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Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

Congrats on the 4 years! Be sure to celebrate!
Congrats on year #4, Phil.

And how do I join in this big love fest?? Isn't it time for a group hug or something. . .? :cool: Somehow, somewhere,a really cool attitude developed on this board. And like honey warming in the sunshine, it spread. Unconditional support is a blessing - and this board has plenty of it. Lets keep it flowing. . .

Boy this thread changes direction faster then my kitten chasing a mouse.

Congratulations Phil. I hope you celebrate many more in the years to come.
Nancy is our teacher and librarian - she knows the answers to all our questions and if she doesn't she will search til she gets one. We are all grateful to you, Nancy. Three cheers - and thanks, as well.
Speaking of evil sisters, look who showed up. How are you feeling Melissa ??
This site is remarkable!! Everyone has so much respect and compassion for others and that is hard to come by these days. This site helped me feel better because after surgery I thought that I was the only young (29 yrs) person that had went thru this. It opened my eyes up and made me feel better that I wasn't the only one. Thanks to everyones kind words.
mharris said:
This site helped me feel better because after surgery I thought that I was the only young (29 yrs) person that had went thru this.
These things do not discriminate based on age. I can only think of Nicole when it comes to someone young having multiple replacement. You thought you were at 29. I thought I was at 33. There are people much younger then us. Isn't it amazing?
Yes, it all came crashing down at 29. At 35 I am better than ever. Things do turn around. It just takes time.
Being young

Being young

There is another site - Ebsteins Anomaly Support Group. There are the young ones. I've chatted with teenagers there that have had 10 heart surgeries, so far, and with parents of babies having surgery. We should count ourselves as the lucky ones.
Oooooo. .. Peggy - love the picture of northern lights! Very pretty!! :)

Chris, things are just humming along here. Got this crick in my back that won't let loose. Been doing yoga to get it to release as massage therapists are hard to find out here in Amish Country. Grrr. Hope to see a doc next week to follow up on the pericardial effusion. . . the pain is diminishing, so I am taking it as a sign that it is going away. I'd rate the whole recovery process about a B+ so far - down a notch from before, but still not too bad. I walk a little over a mile a day, run up and down three flights of stairs all day long, and am starting to get back into work. How can I complain? :cool:

As for evil sisterhood, I'll save that for when I get back to Boulder. Somehow it just doesn't seem right to razz Ross out here in God's Country. . . :)


p.s. Uploaded a new avatar to represent "post-surgery" - still alive and kickin' ;-)
Melissa - sounds like you are doing pretty well considering. Keep up the good work and go slow with the feeling that you need to be productive. The comedy team of Ross the Magician, The evil sister, and Chris the Goofball needs you, but we're content to wait until you're ready. Chris


Sounds like things are going OK. What is pericardial effusion? Sounds ickey! I can't believe you are walking a mile a day and running up and down stairs all day, not to mention getting back to work?! WOW.

You have Ross to thank for the Northern Lights picture. I was tiring of the snowman pic. and sent him the "challenge" of changing it for me, and voilla', it is done!

Good to hear from you. Take it easy.

I am glad you are feeling better but don't push to hard.
I'm sure you get tired of hearing that but it's true. :D

How much longer are you staying in God's country?
Two words

Two words


I'm sure they have that out there in Lancaster County - all that cream and ham and rich yummy food.

It'll get the cricks out of your back. And you need to have someone massage your neck and back two or three times a day - whether you think you need it or not. It's essential because they do bad things to you during surgery - like pull your arms together behind you to get at the heart. So get your mom or dad to take care of this.

And you'll want to get to rehab asap (they started me at 3 weeks post-op). Nothing helps more.

Hope all continues to improve. Those set-backs are the pits.
Pffft, she's running her own rehab program. Doing mighty fine too. Maybe too fine. I told her not to go back sliding on us.
The members of this site are really helpful. All of you have a wealth of information. Last March when I found out I had an aneurysm on top of my moderate-severe aortic regurgation, I was really scared! I didn't want to worry my family so on the outside I acted like it was not a big deal. By reading your threads I was able to find out so much about my problem. I realize how lucky I am- so many of you have gone thru so much. I have to have another echo next month, but now I have a place I can ask questions. Yup, you guys are great. thanks for being so helpful.:)
Hey Kathy - I've got a 6 month post surgery echo coming up next month too. I'll compare notes with you. Make sure you take a long list of questions to ask the doc. Most of us on the site were helped greatly during a time of duress, and from my perspective, its a pleasure to be able to help somebody else. We try to have a little fun along the way to lighten things up - some of this stuff gets too serious ! Chris
Chris, we can compare notes on the Echos, but I am just being watched- no surgery yet. I am still in the waiting room baking chocolate chip cookies. I can sent some to the other side too!

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