Updates on BigOwl's AVR

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Hey folks! It's LittleOwl, BigOwl's daughter. I am going to post updates here for her in this thread so that when she wakes up she can read the "play-by-play" and see all the comments from her fantastic forum friends!

At 10:30 this morning (Dallas time), they took her into pre-op. They let my stepdad and I sit with her until they took her back to the OR at 12:00. She was as calm as I have ever seen her, and she was cracking jokes and quoting Firefly (her favorite show) until they took her back. She instructed us to watch the Masters so that we can give her an update on Tiger as soon as she wakes up.

By now she is most likely fully sedated, and they are probably performing the TEE. After the TEE we will get a call from the wonderful nurse telling us that they have begun the AVR. We will then get calls every 2 hours to provide status. The doc said we should anticipate 3-6 hours once they start.

Thanks again for your amazing support over the last few months. It means so much to all of us!

Keep thinking happy thoughts for my amazing mom, who even when she is scared out of her mind will crack jokes and want to know how Tiger is doing.
Thanks for the update keeping your Mom (and her familY) in my prayers, I know how long this day can be for the family. Lyn
You are a wonderful daughter!! Thanks for the "play by play".....keep 'um coming!!
Those of us in the "waiting room" need to know. Praying for you all.
A "play-by-play" is a great idea, thanks Little Owl for even thinking of us - since we tend to worry when we do not hear anything for a while.

While this day may be long, make sure you (Little Owl) and.....uhmmm what should we call him....... Horned Owl??? look after your self's.
At 1:00 we got the call that the surgery had begun and that she is doing extremely well. One of the big risk factors was the incision because of the scar tissue from her previous surgery, so this is fantastic news! They were concerned about the breast bone having adhered to the heart but they said they were working through that and they have seen worse.

Mom will get a kick out of "HornedOwl" so let's call him that :)

Thanks again! I should hear something in another 1.5 hours.
Firefly remains my all-time fav series and most of Whedon's writing on it was truly amazing. Hulu.com has all the episodes if someone hasn't seen it yet.

I'll be waiting here for more updates and praying for success for Big Owl.
So nice to have you right there, thinking of us, we thinking of you.... a great circle of support!

Expecting nothing but continued excellent news!! Glad she is off to a great start.

Don't be afraid when you see her... she may look very pale and grey. They may have her so tightly sheeted in the bed that she seems too still. It's okay... we all look like that!! If she seems to be fighting the breathing tube (if it's even still in) just gently remind her to relax, we've all been there with that stupid thing, and to breathe with it -- not to fight it.

You are a wonderful daughter. I love how you've said she is you favorite person on the planet. I say that exact phrase about my own father. I know just where you are. Your strength is helping her this very instant.

Best wishes.

The nurse just called and the valve has been replaced! They are working on closing her up and getting her off of the heart/lung bypass machine. The surgery should be complete within the hour and then she will be moved to ICU right after that. They said everything has gone beautifully so far and that she is a champ!!! You could hear the nurse smiling over the phone!

It's hard to see the keyboard through these tears of joy/relief so I will update again after we get to see her.

I'm not gonna lie, we are practically jumping for joy in the waiting room!

Marguerite your post made me tear up even more! The good news is that we are prepared for the grey/pale look - after her CABG 14 years ago it was a tough thing to see. But the tiny little weak hand squeeze was so powerful and we are looking forward to that again! The last 14 years have been a true gift, and I am looking forward to many many many more with her!

Hugs to all :)
Also, thanks so much for the picture of Tiger! And yay for Firefly!
Great news! After they finish up, and let you get a peek at her, don't forget to go home and get some sleep. You'll need your energy for the days to come.:)
She is off the respirator and the Doc is going to come talk to us in about 30 minutes. We will get to see her VERY soon!!! YAY!!
Oh that is the best news I have had all day LittleOwl. Give her my best wishes. And yes you and your family don't forget to get some rest also. Oh course that is after you are all done with jumping with joy:D
I am thrilled everything is going so well and she is off the vent. Let her know you gave the best updates and we all were praying, (give the 'horned owl" a hug too lol)

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