Although I am sorry that you have a need to be here. This is a wonderful group, and I am glad that you found us. My daughter Katie has had five surgeries and had to have her common Atrioventricular valve (mitral and tricuspid merged) replaced when she was four. She is now 8 years old, in second grade, and doing really well. She had a prosthetic valve implanted so she is on coumadin. Although I truly wish with all my heart that she was not on ACT therapy, it is not nearly as bad as I dreaded and feared, and Katie has thrived despite the fact that she is quite the tomboy. Forget visions of a dainty little girl sitting around having teaparties and playing dolls. That would sooooooo not describe Katie. She is out on the playground, or rolling around the yard with the dog, or riding her scooter or jeep. While we have had our share of bumps and bruises and cuts, and they scared me to death at first, I learned when to be concerned and when not.........and kids do manage to thrive on coumadin.
I wholly endorse your wanting to get a second or third opinion. We actually sought out five before choosing Dr. Bove. Due to your location, I second Dr. Hanley. Had we not fallen in love with Dr. Bove, we would have considered a consult with Dr. Hanley. (He was on our list.) He comes highly recommended and is definitely one of the best pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons in the US. If you need help on how to seek an additional opinion, give me a shout. I just started out by e-mailing the surgeons I wanted to get opinions from. They all e-mailed me back quite promptly; one even called. Blew me away.

(I know one thing that all ped surgeons share is compassion.) Oh, and there is one mom on here whose kiddo just had surgery performed by Dr. Hanley. check out
They are probably just getting home from there. She PMed me a couple of days ago and has a post in post-surgery referenced above. Look for other posts by scrappergirl.
If you are interested in a California ped heart group, check out
An online heart mom friend is fairly active in that group and there is a lot of support there.
Well, please keep us posted. I know what you are going through. We are here and we will be praying for little Gregorio. Hugs. Janet