Surgery in March 2025. St.Jude???

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Hi Yankeeman2. This figure is not supported by several studies which I have read. Also, such a figure, without taking into account the age of the patient or comorbidities, is meaningless. A lot of patients who received mechanical valves in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s were over 70. For such patients the number living more than 17 years after their procedure will be low and skew the statistics, giving the appearance that there is a low life-expectancy after SAVR.
I was 36 when I got my St. Jude's leaflet. Been since 2001.
Status: Aortic stenosis with biscupis aortic valves.

3 days ago done echo or ultrasound. AVA 0,7 cm and Ejection fraction LV 60%.

2 month ago my AVA was 0,5 cm and ejection fraction 54%....

How it is possible that after 2 month my AVA and EF is better???
I use every day Q10, K2D3 and Rizolit(for colosterol) 2xday.

BUT! Pressure Gradient go from 112 to 119.
I have agreement with my cardio surgeon that I must change aortic valve!
And I will. He will done mini thoracotomy 5,6 cm cut that I will pay(that do that in my clinic) (price is private). It's not OHS. Just little cut. He is one of the best mini thoracotomy surgeon. We have a deal and now question about valve.

Only valve is St.Jude they put. On-x not.

I read about On-x that is much better and new stuff but S.Jude is legend.

Any personal experiences about those the valves.

And I don't have any simptoms of aortic stenosis. I considering not to go to operation. What I made mistake and that put me mechanical valve with no reason because I don't have simptoms and feel good and healthy. Even my echo is better. Maybe for 4 months calcifications in valves disappear forever and AVA goes to 1 cm? Ejection fraction is higher than 2 months ago

Tnx .
I have a St Jude. My surgeon would have given me a OnX if I wanted, but he said he likes St Jude because of its proven reliability. My cardiologist agreed, said it is a robust valve with a good record. So far, 14 years later, I’ve had no problems.

Many of us did not have symptoms before valve replacement. Valve deterioration often is slow at first and then becomes very rapid ending in death. I didn’t have any symptoms for years until my surgery was already scheduled based upon echocardiogram results. After surgery my surgeon said my valve was in bad shape, a month at best until total valve failure….Have the surgery, it will save your life.
On-X does far more marketing than St Jude. They have to. I won’t say if one is better or worse. Both are better than the one you have if you’re even having a conversation about them. I’ve been living with St Jude for over 34 years now. At 52, I’m hoping for another 34 or so.

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