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CA Pigg

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
Well, I was finally low. I tested a 1.5 which the nurse was happy with, I'm nervous of course, I'm used to running high, I know both are bad. Anyways, she has me taking 1/2 mg every night and getting retested on Thursday. I couldn't see the heart doctor and of course the INR nurse wants me to be patient and let her regulate me then see about a home tester. She kept telling me to trust her, it really aggravated me! I don't know her she does seem very knowledgeable but that doesn't change the fact I want a machine for my own sanity! I go for a follow up Friday with Dr McGiffin and I'm going to ask him to prescribe one, I know he does believe in it.... Just please pray he agrees, if not then I'll have to get an appt with the cardiologist and see if he will. I will keep going until they regulate me I just want to be able to see what I'm running then manage my own after.... I really just don't like being told "trust me" and told I need to be patient.. Guess I really needed to vent. SO the news is actually, after a week with no coumadim except 1/2 mg last night I did go down to a 1.5. Now lets see what Thursday says. I didnt sleep but a couple of hours last night wha wha wha. I sure feel like a whiny baby so I'm going to shut up now...... Hope everyone is having a Good Monday!!!

It's all going to work out. God won't bring us this far and then let something like the coumadin mess it up for us. I too am hoping for a home tester. I am going to talk with him Friday, but can't guarantee what he'll agree to.

Keep the will get better.

Hi my whiny baby. :D

So far, it sounds like this nurse might just have clue. I sure hope so. 1.5 is too low, but given your outstanding track record and going too high with small doses, this is about the only way to go.

Just don't forget the things I've taught you so far, eat like you always do and don't change your diet at all. Be prepared for an INR drop as your activity levels increase. It's going to take a little bit of time, but it'll get there. Should they throw another medication into the mix, let us know so we can check what it might or might not do to the INR.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. Trust me.
I'm glad you chose the On-X Valve for your MVR since it has the lowest potential for clot formation of all the Mechanical Valves.

That said, if I were in your position, I would still want my INR above 2.0, at least most of the time. The usual recommendation for (other) mechanical valves in the Mitral Position is for an INR of 2.5 to 3.5

As President Reagan paraphrased from the Russian saying:
"Trust but Verify"!

Hopefully this Nurse will turn out to be one of the 'good ones'.

You will need a Prescription and Letter of Medical Necessity from a Doctor (ANY Doctor) to get a Home Tester so don't worry about what the Nurse thinks of Home Testing.

'AL Capshaw'
I think the nurse gave good instruction on dosing. Hang in there!
Ross, You are just too good to me, LOL!!!! No really you are the best and you really made me laugh when I read your post!!!! Ok, I was wondering, I have been having a little salad or aspargus or something with Vit K every day and not worrying about since I've been so high since this whole thing began, of course now that I am low, I was worried about eating any green stuff..... So you are saying yes, keep doing what I was doing maybe not as much until she gets me on level????? I am going to BEG Dr Mc Giffin for the home tester letter and prescription, in fact I'll, beg, plead, whine and whatever else it takes to get him to agree, LOL..... I am very glad I chose the on-x, I forgot to tell ya'll the echo lady was amazed by it, it was the first one she had seen, she was watching how it pumped and she said I was VERY QUIET, in fact, i still haven't heard it at all!!!! Of course with the no coumadin testing is the biggest plus and I sure hope it is proven in 2015, I wouldn't be unhappy if the results would hurry up, LOL....Have I mentioned I am so glad I found all of you!!!!!!!!!!! SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One more thing, how low is too low?? WHen am I in danger???? I know 2.5 and 3.5 is the best place for me but it will take a few days for the coumadin to kick back in so, Yep, just call me Mrs Paranoid now but I sure don't want a clot!!!!!
Below 2.0 +/- 0.3 is too low. However, in your situation, it sounds like they are doing the right thing.
Eat as normally as you possibly can post-surgery when you appetite can be all screwed up. If you normally eat "green stuff", keep eating it. Don't have any Instant Breakfast or other meal replacement drinks because these have lots of K in them, even though they aren't listed on most nutritional lists.
Below 2.0 +/- 0.3 is too low. However, in your situation, it sounds like they are doing the right thing.

Lisa is right on spot. Your too low now, but that will change very quickly if your as sensitive to warfarin as it appears.

I want you to eat like you NORMALLY would. If that includes what your doing now, keep doing it. If it doesn't, then back off and eat what you NORMALLY would.
Too Low?

Too Low?

Due to metabolic issues related to exercise, I sometimes drop below the 2.5-3.5 range. My cardiologist feels that I still have some level of protection as long as I don't drop below 2.0. I'm less comfortable with this than he is so I adjust dosage to keep it up.

I dropped to 1.2 once last summer after a week of cycling training followed by a century ride in the mountains; I couldn't get the cap off my coumadin container quickly enough after that test result.

Carole, how's that pillow working out?

