Well-known member
Bill, my experiences have been similar to yours. For years, before the surgery, I've had the squiggly line episodes, but two days after my valve replacement, I started getting those grey clouds in my vision. I put up with it for several years, and then my general doc put me on an every other day dose of Plavix, and wouldn't you know, I didn't have them anymore. Last year, I spoke to him about dropping the Plavix (why, I don't know), and I did, and wouldn't you know it, one day after I got out of the shower, I had a grey cloud in my vision and my arm went slightly weak. Went to the ER just to be sure. They ruled out a stroke after several tests, but the ER doc told me that I really needed to either start taking Plavix again or take a baby aspirin, the latter being the one I chose, and so far, knock on wood, I haven't had another grey out in my vision. So many of us on this board have visual issues as we have discussed many times over. I just wonder if we'll ever get a definitive answer.