Ben Smith said:Katie,
You tell Evan that what he see's in the writing on that hat is exactly what it says !!
I also feel quite the connection with your son.....he has open my eyes in numerous ways. You have a wonderful family...and you and Dave are doing a great job !!
I'll go back to what I said a few days ago, Evan will ahndle this in ways that are hard for any of us to imagine. He is an extreamly amazing boy.
(....and I caught him looking me in the eyes.......) hehehe
God Bless and see you guys in a few weeks.
hehe He did look you in the eyes a few times. That's really good for him. Honestly, if he does that to me once/week I am impressed. It's not something common for him but once in a while he does it and I love it!
I thought that was so cute what he told me his hat said. He must sense it because he told me the hat was "special".
Thanks for the compliments on our family and how we raise the kids. You, too, have an amazing family and I'm so glad to call you all friends. I feel more like you are family than friends. A sense of calm always comes over us when we're around your family... just a sense of knowing we all have the similar experience. It does help tremendously. Obviously it helps Evan, as well, because he's been fine about the cath. since that day at your house. He now has a Social Story book that I put together for him about it. He's not scared (or doesn't seem to be). He's even got a new blanket (baseball) that he's taking with him to the hospital. A friend that I know only online made it for him knowing that he likes baseball. So he's going to take the hat you gave him, his blankie, and the stuffed lion we got him (he doesn't know about the lion yet) tomorrow. HOpefully all those things will make him feel special and help him to not be scared.
What are your plans this weekend, by the way? You said you might be able to stop down on Sunday... is that still a possibility? We expect to be home no later than Friday morning and I'm sure that Evan would love to see you after the ordeal if it's possible. If not then maybe he can call you and talk to you about it.
Well, I will e-mail you the hospital # and times and all that so you can reach us if necessary.
Talk to you soon, and thanks again for helping out so much with Evan. OH -- I almost forgot to tell you, I think I showed you the beginnings of the Social Story, but you're in there another time. Remember the picture of you and Evan making muscles together? I put that on the last page and it says, "I am a very strong and brave boy." It also mentions you on another page, too, something about being "strong and brave like my friend Ben". The lady at his school helped with the wording and suggested that, so you'll have to be sure and see it next time we all get together.
Take care, and again thanks -- your family is great! I'm so glad we got to meet you all,