Strange OHS Stories?

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I "came to" during my first surgery though it was a very transparent dreamy state that lasted only a brief moment.
\The last one I don't remember anything after getting my first shot.
:eek: Oh my word, James.....

How do you know you 'came to'? This really grabs me. Do you have some way of knowing for sure you really started to come out of the anesthesia?
From the time I was put out until I awoke in the ICU seemed like an instant - like the quickest OHS in history! No dreaming, so sensation of the passage of time at all. And I awoke completely alert because they gave me a hit of Narcan (narcotic antagonist) to reverse the Fentanyl (narcotic) after I apparently stopped breathing. Kinda scary in retrospect, but I suffered no consequences, as far as I can tell. Fortunately, I NEVER felt ANY pain and needed no further narcotics or other pain medication at all. Other than the expected short-term post-OHS weakness, some temporary sleep disturbances, and a few weeks of partial gastric ileus from anesthesia, the OHS was experience was unbelievably benign.

I remember vividly up to the moment they knocked me out for each surgery. Both times in midsentence (I suspect they may have been tired of listening to me).

However, most people seem to find that their dream-states were actually from the time right after the surgery, rather than during it. I apparently did things that were semiconscious after the surgery that I don't remember at all. Each time, I have a memory of "waking up," and I remember everything clearly after that. But what happened as I was slowly rousing from anesthesia to that wakeful stage all stayed in Vegas.

As far as waking up during surgery, I propbably wouldn't have remembered it, even if I had. Good thing James didn't get any more awake. It would probably be extremely unnerving not to feel your heart beating...

Best wishes,
James doesn't know it yet. He's still sedated and I'm holding his heart in my hand. If he wants it back, I take Paypal.
Was very afraid of being "put out" as it was my first time at 42. Mostly like I had been told with a few surprises. Wheeled into the operating room. lying in a bed beside the operating table. Was expecting the OR to be cold but it wasn't. Briefly introduced to some people busy as hell with full surgery gear on face mask etc. then out cold. No perception of time passed. No recollection of anything. Vagely, vagely remember them pulling the tube from my mouth that I was pre surgery freaked about. Going to google what that looked like. Think it was a ventilator. Do remember asking my wife if the Vancouver Canucks won that night. They did. Remember giving her the thumbs up. The month before the operation I had a reoccuring dream that had me waking up screaming. I remember something leaning over me in my bed. Not necessarily a person but maybe and I dont know why a sasquatch leaning over me. I knew it was my fear of the surgery and having someone operate on me. Have only had that dream once and it wasn't the same post surgery.
Thank you for posting your stories. It is relief to hear most of your experiences. Lately I've been listening to a guided hypnosis cd by Peggy H. and that has helped with my attitude and my anxiety.

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