Surgery: Was anyone else this scared?

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Was anyone else this scared?

Was anyone else this scared?

Reading through these posts is making me feel something of a freak! I wasn't in the slightest bit scared, I had the attitude of 'if it happens, then I won't know anything about it'. My daughter really suffered though, she really didn't need the worry a couple of weeks before her wedding - but at least she didn't have last minute wedding nerves, she didn't have time with my double valve replacement on 30th June then having complete heart block on 14th July with her wedding on 15th July!

My doctor said that I am just plain weird, when I had my stroke and he called for an ambulance I fussed about having to get back to work as soon as possible, they needed me, then when I knew that I had to have the valves replaced I was more worried about missing my daughter's wedding! I was apparently supposed to worry about having a stroke and surgery, not about work and weddings. :)

I am sure you will be just fine, it is marvellous what they can do these days - just think of what it would have been like fifty years ago.
Michaelka said:
I do not know what I will do after I am discharged from the hospital. I do not have any place to stay but my appartment. I am fairly new to the area and do not know anyone that can help out. What do I do when I get home?

(My wife left me August 31, so she is gone) I am still living out of boxes as I moved withing the last 2 months.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I do have a great reclining chair / couch so that will help. I am tempted to call for some xanix or something also. This thing is really messing with me.

Michael -

Contact your surgeon's office ASAP and tell them about your situation. They should be able to offer some alternatives. There may be a surgical rehab hospital where you could go for the first few weeks until you are better able to take care of yourself. After you are discharged to home, some sort of visiting care may be arranged. Again, your surgeon's office should know who to contact for these services. Good Luck!

'AL Capshaw'
Michael, I was going to suggest the same thing Al did. You need somebody, if you can get somebody, at least for the first week or so. You can't drive, you can't lift, and you will be very sore. There has to be an answer for you somewhere, and the place to start is your doctor's office. A local church or something in the community? While you still can get out and do stuff, you need to stock up on foods that you can easily prepare and get enough to last you awhile so that grocery shopping won't be a problem. Perhaps your dr can send home health people to check on you. Don't wait til the last minute.
Michael, you might also call the social worker at the hospital where you'll have surgery; I honestly don't think they'll let you go home without someone there. I'm sure they'll have suggestions and are used to making arrangements for people in your situation.

In these last few days you probably ought to try to get a bit organized at home. If you have stuff in boxes you'll need, you must get it out and make it easily accessible - you can't be digging through them after surgery.

A couple other things you really need - a good scale (you need to weigh yourself every morning to watch for fluid accumulation); and a small stool to sit on in the shower, as the hot water can make you light-headed.
What to do when getting out

What to do when getting out

Well, I am fortunate to have a good "bath" chair for adults. Thanks to previous knee surgeries I have had to have one before. Once you get one, you you tend to keep it.
Michaelka said:
Well, I am fortunate to have a good "bath" chair for adults. Thanks to previous knee surgeries I have had to have one before. Once you get one, you you tend to keep it.

You'll also be under a weight lifting restriction. I was given a 5 lb. limit, and unfortunately, a full gallon of milk weighs more than 5 pounds. I learned that the hard way on my first day home.
Refrigerator doors can also be difficult to open the first few days and trying to stretch to reach a top shelf isn't recommended.
You need to have a plan for how and what you will eat the first 4-5 days. In addition, you won't be able to drive, so you will have to make arrangements to get to the doctor's office for your first post op visit.
As Al, Ann, and Georgia wrote, please consider how you will manage these obstacles if you are lacking help at home.
Best wishes-
after surgery how to get around

after surgery how to get around

I was fortunate that I also picked up at a "Medical Supply Store" one of those 2' grabber hands. They are great for picking things up off of a shelf or using to leverage open a refrigerator door.

1/2 gallon milk boxes and bottles are what I usually get anyway. I have about 10 microwaveable "food" items already stored. Some Ice cream when I am being good. (My arteries are clean according to the angio, just my valve is the problem....).Long lasting fruit is already stored in the refrigerator.
The dishes are washed, the laundry is done. My insurance (hospital inpatient and short term disability) has been notified. My work is ok with the time off, like it really matters if they are ok with it or not...
I know that I will not be driving for awhile.

I have my ham radio set up for easy access plus my phone and my cell chargers are all conveniently located. My Palm Pilot charger has been relocated. I picked up an electronic game with lots of extra batteries. I have a large pile of magazines to go

I do need to clear up some boxes so that I can get around better without (egad! Tripping!!!).

I have already put a hold on my mail, paid up all of my bills for the next 4 weeks, gave a copy of my passwords in a sealed envelope to a friend.

I have to pack up my "to-go" bags according to the "List of things to bring" found on this forum.

So I am slowly going through the list of things I need to do. What a list...

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