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Well done, you've made a good choice there ! I used to smoke hand rolled (rollies) for years, I loved em' infact I probably still would ! I've not had one for a few years now though. I've decided that if I make it to maybe 70 or 80 (to be decided!) then I'll take it up again. As for tailor mades (straight) I wouldn't have one even when I did smoke, they stink !
When I gave up I found it much easier to keep a packet in my workshop (where I work) because I tried to give up without any and it didn't work, it drove me nuts! But when I had the option to have one I found it much easier to stop ?
Here's the clincher though, strickly for moments of weakness.. Get an empty jam jar, half fill with water and *** butts, put the lid back on ... Now if and when you fancy a ***, simply unscrew the lid and take good sniff ! Works every time, there's no way you can have a smoke after a wiff of that nasty stew !?

Good luck...

I quit 14 years ago after having smoked at least 35 years-at least 1 1/2 paks a day. The gum was my lifesaver. It somehow provides some satisfaction to the mouth like having a cigarette to puff on does. I live in southern California and used to go down to Tijuiana every few months to stock up on gum because it was still by prescription only in the U.S. I have chewed the gum off and on still today.....just occasionally now but there are still times when I see people with a cigarette and it looks tempting....some people may not believe that but for many of us ex-smokers the urge remains forever I think. Anyway, the gum was the easiest way for me. Good luck, it's not easy but it can be done.
I quit cold turkey 46 years ago. I had smoked about 14 years.
I told everyone I knew that they would never see me smoke another cigarette as long as I live.... then I had to keep my word. :D

I didn't see it too big a deal for I completely lost the craving for tobacco after couple years. Not near as bad as dieting... I've never lost the craving for food except a for a couple months after AVR. I started dieting to control my weight about the time I quit smoking.

Wish you the very best luck on stopping those cancer sticks.
I quit smoking AND chewing tobacco cold turkey on January 12th, 08 at about 3:45 pm... I was chewing about a tin of tobacco a day and smoked about 2 packs a week. That is a TON of nicotine. I was about as emotional as a pregnant woman for like 3 months. Well actually I found out about my aneurysm 4 months after I quit so I'm just now starting to feel normal again. :D

It's bad, but the key is to not jump on and off the wagon because it's torture like that. Every day becomes easier.
Hey Jojo i may just join you i did give up awhile ago for charity but i gave in again, its a horrible habbit but i have a lot of STRESS excuses. I would also like to say that i never smoke near my son always go outside but i think its time that i also gave them up. Hope you have a easy time giving them up. We should have a thread like cookers weight loss, there must be other smokers hiding on here :D
I was a smoker for 50 years

I was a smoker for 50 years


I had my last cigarette in the parking lot of the Mayo Clinic Hospital, at 6:15 am, on June 20, 2005. I was scheduled to have out-patient robotic surgery. They were to perform an Oophorectomy ( not removal of the "oophors", but removal of the ovaries.).

I went cold turkey. The first few days were not a problem. I was recovering from surgery and could not even stand the thought of coughing. The beginning of the second week, I was loosing it.

My doctor recommended Zyban (generic is Bupropion). That stuff worked really well for about 10 days. Then I started having awful, bloody, nasty nightmares. My dreams made Freddy Krueger seem like the Easter Bunny.

I tried several other things that just didn't work for me. I was back to cold turkey when I went to see my dentist. His suggestion saved me..... He told me to use cinnamon. I could not believe the difference cinnamon made. I had cinnamon in almost everything...even found recipes for cinnamon in fish and chicken dishes.

My new, best friend was a small metal box with "Altoids" cinnamon chewing gum inside. I also had "Altoids" cinnamon candies. Although I don't have much cinnamon now (Actually if the truth be known, I dislike cinnamon very much.), I still carry cinnamon gum and candies...just in case.

Jojo, I wish you the very best. I think you will find that stopping smoking might well be one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Please remember, there is no one right way to stop smoking. If something does not work, try something else. And, keep trying until you succeed.

Perhaps this link might be of interest to you.

Kind regards,
I read once that chewing on sunflower seeds helps with cravings but i havn't tried it so can't say that it works.
All the very best for Monday...

I quit on Jan 26 2006...The hardest part for me was actually getting through the first few days...after that I had more to lose if I gave in so I kept being strong and amazingly it got easier and easier as the days rolled into weeks and months and now years.

What I used as my "tool" was regular suagrless gum (cheap and readily available) and a bottle of was Summer and I went walkies with our dogs and got healthy at the same time as quitting...a perfect lead up to my own OHS.

I figured why get myself addicted to nicotine gum and I was pretty sure I would get a bad rash form the patches so they were never an option for me. Water and regular gum was enough to get me through and I was a really dedicated smoker. I didnt want to admit to these lovely people here that I had failed which was also kept me focussed and determined to quit.

Keep us updated on your progress so we can all tell you how good you are doing and cheer for you!...
WOW you guys are so supportive. So, I got my patches, I am all ready for tomorrows quit date. I am excited to be honest. Today I am cleaning my house and by bedtime there will be no cigs in this house! I got back to work tomorrow after being out for TWO weeks for dads surgery then the flu. My boss is expecting me to be a non-smoker as well tomorrow, LOL. I have a ton of support at home and at work. BUT one hard thing I share an office and the guy is a smoker, so when he comes back from breaks he is going to stink up the office. I am bringing in some smelly diffusers so maybe that will help and I already warned him I will be complaining to him about the smell. I think that will be the hardest part. He wont quitt with me, I already asked...LOL. So, I am ready, I got some tootsie pops, tic tacs, some snacks...light snacks that is. I am ready. I am a little concerened about my weight, I am on Weight Watchers, I have been since Novemeber and have lost about 25 pounds and I need to keep it off! I might gain a little but I am not going nuts. I will be getting back to the gym, I am thinking by the end of the week. I am anxious, nervous, excited. We will save $500 a month my husband and I , now that we will be smoke free. That is amazing. Money is not why I am quitting, althought it helps, I need to get healthy, now. Love you all - JoJo
I quit about 20 years ago.. best thing I ever did for myself.. altho I will of the hardest things I ever did!
Jojo...if your worried about the weight gain why don't you consider using some of that $500 a month for a personal trainer at the gym ? They can keep your routine fresh and can really push you to work hard and help keep the weight off. Could be the best money you ever spent.

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