Surgery: Was anyone else this scared?

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Yes, I had radiation

Yes, I had radiation

I am hoping that a repair is possible. Guess I need to look at the alternatives, though if that isn't possible.

I think they will be taking a very close look at the aorta also because I have Marfans. I've never had any problems due to it before, but it's possible this is connected to that.

Thank you so much for your suggestions. All good ones!


ALCapshaw2 said:
As a Hodgkin's Disease and Radiation Treatment Survivor, (prior to Bypass and then AVR Surgery), I can't help but wonder if you had Radiation to the CHEST?
Wow! Thank you!!!

Wow! Thank you!!!


I am SO glad I found this site! It is so wonderful to hear from people who have been to CC. It's really making a difference in the way I feel about this.

I checked out your web page and that is awesome! That will make keeping friends and family updated so much easier.

The last few IVs I've had to have have been awful, so getting a central line is a great idea.

Thank you!!


perkicar said:
Hi Arlene--
Love it, Dustin! :)

Love it, Dustin! :)

I have you beat on both counts. I am 6'2" and could probably qualify easily as a whiner. I Hate needles! :)


Dustin said:

Last time I checked, I was 6 foot tall, healthy, and not know to "whine" easily.
Thank you, Margaret

Thank you, Margaret

I've only been here about 24 hours and have already found this board a tremendous help.

The first thing I bought was a nice warm robe. Slippers came next. I plan to take some books and hope I will feel like reading.

I know that prayers got me through the last year and I will be very grateful to you for including me on your list.


MarkRose said:
Welcome !!!


I spent many summers in Panama City with my aunt when I was growing up and love that area.

This site has made such a difference for me already. Some people don't want much information before something like this. If it was my husband, he wouldn't want to ask questions at all. Just tell him when and where to show up. I am the exact opposite and am feeling a little less stessed already after reading all these replies.

Thank you,

hensylee said:
welcome from another Floridian. I am in Panhandle, lived in Mid-Florida for 20 yrs, grew up in Miami.

Christian, will PM you later

Christian, will PM you later

I would love to talk to your wife. I'm sure it would be helpful. Thank you so much for that offer.

You can use the internet from the TV? Can my husband enter information from there on the posting web site?

Will definitely request a private room.

Thank you!

Christian said:
My wife had a Cosgrove valve repair on November 1. She's doing very well -- she was "back to normal" well before Christmas. Her scar is less than 3 inches long. If you'd like to talk to her, send me a PM and I'll give you her number.
Cindy, small world!

Cindy, small world!

Cindy, I live in Naples now, but spent a good part of my life in Marietta. There are so many things I miss about it. It's a wonderful place to live.

Thank you so much for your encouragement.


Atlanta Sweetheart said:
Arlene, you are not the only one afraid, I too was a basket case. I think it's the not knowing for sure if you will get a repair or replacement when you go in for the surgery. I calmed down alot once I had my pre-op and then turned everything over to God. Good luck and I'll be looking for your post once you're "on the otherside".
Surgery Scheduled for 2/1

Surgery Scheduled for 2/1

Hi Arlene, I know how you are feeling.. I will be going in for Aorta Valve replacement on Feb 1st. I will have the caterization on the 30th of Jan to see if I have any blockage and will have a bypass at the same time if needed. I also have bundle branch block and might need a pacemaker after this operation. I just found out about this website and it's been a great help to me in just the two days that I have been in here searching and reading. It is helpful to talk with those that have been thru this already. When I first found out I definitely need the operation I was petrified, but I've been praying that God will take away the fears and it has helped. I am trying to keep a positive attitude and look forward to having this behind me and start to feel better than I have in years and get back to having energy and having fun again in my life.... I will keep you in my prayers as well.
Hi Sharlo,

I leave on 2/1 to go to Cleveland for pre-op appointments, so I won't be near a pc to check on your results for a while, but I will certainly be praying for you also. I know that prayer is what got me thrugh the last year. I certainly couldn't have done it on my own.

Your positive attitude will also help a lot. Keep that up in the weeks ahead.

Thank you and I know you will do well.

Welcome, Arlene

Welcome, Arlene

So glad you found this site. I didn't find it until several weeks after my surgery. Have you checked the link for what to take to the hospital? The most important thing to have at home is a recliner. It was my best friend for several weeks after my surgery. I slept in it at night for several nights and relaxed during the day. Getting up is another story.
I also was very scare prior to the surgery. I worked until the Fri. before and only had the weekend to really be scared. My kids came over and kept me busy the day before and 5:30am came very quickly.
Once you get to the hospital you will not be nervous at all. I didn't go to Cleveland because I didn't want to be away from my family.
Keep reading and posting. You will have lots of friends here to hold your hand before your surgery.
Sending hugs to you.
Hey Arlene

Hey Arlene

Gosh, Me too!
I have my surgery on 6th feb and yes I'm terrified too. I talk a lot to any one who'll talk to me, which does help. The hospital I'm going to is also brilliant and they have seen me through a couple of tough spots on the phone, when I've manifested all kinds of aches and pains. Are you on MSN messenger. If so you can chat if you want, or of course on the lovely chat room here at VR. Give a reply and I'll pm you my msn address if you like. Apart from that I tru to keep busy and clean1

Wishing you a smooth journey.

