"