Philip the pillow has been a very good friend!!!! I keep it and a stuffed pig that my brother got me by my side and rotate between the two depending on how big the cough is and which one fits the bill at the time..... THank you again so much!!! On the INR I so want a home tester, not knowing what my levels are and not having that control is not good for me. I like to have the control.. I just made an appointment on base for my arm/shoulder, I;m really wondering it is a pinched nerve or what, the pain medicine doesn't touch it, I'm going to need a refill soon!!! It just hurts so much and the lack of sleep on top of it has made me at least make the appointment and see what they say... Now I just hope she knows what she is talking about and the medicines along with coumadim... I need to change my PCM out there to the doctor who found my bad valve but haven't got to it yet, i have been going out there regularly since 1997 and no one has ever found it. They kept treating me for sinus infection and a cough, they always did chest xrays because of the smoking, so I'm not impressed with them at all right now. Hopefully she will be on top of her game this morning. Oh by the way, I'm still smoke free, the last cig was on March 5th and I plan on staying that way. I've wanted that inhale of course but now I know it is just the habit part I have to keep at bay! I'm going to see what they say about INR and home testers as well since I'll be there, you never know..... I don't go back to get tested until Thursday at the coumadim clinic, they are actually part of the cardiologist that will be doing my check ups, I've only seen him once so far and then right to surgeon as everything with me went so fast!!! I hope everyone has a Great Tuesday!!!...
Carole, I'm sure others have mentioned it, but stay aware of the shoulder pain. For me, the first sign of fluid build up is pain under my left collarbone and in my left shoulder that eventually radiates to my back and causes SOB and the elephant on my chest sensation if I don't take care of it. What makes me suspicious is that you state that pain medicine doesn't touch it. The same is true for pericarditis. I was practically overdosing on Vicodin before they diagnosed it, and it did nothing. The only thing that helped was getting rid of the fluid and that took either Prednisone or an anti-inflammatory. The ones that work best for me and don't interfere with my INR are Mobic if it's bad or Aleve if it's not too bad.
I went to base today and had doctor look. She did do an xray of the neck and shoulder/arm I should get those results tomorrow. The xray tech showed me my wired together chest which was quite a sight to see!!!!! She gave me flexeril for the arm and a pain patch with lidocaine in it???? Hopefully that will work!! I asked about the home machine and bam she wrote me a prescripton for one and a letter now I'm going to look at what Ross sent me and get on the ball trying to get one!!!! I want it yesterday LOL!!!!! I am glad I chose the cardiologist coumadin place to manage my INR because the base doesn't have the automatic thing to let you know, they draw blood and you wait, that would suck even more and just thinking about it makes my poor veins hurt LOL. I will stick with the finger prick!!! Welll going to see what I can find out about machines.

Lisa, how can I find out if it is fluid, will the xray show them????? The lortab doesn't touch it, it just hurts so bad... I hurt myself massaging it!!!!
Carol, they probably would have seen any fluid on the x-ray. I don't think you are alone in the shoulder/back pain department. It is a pretty common thing after OHS. Mine lasted for about two months and the only thing that helped was a heating pad and massage which I started getting about 2-3 weeks post op. She was very careful and basically gave me the same massage she would have given someon who was pregnant.

I'm glad you got approved for your machine. Hopefully, your level will be good this week when you go back.

I went to base today and had doctor look. She did do an xray of the neck and shoulder/arm I should get those results tomorrow. The xray tech showed me my wired together chest which was quite a sight to see!!!!! She gave me flexeril for the arm and a pain patch with lidocaine in it???? Hopefully that will work!! I asked about the home machine and bam she wrote me a prescripton for one and a letter now I'm going to look at what Ross sent me and get on the ball trying to get one!!!! I want it yesterday LOL!!!!! I am glad I chose the cardiologist coumadin place to manage my INR because the base doesn't have the automatic thing to let you know, they draw blood and you wait, that would suck even more and just thinking about it makes my poor veins hurt LOL. I will stick with the finger prick!!! Welll going to see what I can find out about machines.

Lisa, how can I find out if it is fluid, will the xray show them????? The lortab doesn't touch it, it just hurts so bad... I hurt myself massaging it!!!!

IF the fluid is around your lungs and Xray should pick it up but Justin always needed echoes to find pericardial fluid (around the heart)
Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Hi Carole,

As has been noted by others, shoulder and back pain is not uncommon after your chest has been spread open and your bones and joints have been stressed.

I'm two years post-op and I still have a pain issue that occurs under my left shoulder blade from time to time. It's not as frequent as it used to be, but it does show-up. I think my problem is with a rib that really didn't like being stressed. My wife usually attacks the problem with her elbow when it shows up; it seems to help.

I agree with Ross about the massage stuff. I had a massage therapist work on me as soon as I could tolerate laying front side down. Opinions may vary, but I think the work my therapist did on me helped get some of the medication junk out of my body as well.

Good luck with the home tester. Mine has saved a lot of wear & tear on my arms. The lab techs at our local hospital can't seem to hit veins on the first try. It always took them three to six trys to get a sample from me. Each try involves them digging around after they miss. I used to think it was just me, but one of my teachers went in for a blood test last week and returned with six band-aids on her arms. Fun stuff!!!!


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