Vegas Reunion - Awesome!

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Hank Founder, Now just a Member
Jun 5, 2001
Mesa, Arizona in the good ole USA
Well, it's Saturday morning at 12:30am. I just made it to a computer. The meeting last night was great. We'll be gettin some pics and details online very soon.

Sorry most missed it - but many new friendships were forged.

More later..

Very tired :rolleyes:
Mornin, Hank - gosh you are up early/late! Sounds like all are having a really great enjoyable time. Thanks for the report and say hi to all. God bless


speaking of late/early Ann. 3;56 a.m. Was the cat dragging you in..or out:D :D :D Someone you're not telling us about;) ;) ;) Bonnie
Answered this yesterday, but ISP disconnected me and it never got on - it's Miss Sally Sue, my big old black and tan hound who wakes me in the wee hrs. She has had a buddy for all her life who picks her up about 4 a.m. or earlier. He makes a really high sounding yip to call her and she can't wait to go out to play. She's been fixed and shot, so only companionship going on there. They have been buddies since she showed up at my house and took up residence, bless her heart. Don't know what they do or where they go, but it's every morning that he shows up. If she's inside, guess who gets woke up. And if she doesn't get me up, then there's Penelope, my kitty who found me at the pound and she owns everything so she bosses a lot!

THIS morning, Miss SS woke me twice. First time she looked outside, decided to stay in. So I stumbled back to bed but not for long. She woke me again and finally went on out. Then I just went back to bed and finished my Kellerman book.
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my kitty who found me at the pound
hensylee was found in a pound? :eek: That's a new one. A cat shopping for a human. :p

I can't wait to see the pictures and hear of the good times that were had at the reunion. I wish I could have been there, but then again, you people might have run me out for being the screwball that I am.
Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker

You will be our Guest Speaker at next year's reunion..Hopefully close to Ohio>:) I guess they will vote while they are in Las Vegas....I still think it's a human howling outside Ann's window wanting her to come out and play;) ;) ;) Bonnie


Hi all,

Mary and I flew home last night. The reunion was a fantastic experience for both of us.

It's hard to describe the feeling of meeting such wonderful people after sharing experiences, information and interests on the net over many months. All this quickly developed into special friendships with the people that we were able to meet at this reunion.

We are very much looking forward to next year's reunion and we really hope that many, many more VR folks will be able to attend.

I'll save most of my thoughts and post a few of my pictures in the next couple of days. I don't want to steal any of Hank's thunder.

I would just like to say that we very much appreciated all the work and organization that Hank and Michelle put into arranging this reunion and to tell you that they are such really, really nice people. You should all try to meet them personally (and next year's reunion would be a great time to do that.)

Now I have to catch up on some of the posts I missed last week, help unpack and put stuff away, go through the old mail, pay a few bills, etc. so I'll close for now.

Ron K
Awesome and then some

Awesome and then some

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed meeting everybody. The Friday night dinner at the Olive Garden was a wonderful opportunity for all of us to share and feel a sense of togetherness. I particularly liked being sandwhiched between all of those beautiful women who were clicking away like a fleet of Timex watches. Hank, your ticking was nice too; but, I'm sorry, Michelle's got you!

I hope that we can easily triple the attendance for next year. I am going to hit up the makers of Comadin for some cash to offset the food expenses. We can all organize and get some cash from the people who we made rich (St. Jude, Cleveland Clinic, Sulzer Medica, Regional medical centers, etc.). The least they could do is let us go do some good advertisement for them!! We are consumers and there is strength in numbers. We can form the National Valve Coalition (NVC). By the way, this is my idea and if anybody claims it as their idea I will put an electromagnet on your chest and keep your valve open (or closed) until you submit!! Maybe, we can even put mechanicals/homografts/xenografts/? in people who don't even need the surgery. It could be a fad that would sweep across America? (Joke) Some serious stuff about the power of being an educated consumer

Looking forward to seeing the pictures. Thanks to all and my regards to everyone who I met in Vegas.


I forwarded my digital pictures to Hank this morning so he could include them along with the pictures he took. I'm sure you'll be seeing them soon.

By the way, we all wished that you could have been there. Everyone is looking forward to meeting you.

Ron K

Pictures???????'s TUESDAY and still no pictures.
Go to the home page and you will see the link to the pics - Patience my Irish friend!

Why do you want to meet me? Are you going to kick my tail?
Hank would probably like the first round. :p
Thank you, Hank - wonderful pictures - impressive. Appears all were in fine fettle and enjoyed immensely.

Hank, see you now have enough hair and some extra!:D
Hey, I see beverages, but a lot of empty plates. You folks afraid of showing us how to blow your INR out of range? :confused:
"On top of the Mirage Garage Greg, Rain, Hank and Michelle"

"On top of the Mirage Garage Greg, Rain, Hank and Michelle"


Are you sure that's Michelle you have your arm around?? :eek:

Did any of the group pictures of the "Valvers" turn out?!

Are you sure that's Michelle you have your arm around??



Cindy and I both are very dissapointed that we missed the reunion.
She wasn't happy with me.........I am the reason we could not make it.
Long story so don't ask Billy, my beautifull friend. (lmao)

Appears that all involved had a fantastic time in Vegas.

Hope to see all of you in Chicago next year.

Again, Wish we could have been there.

Enjoy all,

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Las Vegas was great!

Las Vegas was great!

Hi to all,

It was great to meet all the new people in Las Vegas. Didn't see too much of eachother though. Saw most of you only twice. Everyone doing their own thing I guess. Dinner at Olive Garden was very good and it was great to sit and talk and get to know one another a bit more.
Lady Luck was a wonderful hotel to stay at. We have stayed at many other hotels in the past and the beds were always crappy. Would keep me tossin and turnin all night, even at the very best places. Not Lady Luck. We also thought that the breakfast buffett was great. Nothing bad to say about it. Was just as good as "Golden Nuggett" and we got two for one with the coupon.
Greg kept Rain, Joni and I in shape and we walked and walked and walked. Was fun!
Sunday night we learned how to Play Roulette at "Harrah's"and we each lost $10.00. Well, actually we didn't lose it there, we bet at the slots some more afterwards and the machine gladly took our money. Joni was the only one who came out ahead during our stay and won a total of $280.00.
Saturday evening we spend some time in Greg's room and Rain kept bringing in the beer. Tasted good, but some of us had to get up early the following morning.. LOL!!!
The last evening after most of you already had left we saw the light show at the Fremont. This was spectacular! Unbelievable how they can do this.
All in all, it was a great experience for us and we had a good time. Hope to see more of you next time.

AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
Tucson, AZ.