Hi Janet,
Do you have any advice regarding how to tell our current cardiologist that I want to ask for a second opinion at Stanford? Gregorio is having a catheterization test on Tuesday, and the cardiologist is discussing options with the surgeon at UCSF (Dr. Anthony Azaki), and I guess I feel guilty about it in a way, and I wouldn't want him to pay less attention to Gregorio's case because we are consulting other places... But I really need to do it, and ask him on Tuesday, so that he gives me a copy of the eco and the catheterization test results... If you have any advice on how to go about it, it would be great.
Thanks, and best, and merry Christmas,
Sorry so late with the reply, but we are in the process of moving, so I have not been able to be on the computer much at all. I'm glad to see some other moms have stepped in to take up my slack.

I know how you feel. I was a bit gunshy at first about telling our cardiologist (whom we dearly loved but has since moved to S.Carolina) we wanted other opinions. He was affiliated witht the local children's hospital where Katie spent her first 8 weeks and where she had had her first heart surgery at the ripe old age of 2 weeks.
I first e-mailed the surgeons I wanted to seek opinions from and found out what they needed to do so. (I also made it clear that we were willing to travel for surgery in those e-mails.) I then approached our cardiologist. To my surprise

, he was very supportive and fully endorsed our getting additional opinions. (I felt like he would be obligated to convince me we needed to stay there for Katie's future surgeries, but he put Katie's best interest ahead of that pressure.) The surgeons he recommended for those opinions pretty much paralleled mine - mainly the larger pediatric heart centers due to Katie's very complex anatomy. He did also mention Hanley. I remember that specifically, but we stayed pretty much with due north and the east coast surgeons. He then sent all the required info to the surgeons: cath films and report, latest PC checkup report, and latest echo tape and report, plus the surgical summary from her first surgery.
It took almost a month to get the additional opinons. I got antsy in a couple of cases and e-mailed the surgeons. They got back with me promptly and summed up basically their findings that they were mailing to my PC. We elected to fly up and meet with Dr. Bove. He was willing to do it telephonically but we wanted to meet with him face to face. WE were supposed to fly up Sept. 13th, 2001. Needless to say, we didn't get out as no planes were flying yet. We finally got up there Oct. 4th, met with Dr. Bove during his lunch (he stays booked, but said he would work us in whenever we could get up there............God, I love this man!) He patiently explained our options, answered my two pages of questions, and we were sold. We then had Katie's second heart surgery there in Michigan the next month. Katie couldn't fly due to her cyanotic defects, so we took the train. And then we repeated that two more times just for grins. The one advantage to traveling for surgery is that we never got bumped more than a day or two because they knew we had traveled so far; the locals got bumped instead when emergencies came in...........
Anyway, that is way more than you wanted, but I wish you luck and please keep us posted. When you feel shy about asking for those opinions, just remember that you are your child's advocate and he is what matters the most. Your PC can get over a few ruffled feathers if there are any.
Many hugs. Janet