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one of the best things you can do is try to form new habits that you don't associate with smoking. When I first quit I had to give up coffee and beer for a few months. My routine was a cup of coffee on the deck with a smoke while the dog did his business. So instead I started walking the dog which the dog loved and was good for me also. When I smoked I would go through a 1/2 pack on the golf course, seemed I would light up every other hole. THAT was a toughie because I wasn't going to give up golf. So instead of a smoke I would snack on sunflower seeds. The patches were keeping the physical urges at bay, it was the mental association that I had to get over.

Keep up the good work, your really doing great !
I made it to day 8 and officially starting my 2nd week. I ended up staying home yesterday and I wish I didnt. I made it through the day not smoking of course but I got depressed, not sure why. Maybe PMS, I dont know but I was sad and this morning I am sitting here at work and alittle sad too. Is this all normal? Then I ask myself was smoking all I ever did??? LOL - I am being serious. I have all these weird feelings. I dont want to smoke, I know that but I am a little depressed. I want to know IS THIS NORMAL???
Yes, this is normal. When I first quit smoking, that is all I thought of. It will get easier after a while. There is no doubt, it is HARD! I hope your day is better today. Maybe work will help.
Ross - you are so funny - you still know how to make me laugh in spite of it all! Thats why I keep on coming back!!!
Best of luck to you! This will be the best thing you will do for yourself! I quit April 14th 2005, I used the patch which worked for me. You have to want it! Little did I know that by quiting, starting to walk, prepared me for what I found out in Oct of 2007 that I needed my Aortic valve replaced.
Good for you! I just read through this thread, and saw your last post. Have you considered taking anything to help you out the first few weeks? I had a girlfriend who tried to quit many times, unsuccessfully, but 2 years ago she finally did it by using the patch and also Wellbutrin (not sure of the spelling), I think that helps with the depression you are describing. Best of Luck, you have made a great decision. Hang in there!
It sounds like you are doing well. The feelings of depression should just
go away on their own. I had anxiety real bad,then a few days later the
depression hit me,but it didn't last but a few days and the next time I
thought of it --it was gone. Then I was feeling happy that I could walk
faster and not get out of breath. I also felt 'cleaner' somehow.
Now my problem is that my husband still smokes. Not in the house,but
on the terrace,and I smell it. He has slowed way down-a pack will last
him a week,but it is hard for me at certain times,like if I'm upset. That is
why I said a week ago that its so good you two are quitting together.
And with that,Ross is right,in that your DH will have more stamina:D