Some difficult issues

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
***Warning, this is about ADVANCED heart and other health issues, don?t read if you think it might worry you**

Joe?s been through quite a few things in the past two months. He?s been in and out of the hospital three times, and is probably being discharged tomorrow making this the fourth time. The basic issues are his continued upper GI bleeding which has caused lots and lots of anemia requiring somewhere around 8 transfusions or so (I lost count), which then led to kidney failure, chronic and acute, which led to severe CHF which increased all his internal pressures, making the bleeding worse and thus making a nasty and downward-spiraling vicious circle. Diuresis became a difficult issue due to the kidney failure. So his CHF worsened to an alarming degree, into Class 4 by the time I took him to the ER last Wednesday, and he was coughing up bloody mucous and he could barely walk. He was very, very ill. Several doctors had said that there wasn?t much they could do about the whole thing and it would be a constant balancing act, with a very small therapeutic margin.

He was in a very difficult and fragile situation, since he had thrown some emboli recently, causing splenic infarctions and causing a retina artery occlusion, which left him blind in his left eye. His INR had been raised to try to prevent any more emboli from forming. However this higher level made the GI bleeding worse. So his INR has had to be reduced again to control the bleeding, and will probably stay at the lower level, which is the lower end of the range for a double valver.

During the course of his GI examinations, we were fortunate to have a young gastroenterologist who told us he had an idea. The cause of Joe?s bleeding, apparently, is from areas of gastritis which had been oozing. He also has varices from portal hypertension coming from his congestive liver disease and his PH, but they showed no evidence of bleeding at this time. He?s had three endoscopies, one thought the varices were Grade 2, but the other and final one said they were Grade 1.

This gastroenterologist had trained on a procedure using argon vapor cauterization, which seals off the bleeding areas. Other gastroenterologists had thrown up their hands and told us that Joe would be managed by giving him periodic transfusion, and nothing could be done about the bleeding. But transfusing has also become quite an issue, since Joe is now a difficult blood match due to all the transfusing. The bloodbank has told us he requires a 48 hour notice after typing and crossmatching, and his blood has to be ordered from the regional bloodbank which is in a distant city. So continual transfusing is clearly not a benign situation.

Well, Joe went through the procedure, and it went very well. I would say that approximately one-third of his stomach was treated. In two days, his hematocrit has come up 4 points, and his hemoglobin 1 point. His stools are now a normal color, no more tarry diarrhea and his kidneys appear to be working much better. His CHF is vastly improved, although not completely gone. His BUN and creatinine have lowered dramatically.

As a follow-up, he had a small bowel barium study today, and if all appears OK with that, he will have a capsule endoscopy of the small bowel to rule out any other bleeding issues, that will be done on an outpatient basis. He has also had a large bowel colonoscopy which was OK.

I am hopeful that he will be home tomorrow. He feels the best he?s felt in a very, very long time.

I can go back for several years and remember him having to have transfusions. The thoughts were that the blood loss was from hemolysis from his valves, but I wonder if this has been an issue, possibly in concert with the hemolysis, all along.

Please say a prayer for him that this great procedure will continue to hold for him and give him some peace for a little while. And while you're at it, say a prayer for the young doctor who had a good "idea".
Wow, Nancy.... Joe is one tough guy.

Wow, Nancy.... Joe is one tough guy.

Hopefully he will be home with you soon. As I?ve said before... he's one lucky guy to have you there by his side.


You and Joe are in my prayers everynight.... Being the # 2 poster on have brought much help to many.....Like I said in a post last week...I have told my family to seek you out, if I ever have any problems.:) ....Hoping Joe can come home tomorrow..Bonnie
Nancy, Joe is definitely in my thoughts and prayers. He's been through so many major ordeals but keeps pulling through. He is one tough guy, I tell ya... Also, I'm so glad you met up with that young aggressive GI. Hopefully this procedure will give him some relief.

My heart goes out to you. I'm so thankful that the young doctor was willing to give that procedure a try.

Prayers and hugs to both of you,
Gee, Nancy, how serendipitous, or miraculous, to have the young doc with new thoughts show up in your lives. All my best to Joe and yourself. I think medical advances are staying just about 1/2 step ahead of Joe's medical problems; it'd be nice if the advances would surge ahead.
I'm glad you encountered the new gastroenterologist at such an opportune time. My new cardiologist was the one who caught my pericardial constriction. Sometimes "new and young" is a really good thing.
I sure hope Joe is ready to go home tomorrow. It's great that he feels so much better. I'll say a prayer that the cauterization continues to control the bleeding.
God bless you both,
Nancy. So much for one soul to go through!! I'm counting on this young fellow to have the much needed magic for Joe. How brave of you two to trust his idea. May you be rewarded for your unending faith.

Best wishes to you both.

So thankful that the right young doctor was there at the "right" time and I hope this is the end of hospital visits for Joe for a long time. You both are models for us all on and we send you our prayers and our thanks.
Nancy, my goodness. Don't you sometimes wonder how much more can a person handle. Thanks goodness for the young doctor. Hugs & prayers are coming your way both for you & Joe.
Just when you think you're at the end of the rope, someone adds a shoestring. I hope this gives Joe some more lattitude, and more time at home.

After a while, you wonder if all the tests aren't going to be the problem. I fervently hope he gets some time off from them, too.

Very best wishes,
Let's hear it for the youngsters - sometimes age doesn't always have all the answers.
You and Joe and now that doctor are all in my prayers.
Nancy, you both have my concerted prayers. Bless that young gastro doc!
Prayers going your way.

Prayers going your way.

How wonderful that you met up with that young doctor! I hope this procedure takes care of the problem for you all.
I will keep Joe and you in my prayers. I hope he is able to go home tomorrow. Take care,
Kathy H
Nancy, I have been going through a difficult time myself....

Nancy, I have been going through a difficult time myself....

and I haven't been on as much, but please know that I am always thinking of you and Joe and praying that you both are doing well...I really admire the way you have both fought Joe's medical battles as well as your own and pray for nothing but the best for you both....Harrybaby:D :D :D :D
God Bless you two Nancy and Joe...and God Bless that young Doctor with the lil Idea that has given Joe another turn at life on the outside of a hospital...

may you all continue to do well
hi nancy,
i was so sorry to read that you and joe are back in the hospital.
please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
that young doctor was heaven sent... what a blessing that he came into your lives when he did.
please let us know how you and joe are doing and if/when he gets home.
be well,
Hi Nancy! I am so sorry to hear of Joe's issues but I am SO glad he is on the upswing. You both are in my prayers for continued improvements and will also say a thank you prayer for the dr who is on top of things;) Bless you both-Deb

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