'Visual disturbances' is it a Mini Storke?

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Bill, my experiences have been similar to yours. For years, before the surgery, I've had the squiggly line episodes, but two days after my valve replacement, I started getting those grey clouds in my vision. I put up with it for several years, and then my general doc put me on an every other day dose of Plavix, and wouldn't you know, I didn't have them anymore. Last year, I spoke to him about dropping the Plavix (why, I don't know), and I did, and wouldn't you know it, one day after I got out of the shower, I had a grey cloud in my vision and my arm went slightly weak. Went to the ER just to be sure. They ruled out a stroke after several tests, but the ER doc told me that I really needed to either start taking Plavix again or take a baby aspirin, the latter being the one I chose, and so far, knock on wood, I haven't had another grey out in my vision. So many of us on this board have visual issues as we have discussed many times over. I just wonder if we'll ever get a definitive answer.
Sherry said:
Bill, my experiences have been similar to yours. For years, before the surgery, I've had the squiggly line episodes, but two days after my valve replacement, I started getting those grey clouds in my vision. I put up with it for several years, and then my general doc put me on an every other day dose of Plavix, and wouldn't you know, I didn't have them anymore. Last year, I spoke to him about dropping the Plavix (why, I don't know), and I did, and wouldn't you know it, one day after I got out of the shower, I had a grey cloud in my vision and my arm went slightly weak. Went to the ER just to be sure. They ruled out a stroke after several tests, but the ER doc told me that I really needed to either start taking Plavix again or take a baby aspirin, the latter being the one I chose, and so far, knock on wood, I haven't had another grey out in my vision. So many of us on this board have visual issues as we have discussed many times over. I just wonder if we'll ever get a definitive answer.

Sherry -

I noticed that you had an MVR and are on Coumadin, presumably because of a Mechanical Valve. I'm a little surprised your PCP put you on a daily dose of Plavix. I'm curious,
How long did you take Plavix?
Was your Cardiologist aware you were taking Plavix daily?
Who manages your Coumadin?
... and were they aware of your Plavix dosing?

The reason I ask these questions is that I was always under the impression that anti-platelet drugs were not recommended, especially for long term use, when taking Coumadin. I am aware that they are sometimes prescribed when an anti-inflamatory is really needed but even then I know some Doctors who consider that 'risky'.

I'm just trying to get a better feel for 'mixing' these two types of drugs.
Thanks for relating your experience.

FWIW, whenever I get a 'visual disturbance', I chew either a half or a full (325 mg) Aspirin depending on how long it has been since I took my daily 81 mg aspirin.

'AL Capshaw'
Hi, Al. I was on Plavix for two and a half years or so, and as I stated earlier, I was on an every other day dose. Every day was causing too many bruises. My general practitioner prescribed it, and my coumadin nurse and cardio were both aware of it. The nurse said she had a handful of other coumadin patients who were on it as well. Just this past October, I felt that I could probably get off of it, cost and just feeling like I really didn't need it. He mentioned that maybe I should take a baby aspirin a day instead. I went without either the Plavix or the baby aspirin until December when I had another one of those grey curtains including a weak hand (couldn't grip my toothbrush very well is the best way I can describe that episode). When I went to the ER, he ran a CT scan of my head and some other tests and ruled out a stroke. INR was in the mid-3's so that wasn't an issue. He did think that I should take the baby aspirin along with the coumadin too, which is where I'm at now. Hope that answers your questions. :)
Thanks again for that information Sherry.

My Cardio OK'd two baby aspirin a day (morning and evening) for me. He is aware that I chew a regular 325 mg aspirin if / when I get 'visual effects'.

Those effects usually clear up in 15 or 20 minutes (sometimes with or without the extra aspirin).
I feel like the extra aspirin is sort of an 'insurance policy'
against clot formation / sticking and since it is only taken
once every so often, it doesn't 'build up'. I've not had any bleeding or bruising episodes as a result of an extra aspirin every so often.

'AL Capshaw'
Thank you all

Thank you all

Thak you all. I have made any appointment with an optho and will update if anything new pop up after the visit.

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