Strange OHS Stories?

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Mar 19, 2010
Miami, FL United States

I am 29 years old and I will be having an AVR for a bicuspid valve May 26, 2010. I am going mechanical.

This is a weird question, but did any of you have any strange or unusual experiences during the surgery or post-op? I'm thinking along the lines of an NDE.

The last time I had surgery was for a tonsillectomy when I was 5 and I remember dreaming for lack of a better term while under the anesthesia. I was told that this was impossible, but the memories were quite vivid.


Absolutely nothing! I remember talking to the anaesthesiologist about a silly question she asked me and then half waking up more than 24 hours later when the surgeon removed the vent tubes, and immediately drifting away again for another 12 hours. No dreams, no out of body experiences, nothing....
My second OHS, I remember being wheeled into OR, the anethesia team began placing a five port IV sort of device and I asked the anethesiologist if I really had to watch them place all these lines. I already had a wrist IV when wheeled into the OR and he must have immediately zapped me with something as I don't recall him answering but next I remember is waking in CICU.

A very good friend of ours who is an MD was present when I had heart attack. (He was not my treating physician.) Apparently I was pretty bad for a while as there was some conversation later as I recovered if I 'experienced anything strange that I recalled'. Not sure those were the exact words but that was the drift. I asked if referring to tunnel or bright light or such. That was the implication but No, I had no such experience. Apparently they thought they were losing me.
Nothing. I don't even remember being put to sleep. I think they zapped me in the hallway before going to the OR. The next thing I remember was half waking in ICU.

Somewhat like you, during a routine tonsilectomy at age 10 I almost died. I had some strong dream-like memories of a "light being" trying to heal me while I lay on the operating table. I do not remember leaving my body and had forgotten about the surgical "memory" when I first awoke. The doctor stormed in and loudly scolded me becaus he said I had drank a glass of orange juice before surgery and had vomited it and could have aspirated the vomit and died. I could never remember drinking the orange juice.

Another time I awoke from the light anesthesia I was given during a breast biopsy. I said to the surgeons. "You know that hurts!" and I remember them saying back to me "We'll take care of that" and I was unconscious again.

SO, I prayed before my OHS that God take me, if it was my time, but if it was not, please keep my unconsious until the tubes were removed from my throat and I was ready to go to my room. My prayers were answered: I awoke with no breathing tube and ready to go to my room.
After my AVR, nothing. But, I did have a "vision" when I had my MI in '96. My heart stopped in the ER and sometime before they revived me I had the experience. I might describe it someday, but I will say I did not hurt anymore, at least until they revived me.
I remember absolutely nothing! They put me OUT, and before I knew it, I remember being in ICU with my breathing tube! (yuck) I have had some pretty wild dreams in the past, but no, nothing with my AVR.

When the tube was removed and I was completely awake. My son told me as they were wheeling me out of surgery, that he couldn't believe how incredibly young I looked, and like I was "glowing"! He was pretty emotional about it. My husband and I had a discussion about it several days later, and I told him it must have been all the blood I lost. At least we got a smile out of him!
On the third trip to ICU I spent 5 days. My room was all glass on one side, with double glass doors. I was pretty much in and out, mostly out. I wrote my wife several notes for I was on the ventilator all the time. One note said that during each night the doors would suddenly slam open, the nurse would drive a forklift right into my room! Then she drove the huge forks under me and lifted me up out of the bed.
Wife said it was actually only a hydraulic lift on wheels that the nurse used to weigh me. Wife still has all the crazy notes that I scribble.
Funny thing, I still remember the old nurse on the forklift.
I was in ICU for 40+ days from my first surgery. Yes I did experience what I consider to be an NDE and that's why I have the trinty symbol in my signature. No, I didn't see any great white light or tunnel. No, I didn't see Jesus or God, but I went through many things concerning the darker side of myself at the time. It was like being locked into a story where time was of no consequence. It simply didn't exist. I would have to write a book about what all occured.

Dr. McCarthy came to see me and asked me what I remembered. I didn't want to say anything for fear he'd set me up with a psych consult. He then told me that they had signs placed around the OR for people that were actually dead for a little while, that some had read the signs and told them exactly where they were. I was not one of them.
Thank you all for the responses.

Some of the experiences I have had leading up to my diagnosis in December of 2009 make me think about things like this. If I feel comfortable, I may describe them later.

well I was a little 6 year old... n I just remember holding my moms hand hard b/c I was so scared.... n then I woke up in the ICU very very thirsty!
no dream no nothing nada zilch
One of the commonly used drugs these days is Versed, which among other effects, is an amnesiac. Amiodarone which is frequently used (if I recall correctly) can cause very weird dreams. I had a guided imagery thing for my Husband to read to me just before they knocked me out for my surgery, and I think they must have put the 'knock out drops' in my IV a tad too soon, because I only heard the first half of the little speech from my Husband before I was zonked into la la land. The first night or two after surgery I had some very, very weird dreams. Tthe strangest one was when I dreamed I was part of a flying insect colony, with psychedelic colors all around. I was very glad that side effect went away quickly, as that was more of a nightmare than a dream.
I was told I needed an extra dose of anesthesia due to high tolerance, therefore it took longer for me to wake after surgery.

What I remember most vividly was a prayer circle of people around my bed (post-op). It was clearly there to me, like transparent people praying, going around my hostpital bed in a linked circle. After a few days in the hospital, I then noticed little smoky "trails" after things I looked at, and the ceiling looked like balls of cotton. Found out that was the Oxycotton narcotic pain med they had me on. I asked them to stop that immediately then! LOL.

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