So TIRED!!!!!!!!

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My, my Anna.. I was just having a look at the Kalgoorlie website and see where you have gold in 'them thar hills'...:D

Culture lesson question -- what's a 'footy tippin?' Sorry, but I've only been to the big cities of Sydney and Melbourne. Y'all sure build big bridges...!

Also had a look at the Qantas website and see flights available for 120AUD - Kalgoorlie to Perth. That's about the same distance as San Antonio to Dallas and is equivalent to how much we would pay. I think you should fly if you possibly can. That's a long drive...or ride. Raid one of those gold mines!

Wish the other Aussies would surface for you...
Hi, Anna

Hi, Anna

You managed to hit the right website. You'll receive a wealth of information and be nagged to death to get surgery sooner rather than later.

It's worrisome to me to think of you alone and 6 hours away from help. I was in your position just this time last year - so tired that the stairs to my bedroom looked like climbing the Eiffel Tower. And I was in real trouble.

I think if you read some threads you'll see that cardiologists generally want to delay surgery. You do NOT want to end up like me - with heart damage because the surgery was done late. And there are a lot more folks out there with a lot more damage than I have due to surgery delayed.

PLEASE go wherever you need to go to get help now. It really sounds like you shouldn't wait another 5 or 6 months to get reevaluated.

Hang in there and stay in touch with us.
Hi, Anna!

Welcome - by know you know you've come to the right place!

My AVS was just diagnosed as severe on November 26. Before that I had noticed that I tired more easily and got short of breath when exercising or exerting myself. I didn't really complain, except to grumble about getting "old." What has amazed me is how rapidly (last two months) the symptoms have worsened, both the tiredness and the shortness of breath.

At first I just attributed it to mental awareness of my condition, or doctor-induced hypochondria (which you can also get from reading too much info on the web!), but it has lasted and worsened, and it is REAL.

As you point out, I still look "normal" to others - not overweight, appear to be in good shape, and some probably do think I'm a wimp or just lazy. I don't worry about them, and rest when I need to. That's hardest to do at work and you are fortunate to have a better system than we do in the states to take care of those who are disabled and in need of care.

I do recommend that you move your cardio appointment up and try to get on the list for a surgery soon. The condition really can slide dramatically in a short period of time once it becomes symptomatic, and if you're out in the "sticks" you don't want to be in a situation where you need critical care in a hurry.

Keep in touch and let us know how you're doing.

Finally, I find that a very short walk each day keeps me feeling active instead of like a slug, and doesn't tire me too much. If I were you I would do it after sunset or before sunrise when it is cooler out - those are also nice times of day to be outdoors.
Hi y'all and thanks again for your comments and concern. I rang my cardio yesterday because I hadn't heard anything from them (..the way it works over here is you have to see a GP to get a referral to the cardio (..which I did mid Dec..).... they send the referral to the cardio and then their office gets in touch with you to make a time..). Apparently they hadn't received my referral, so now I have to chase that up, but they made an appointment for 20 Feb, which was the soonest they could book me in - and only because I pushed so hard for it.

As far as having my surgery any sooner, because it is considered "elective surgery" - as ridiculous as that might seem - it means you have to wait until they can fit you in. I was told if I gave them 4 months advance notice they could probably schedule it for a specific date, but under 4 months is a bit "iffy". Anyway, I will be pushing for May/June and see how I go. This is the fabulous trade-off we make for not having to have medical insurance for everything.

Janie -
Good grief girl - I need to get you as my travel agent!!!! I don't know where you sourced that airfare, but I don't think I've EVER seen a Qantas fare under $240 for that particular trip!! I'm very impressed!!! :D By the way, Footy Tipping: you probably have something similar over there... it's sort of a friendly betting game for the AFL (Australian Football League). Each week you bet which teams will win and the first match of the week you have to guess the margin - who ever has guessed the most correct at the end of the season wins a prize. It's usually something run in the workplace and costs from maybe $1 p/week to play. I'm not much of a footy fan, but I love the competition!!

Once again, I really appreciate everyones comments and advice - I'll be sure to keep you posted on how things go.

Anna : )

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