The Great Couch Potato ThrowDown 8-23-10

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
I walked six out of seven days last week for a total of 18 miles ... three miles per day and I am under an hour so I am walking a bit over 3 mph .... I skipped Sunday just because I had so much other stuff to do and by the time I was home and ready to think about going I was in the recliner:biggrin2: ... heading out this morning for my walk as soon DW takes off for work .... KEEP MOVING!!!!
Ok, I biked 5 times around the loop....sweaty, *puff*, *puff* but the hardest part was figuring out how to set my odometer on my car, so I could drive the loop and see how far it is. I never did figure it out........give me a car with a button to punch on the speedometer, not this new-fangled thing! Yes, I even drug the dang book out..:mad2::biggrin2:
Cooker--can this be a regular thing like the weight loss thread? I need to be careful about too much exercise because of my polio issues, but I have WAY overcompensated in the last year. This might be the start of some god discipline for me.
I worked last week so I only exercised 4 times. I rode my stationary bike 4 times for 30 minutes and did upper body exercises twice.

Cooker--can this be a regular thing like the weight loss thread? I need to be careful about too much exercise because of my polio issues, but I have WAY overcompensated in the last year. This might be the start of some god discipline for me.

I think he was hoping it would be a weekly thing. He asked somewhere else..maybe active forum? if people who were couch potatos would be interested in starting a throw down like this

I used my spin gym for 3 days now. I finally found something I can do with my back problems
Cooker--can this be a regular thing like the weight loss thread? I need to be careful about too much exercise because of my polio issues, but I have WAY overcompensated in the last year. This might be the start of some god discipline for me.

Dennis ... my hope is that this has the same longevity as the weight loss Throwdown and the results being that we get moving and in better health ... no competition, we all just do what we can and encourage and lift each other up ... some can run marathons, my goal is just to walk daily and I doubt it will ever go past that.

Good job everyone!! Lets keep moving!!!
Superdawg insisted, despite the lingering heat and humidity, so we doubled length of our morning walk. Then Superbob did a hard 20 minutes on the x-bike this afternoon. While there, noticed that the swimming pool was practically empty since school has started. Hence, tomorrow will add pool lap swim and lap-walking.

Tonight Superdawg gets a second walk.
It's been raining for the past 2 days. No cycling :mad2:. I need to do something maybe I should run around the house. :D I will make it up this week. Promise Promise
Way to go Eva! ... that is a great way to add exercise, walking when you can and have time ... I have been faithful to my walks and it's a good thing because I have had a bit of comfort food this week but it was needed ... I have not smoked for years but I still chewed the nicotine gum, until last week ... I quit the gum before but started to gain wait and started it again ... now walking I hope this will even it all out ... it has been over a week now so I think I'm over the hump ... keep moving!!!!!!!:thumbup:
Ok, I got it figured out.. It's right at 4 miles around the loop, so that's it again this morning *puff**puff*

Great job ... I biked a lot when I lived in Florida (flat:biggrin2:) ... my neighborhood is a bit hilly and I sold my bike years ago:redface2: ... keep pushing those pedals:thumbup::thumbup:
I was down to 57 minutes this morning for my 3 mile walk ... It is less humid and cooler but I also have discontinued my Toprol ... guess the cardiologist will have a ship fit when I see him next month:rolleyes2:
OOPS. Guess the week is over. Really nothing to report. Its been raining here for the past 3 days so I haven't really done much cycling. Just the daily walking to the train station and to work. Just sat on my butt all week...
I was down to 57 minutes this morning for my 3 mile walk ... It is less humid and cooler but I also have discontinued my Toprol ... guess the cardiologist will have a ship fit when I see him next month:rolleyes2:

Not meaning to be your nanny (I'm sure we both could visualize a better-looking one ;) ) BUT shouldn't you ask your cardio about discontinuing the Toprol instead of telling him after the fact next month?

Congrats for sure on your walking. But exercise can temporarily raise your bp and if you are taking meds for bp control that you suddenly discontinue...well, I'm not a doc, but I think maybe a doc should be in on this.

Okay enough nagging from Nanny Bob. :p
Great job ... I biked a lot when I lived in Florida (flat:biggrin2:) ... my neighborhood is a bit hilly and I sold my bike years ago:redface2: ... keep pushing those pedals:thumbup::thumbup:

Uh huh, the 'flatlanders' have it easy on the bikes. I live in the hill country..:redface2: and when the northerners up there 'round Dallas send the wind down's a hilly and headwind ride...*puff* *puff*...:biggrin2:

Resident 6'5" and myself even biked 'round the 'hood last evening..., so does that mean I don't have to go so far this morning........:angel: Naaaah, better get out there 'fore it gets too hot.

And Cooker.......I love, love, love you for stayin' off the coffin nails, but you oughta check with the doc on those pills..:thumbup: *slap* *slap*..:biggrin2:
Yep. I totally agree with the other. You should talk to your cardio before you discontinued your Toprol. We all don't want you to passed out in the woooded areas doing your nature calls.:biggrin2:
This weeks results 8/22 thru 8/27:
Three days at gym for 1+ hours= 3+hours:angel:
30minutes on treadmill for 1.5 miles x 3= 4.5miles/wk:redface2:
30+ minutes on weight machines @ two sets of 12 reps on 14 machines @ 50#average=16800#/wk:wink2:

I know, I ain't no big deal to those of you that are "hunks", but it ain't bad for an old man.:tongue2:

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