The Great ER Visit(s) Of Ross

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Ross,do what you have to do to get this resolved and we will be here praying for you.

That's a real good article. Our Rossman needs all the help he can get right now. This is just horrible! Not eligible for Medicaid? What does it take to be eligible?

Ross: Keep up the fight! We are all thinking about you and praying they get your bleeding resolved. God Bless!
Ross ~ I hope you got to the hospital and that they were able to get the bleeding to stop for good. Something has to be going on that they are not finding. My father had his teeth pulled, and he was on Coumadin (but they took him off when they were pulled), and he never had all the bleeding problems you're having.

Lorraine ~ I'm not sure what it takes in Ohio where Ross lives to be eligible for Medicaid, but i know in NY you have to be very poor. I'm too rich for Medicaid, so i have to pay what they call a "spenddown" every month to my home health care agency. In NY, for one person, you can have no more than $630 per month if you need Medicaid. You also can have no assets (home, car, etc.). I normally would get close to $1,000 a month, but that is too much, so i pay the difference between what i get and the $630 i'm allowed to keep.

Ross, i pray that this is the last problem you will have with the bleeding and that you're well soon! Please let us know how you're doing. Take care, Dawn-Marie
So hoping that by this time Ross has gotten the care he needs and they have the bleeding under control. This is just too much for anyone to have to suffer. Hang in there, Ross..... lots of folks sending out healing vibes for you. REALLY hopin they got ya straightened out at this point. Seems like you just can't catch a break here lately. We are all anxious to here that your on the mend for good.
Ross, I am so sorry you are going through this again. I hope they help you much better and quicker than the last time. Prayers for you Ross.
The Great E.R. Visit of Ross

The Great E.R. Visit of Ross

I certainly am wishing for you to have the absolute best help available and possible with no more snafus. Please hurry up and get better and stay out of that place! Good vibes being sent and blessings. Carla.
No news on Ross.........anyone?

Wait ,wait,wait just like a call for my surgery

Sure am handling patience lately.....I THINK.

Prayers continue Ross and praying no news

yet is good news.....hope we hear something

soon,been checking all day off and on here:(

zipper2 (DEB)
Unbelievable. :( Ross, I wonder if infection is the culprit....they pushed you out the door too damn fast. I hope by now you have a hematologist and an infection control specialist taking care of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers big guy.

My hematologist told me years ago that infection can deplete your platelets. Because of my blood issues, if I get an infection, I have to watch for any unusual bruising or bleeding.
Ross, we have head and neck surgeons in our area; they do the big cancer surgery,trauma,etc. but they can be called in to tie off the artery leading to a dental bleed, a nose bleed, etc.Try and find one.
Oh Gees Rossman...just as the story was heading for a happy ending all hell breaks loose again...
I can hardly believe all this has happened while I have been offline for a few days...
I am sending bucket loads of prayers for your speedy recovery...
I hope that the very lovely Dr Norch is there to attend to you.

Much love and hugz
Aye, Ross.........

Thoughts/prayers coming your way, as you well know....
Another horror story from the ER !! Bless your heart, I would have lost it trying to talk and bleed at the same time. They should have jumped on that with your INR at 3.2! Thank God he puts angels in our paths everyday, and yours was there! Get some rest take care, and my dentist wants to replace one of my crowns. Ughhh I will have to think about this one!!!
Well folks, it appears that the Lovenox is trouble maker. I was told to stop Lovenox altogether and resume Coumadin only. Yes it's risky, but it's all I can do. Working on getting back in range quickly, but so quick as to seesaw afterwards. 1.6 today.