The Great Couch Potato ThrowDown 8-23-10

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Another almost routine week.
18 miles walking. Daily time during the hot weather was around 48 minutes. But today it was cooler and made it in 45 minutes.
Missed one day walking this week due to doing the yard. It took me a little over two hours to cut the grass, weed eating and blowing.

After walking, 10 minutes at rest, checked blood pressure. 126/69. pulse 72. Normal pulse 60.

My walk is mostly up or down hill, there is little level ground in this area.
Lordy Mercy put this old woman in the shade..:eek2:

Yep, I did 20+ miles on the bike this week beginning on Monday. Gotta get the iPod tuned up with my favorite biking music - Stevie Ray Vaughan. Did y'all know today is 20 years since that fateful day..:redface2: We lost the greatest guitar player of all time..

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