Told I need Urgent AVR

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I'm glad you have your date and I added you to the calendar. You've done your homework and you will be fine!
I was told I'd be in the hospital 4 or 5 days.
Could not be alone the first week but could drive at 2 weeks.
That doesn't sound right and I've added it to some questions I have.
I'll wait until later in the week to ask the se questions.

But any input would be welcomed.
I'm going to my local thrift shop tomorrow and get some Xl men's flannel shirts to wear.
Looked at my PJs and gowns and they all go over the head. I have loungin pants and a light weight bathrobe and slippers.
There's also a lists of things to take to the hospital and my over night bag will hold what I need. Toothbrush and paste, Lip ice, brush, hand cream, books, dvd player and some dvds, cell phone and charger.

I have my Christmas shopping done so will take them, Christmas cards, stamps and my computer to my daughter's She'll make me stay upstairs and I'll have to come down for meals. She has a tub chair and a rolling walker with a seat too. She's picking up my cat on Tuesday and will take what I home with her. I'm mostly taking sweats, socks underwear.

Now, if I could get them to do the colonscopy at the same time... and maybe a breast reduction and a tummy tuck. LOLOL!

I'm a little bit scared but I know this needs to be done. I've had both knees replaced and was told that is one of the most painful surgeries, after the fact. It may have been but the improvement afterwards was 100%. So, I'm thinking along those lines.

But driving after 2 weeks just seems unrealistic. Is It?
But driving after 2 weeks just seems unrealistic. Is It?

Most have been told 6 weeks after the surgeon post-surgery visit. It takes at least 6 weeks for the sternum to heal. Most doctors tell you to sit in the back seat as a passenger to avoid injury from the air-bags in case of an accident.
I was told I'd be in the hospital 4 or 5 days.
Could not be alone the first week but could drive at 2 weeks.
That doesn't sound right and I've added it to some questions I have.
I'll wait until later in the week to ask the se questions.

But any input would be welcomed.

Most recommendations for driving are 6 weeks. It's somewhat personalized. At two weeks, I was told I could drive after 4 weeks. I have to say, I drove at 4 weeks but only as necessary, not for long periods and I really tried to avoid sudden movements with the wheel. By the 5th week it was better and at 6 weeks, very little discomfort. I believe my experience leaned more toward driving early and I wholeheartedly agree with you about 2 weeks not sounding right. My advice: use 6 weeks as your guideline. You'll have a pretty good idea if your sternum will be ready before then. If in'getaboutit!
You can have the minimally invasive procedure done if that what you would prefer. Remember, though.. They still have to get in there somehow! It's not as bad as you think. It will be tough for a few weeks and then it will just be a memory!
Justme, hello and welcome and wish you all the best

with your surgery,looks like you have done all your

research and ready to get at this.

zipper2 (DEB)
Most surgeons recommend waiting 6 weeks before driving, BUT, often relent at 4 weeks for LIMITED Daytime Driving (i.e. to come in for Doctor's checkups).

At 6 weeks the Sternum 'should be' healed to 85% of it's normal strength. At 12 weeks, it should be 100%.

'AL Capshaw'
I'm sorry i'm late, but i wanted to welcome you to the site. It's good that your surgery isn't too far away so you won't have too much time to worry. I haven't and won't be having surgery myself, as my doctor said i'm inoperable, so i can't tell you anything about it personally, but other people who were in the hospital with me who had it said it was a piece of cake compared to what they expected. Wishing you all the best with your surgery and my prayers are with you. Dawn-Marie
My Mom had her valve replaced 3 months shy of her 81st birthday. Bovine. The surgery was June 9th. We were scared. My Dad died just 2 weeks before she found out she needed surgery. She didn't even have time to grieve. She was out of the hospital in 1 week. She just finished Cardiac Rehab and is doing great. She's stronger and feels better than before the surgery. I am not worthy to interpret your numbers but if you need the surgery I think you should get the surgery. My Mom says she had more discomfort from where they harvested her veins for the quadruple bypass they did while they did her AVR. It isn't a cake walk but it isn't hell either according to her. Read as much as you can.Ask questions of your doctors and here. Good Luck & God Bless
Greetings justme,
You will do fine. Like everyone has said, ask questions and be at peace with your decisions. I worried like you for a while before my AVR (bovine) but once I had a good long talk with my surgeon, I was ready to go. I will keep you in my thoughts on the 19th and look forward to hearing from you when you feel up to it after the surgery. :)
Thanks all, Been very busy this week.

I went in for the pre-op today and am afraid to go to sleep. I have to be at the hospital in 3 1/2 hours, 6:30 AM. Surgery is at 9 AM.

Mostly I'm rambling. I don't want my daughter to come until later today or tomorrow. She was here today and lives about an hour away, so I'm taking a taxi to the hospital. She asked the PA how many operations the surgeon has done. LOL!. Then she wanted to know why I need the valve replaced and if it was possible my body could reject the tissue. That was one Q I never thought about.

Well, need to shower and review my "must do" list. Just realized I did not turn the outside faucets on ater I shut the water off.

I'll be back, hopefully, soon.

Say a prayer, send positive energy, think good thoughts. Whatever works best. It's all good.
I was released from the hospital yesterday and am at my daughter's for a few weeks now. That was a few more days than I planned on being in the hospital and due to very low b/p 80/57, and very high heart rate.

Everything went well aside from some irregular heart beats that are still surfacing every once in awhile. They say that will pass in time. Anyway, the surgeons are pleased with my progress. I feel like I was run over by a MACK truck. Am afraid to tackle walking upstairs yet. Maybe by Monday I'll get there.

The hardest part is not using my arms to raise myself up so I'm hugging my pillow alot.
Welcome home!
The high heart rate will calm down, and your BP should stabilize. Do you check it daily? I found that helpful.
Eat healthy foods in small amounts and don't be shy to rest whenever you feel the need.

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