Told I need Urgent AVR

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happy to hear you're home

happy to hear you're home

I've just caught up on how you've been doing. Please share more of your experiences as time goes on. I'm in line and will be having the same surgery soon. I mmet with the surgeon on Dec. 12 and most likely will set a date at that time. I still am asymptomatic, but my echos show that I have severe stenosis and need the surgery, most likely within this year. I'm thinking that doing it on my terms, before symptoms develop, might be my best choice and it seems that is what you decided to do.

I went for the second opinions and they didn't agree with the first! Think you made the right choice again--it was only a matter of timing, not need. Please let me know more about your recovery. I'm very concerned about not being able to use my arms to sit and stand. I had polio as a child and cannot do that without my arms--and I don't think the crutches I use will be very kind to my recovery either! I think this is becoming my major issue to discuss with the surgeon.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and wishing you an eventless recovery.

From one sandwich generation to another...

.......very low b/p 80/57, and very high heart rate.

Everything went well aside from some irregular heart beats that are still surfacing every once in awhile. They say that will pass in time. Anyway, the surgeons are pleased with my progress. I feel like I was run over by a MACK truck. Am afraid to tackle walking upstairs yet. .....
The hardest part is not using my arms to raise myself up so I'm hugging my pillow alot.

Welcome home! It is not only BP was 70/50 with HR of 116 at the hospital:eek: Take it easy and rest as much as you can and do not rush things. I too felt like a train ran over me, another:eek:, but it passed away sooner than I could remember, and so did the irregular heart beats. Do not rush into going upstairs. In my case, I was only allowed to go upstairs once a day the first three weeks!! my sister did all the exercise for me everytime I remembered something. So take your time and give your heart the time to heal.

Happy for you and you will feel better every day and sooner than you imagine:)
Everyday is better than the last. I went upstairs yesterday, took a shower and washed my hair. It felt so good. The visiting nurse came by to take a blood count. The doctor has me on coumadon for a few weeks. Didn't make it back downstairs until today.

Jane, the nurses will help raise you up and down. I managed to swing my legs to the floor. Once I was sitting I could stand without pushing myself up with my arms.
Everyday is better than the last. I went upstairs yesterday, took a shower and washed my hair. It felt so good. The visiting nurse came by to take a blood count. The doctor has me on coumadon for a few weeks. Didn't make it back downstairs until today.

Jane, the nurses will help raise you up and down. I managed to swing my legs to the floor. Once I was sitting I could stand without pushing myself up with my arms.

Congratulations on your successful surgery and recovery process. I was amazed at how much better I felt the second week than the first...and so on...I considered the same hospital and surgeon but decided to use one of Garrett's associates at Fairfax since it's a bit closer to where I live. Had my cath. done in Arlington though. Keep up the good work, walk alot but don't over do it, practice your deep breathing and get plenty of rest.
welcome to the other side. I had a lot of complications post-surgery. I'm feeling much better, you will be also. Peace
Things are going well. The doctor wants me off the coumadin by Jan 21. I've cut back on the amiodarone and the metroprolol and should be of those by then also. He said I can stary cardio rehab in 6 weeks. Been feeling good this week but noticed how weak I am. I lifted a 3 quart jug of grape juice and had trouble pouring it. That really surprised me. Guess it was more than 5 pounds.

I've been staying with my daughter but plan to go home Tuesday. Not anticipating any problems but I really want to be home to start the New Year.

My D and SIL don't eat much red meat. I'm dying for a big thick porterhouse steak with a baked sweet potato or some liver and onions. Doc said that's fine because my blood count needs to get back up.

He also said I won't experience the full benefits of the surgery for about 6 months. But every day is better than the last one. Yes, it is nice to be on the other side now.

AVR, Bovine, 11/19/08
Oh, I should add I'm napping a lot. I walked down to the mailbox Friday felt like I'd been on a 3 day hike. I forgot my cell so could call my daughter to come pick me up. :) so I had to walk back. I sat down in that big easy chair with the ottoman and slept for hours. I was always told our bodies need rest to recuperate. So, I'd say I'm doing my share of recouerating.
Sounds like things are going well. Wishing you a happy and Healthy New Year and lots of red meat to ring it in!
I'm scared and may go see the doctor tomorrow. My blood pressure is creeping up.
It's always been low so 141/88 is high for me Last night it was 198/106. I thought there might be something wrong with the machine so I wited 10 minutes and too it again.162/95. Whated another 10 minutes and it was 191/85. I called the bc/bs nurse. She agreed it was high and I should call the doctor. Iwaited until today. It was 148/88.
Ar 10 Pm it was 144/94. I got hold of the doctor's office and they want me to come in tomorrow afternoon. It's been creeping up since Christmas.8/68, 118/71, 132/70. 141/79.142/94 and the the 198/106.

I have a dull headache for about a week and a slight upset stomach. Only other sumptom is fatgue. So, as much as I don't want to travel New Years Eve Day, I may have to do it.

Will let you know what happens.
It is very good that you are connecting with professionals about your BP. Try not to worry too much about it as many of us have hearts that are "dancing with joy" after our surgeries. Adjustments to meds need to be made and after a careful looking over, I'm guessing that you'll get all this running like a smooth machine in no time.

Stay optimistic. Work to calm yourself as sometimes the anxiety and the elevated feelings (and actual readings from BP machines) work together to make things worse. Try some good, somewhat deep, slow breathing.

Keep us posted.

Best wishes.

I did the right thing, Marguerite. We picked up a refill for the lopressor on the way to the doctor's this afternoon. My BP was high but they still checked my BP machine to be sure it was registering properly. About that time I realized what the problem was.

The doctor changed the lopressor dosage from 25 to 50mg every 12 hours on the day I was discharged from the hospital. My daughter had already had the first prescription filled and then filled the 50 mg also. I'd been taking the 50 mg and a week ago started using the second prescription bottle, taking 25 mg without thinking about it. So for the past week I'd cut the lopressor from 100mg to 50 mg a day. So tonight I'll go back to the right dosage. This should take care of the High BP.

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