Take Care




It didn't really hit me until I scheduled the surgery for 2/9. Now I'm kind of freaking out, at least inside. Hope it helps just knowing others are going through the same thing.

My family and I are taking a vacation in Florida with my family next week, hopefully that will help keep my mind off things. Then 3 days of work, then the hospital. Whew.



I just had my aortic valve replacement on 1/4/06. I was very nervous before the surgery. I prayed alot and the day of surgery, my surgery got cancelled at the time of the surgery. I spent the night at the hospital and that night and the following morning I had an overwhelming calm. My prayers a with you. Like someone mentioned earlier call the Dr. and get something for your nerves. You want your body in tip top shape for the surgery, not all stressed out.
My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Thank you, Joanne

Thank you, Joanne

I am really busy at work right now trying to get a big project finished up before taking off and that's been a blessing. It really does help me take my mind off it. I've been busy on the weekends also getting ready, but I still have some down time, usually at night and that's when I start to get really nervous. Just bought a cd/mp3 player today and will spend some time getting some music ready. That should help too. Busy is a good thing.

Thanks so much for taking the time to post. The support on this forum is phenomenal.

Hi Lotti

Hi Lotti

Sorry, I don't do messenger or any of the other talk programs. I spend so much time on the pc at work that I try to limit my time on here when I get home.

Will have you in my prayers and I hope you do great.

Hope you have a wonderful vacation in Florida. I looked at your web page and saw that you like the outdoors and the Everglades. If you are going to be near the Naples/Ft. Myers area, let me know and I will send you a few "don't miss" places in case you don't know about them.

Best wishes on a very successful surgery.
Thank you, Heather!

Thank you, Heather!

Prayers are certainly welcomed. I know how much they have already helped me. I'm so glad you were able to find that calmness before your surgery. Hope I make it there! :)

feel like a wuss

feel like a wuss

arlene, i haven't even scheduled my avr yet, met the surgeon just last friday. don't really happened he did spring a suprise on me that he thought my arota was bulging and ordered one more test a cat scan to take accurate measurements. Otherwise my cardiologist said the rest of my heart was in great condition and had even told me to expect good news from the surgeon as he knew that i wanted an less evasive procedure only to be told about the A.O. floored my wife as well. Sorry to ramble i have been a bundle of nerves since trying to block all the stuff out but am having difficulty. even got some sleeping pills today so i wouldn't constantly toss and turn hard to turn off the brain. I guess it is very normal but since I will probablly schedule it after the cat scan for prob. months end i am already freaking. All will be well. think of life after how good it will be. I know easy to say. Steve
Hi Arlene!
I had surgery on Jan 6th - and I love this board too! It helped so much to hear the success stories and positive attitudes from the other members.
I came to NY from Brazil to have the surgery, talk about a change in weather!
I WAS very nervous, but also very confident in the surgeon's skills, and in my own ability to heal. Praying was also a comfort.
Don't stress too much about getting things done before you go in.
Do be sure to bring a robe and slippers, it will give you a boost to parade in the hallways when they get you walking. I brought some family photos, especially of my 3-year-old son, and some other personal items that are special to me.
Good luck, my thoughts are with you!
Scared too

Scared too

I am one of the very scared. This is not like any surgery I have ever had.

Getting through the next 6 days will be more and more challenging.
I do not know what I will do after I am discharged from the hospital. I do not have any place to stay but my appartment. I am fairly new to the area and do not know anyone that can help out. What do I do when I get home?

(My wife left me August 31, so she is gone) I am still living out of boxes as I moved withing the last 2 months.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I do have a great reclining chair / couch so that will help. I am tempted to call for some xanix or something also. This thing is really messing with me.

I am scheduled for a mitral valve repair and quite possibly a Cox-Maze proceedure plus hopefully I can have 5 broken dislocate ribs repaired. The ribs were a souvineer from an auto wrieck Feb 6 (1 year to the day) before my surgery. In my auto accident I had 13 broken ribs, flail chest, lung contusion, 3 units of plasma, chest tube, intubated for 5 days. It was not fun and I am hoping the residual effects of the 5 broken ribs could be repaired at the same time.

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