Some difficult issues

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Nancy -

Nancy -

All the best to you and Joe. He will be in my prayers that this procedure will take care of things, thanks to the young Doogie Howser. :)

I admire your strength, Nancy. Joe is a lucky man to have you, but I'm sure you feel that you are the lucky one.

God bless -

Christina L
Praying for Joe

Praying for Joe

Joe is so very blessed to have such a wonderful and caring wife as you.
I'm so sorry to hear that he's had such trouble. Your thread on anger and sadness and everyone who responded to it absolutely made my heart ache.
I have tried to reply to your thread, but just couldn't seem to put my thoughts into words. Please know that you and Joe and the rest of your family are being lifted up in prayer. God bless you all!!! Gail
Amen, Nancy..........

Amen, Nancy..........

Nancy said:
***Warning, this is about ADVANCED heart and other health issues, don?t read if you think it might worry you**

Please say a prayer for him that this great procedure will continue to hold for him and give him some peace for a little while. And while you're at it, say a prayer for the young doctor who had a good "idea".

Like I don't worry already? :D You must know that you and Joe are my idols. God bless you all, including the young doc. I pray that y'all have some calm waters in the years ahead. Much love. J.
Sending prayers and good wishes for Joe and yourself. Whenever I read what Joe is going through (and has gone through in the past) it saddens me to think that any one person should have to go through all that. Joe sure has had more than his fair share of illness. I will pray that he will be able to come home to you tomorrow and that he will soon be feeling better. Take Care.

Hi Nancy

Of course, you and Joe are BOTH in my prayers.....along with many others here on this list.

I will add that dr. to the list also.

I'm hoping Joe gets home real soon and has many more good days, rather than bad.......


Both you and Joe are always in my daily prayers. Now more than ever.

I, too, agree with you that we also owe a prayer of thanks for the young specialist who "thought outside the box" for you. I remember when my mom was in the hospital with terminal cancer it was the younger doctors who tried their hardest and had the most compassion for a very sick elderly patient.
Like everyone else, my thoughts a prayers are with you and wish you and Joe the best of luck. And what a wonderful dr. that looked at things with a different view - sounds like just what you needed and just at the right time. I hope all continues to go well.

Your clear-thinking no doubt influenced this young doctor's creativity. I'm happy to hear about Joe's current state of health, and hope that the previous weeks and months will be a distant memory for a long, long respite. How are YOU?

I have an excellent GI doc, too. He's quick-thinking and thorough. Last year, I wrote a post about lower-right abdominal pain which I thought related to vascular disease. My primary care doc ordered a CT of the lower abdomen which was normal.

Six months later, the pain worsened and I finally referred myself to a GI doc who ran a simple blood test and found high levels of inflammation. He suspects an ulcer, and is ordering additional tests.

I read in the NYTimes the other day that 20% of diagnoses are incorrect. Interesting, eh?

wishing you the best

wishing you the best

HI Nancy. I will continue my prayers for you and Joe. I hope he is feeling better and you are holding up okay. You two have sure been through a lot and please know I wish the very best for you both. God Bless and prayers for a speedy recovery.;)
Looking up

Looking up

Sounds like your prayers were heard before you said them! You are two very couragous people. I pray that God continues to bless you and place gifted people in your path as you go.
Hi Nancy, you and Joe are shining examples of foks who just don't give up! And you don't let the medical establishment give up. So glad that you and this young GI doc crossed paths.

Hope Joe is now home and that you are both doing better.

Sending you lots of positive thoughts.
Nancy - I read this thread a day ago and didn't know how to respond. You and Joe have been through so much, it humbles me.

I thank God for the young doctors! I've always had a preference for a doctor that really thinks through the problem and looks for a solution, even if it's out of the box. Without this type of thinking, we'd still be using leeches (OH! Just had a flash of that SNL skit with Steve Martin as the barber/doctor!)

Good luck and keep us posted.
Thats Fantastic Nancy, I am just so happy for Joe. :) I'm sure things are finally going to get better. Its just amazing - different doctors - diffferent options. Better days are coming.. :D

Dear Nancy,
I'm a little late but I still wanted to send my prayers and best wishes to you and Joe. I hope by now that Joe is home and is feeling better to be "home sweet home". Take care! Godspeed! Sue
:) I am so glad that it looks like this young doctor has found something that is helping. May this be the begining of some real good days for Joe. My prayers go out for all of you.
My best to Joe

My best to Joe


Your bad news was followed by good news. I hope this is the beginning of much improved health. Keep us "posted" on Joe's progress. You guys are in my prayers.


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