So ........ did you get your walk in today??

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OldManEmu said:
Randy that looks like a fair size fish. I am not familiar with Red fish as they do not occur in the Southern Hemisphere. How many kg (lb) is the fish in the photo? :)

That fish was 36" and 22lbs. Although Redfish are edible this one had to go back to the water to make more babies. You can only keep fish that are between 18' and 27". and the limit is one fish per day per angler. The Redfish species was commercially raped during the 80's do the popularity of Blackened Redfish in the restaurants. They are now banned from commercial catch and are illegal to sell the fish to the public. The Redfish have now come back and are now a great sport fisherman's target.
joanne6 said:
I am so proud of those of you who are actually exercising. I know what I should be doing but haven't done it yet. Only 9 months since surgery. Wouldn't want to rush into anything. Eating, unfortunately, has become my exercise of choice. I am really trying to talk myself into taking better care of myself. I find many excuses not to do so. Maybe soon I will actually listen to me and do what I know I should. Make sense?

Joanne. I'd probably be one to reach for the "I'd rather be eating" bumper sticker, too!! The key is to just (forgive me) get your butt out there and start on something!! I chose a nice middle school's track. I go before class starts (summer is coming, so time won't matter, except sports camps sometimes interfere). THere's plenty of parking. It's just one big circle. I can go as many times around and no one else is counting. There are no hills. This one is set by a farm so there are cows (I am now so partial to cows, ;) ) and big trees and it can be very windy there, very cooling and natural feeling). I now walk with a friend and that makes the time go by so quickly. We take water with us (drink, drink, drink lots of water) and we DO NOT stop at Starbucks on the way home, we were going to Curves afterwards (still waiting from sternum to heal more) and stretching when we got home. Really very simple, yet very, very rewarding. As Der Biermeister will tell you, the endorphins go to work and you do feel so much better once you get yourself going. But you have to make the first step.

My neighborhood is very hilly, so with all the SOB from my stenosis I avoided neighborhood walks and chose the track. Someday, I will walk up all my hills to the track! That may be after the long hot summer, though!

Try. Just go out and try something!! Something will feel right. :D

(Tommy, thanks for the loop mileage :) )

joanne6 said:
I am so proud of those of you who are actually exercising. I know what I should be doing but haven't done it yet. Only 9 months since surgery. Wouldn't want to rush into anything. Eating, unfortunately, has become my exercise of choice. I am really trying to talk myself into taking better care of myself. I find many excuses not to do so. Maybe soon I will actually listen to me and do what I know I should. Make sense?

Marguerite just said it best Joanne - the whole secret is in NOT sitting around thinking about it, but by TAKING THAT FIRST STEP. Then tomorrow, YOU TALK TO YOURSELF ONCE AGAIN: "Self -- while I'd much rather be doing lots of stuff, including raiding the fridge, I am going to go RIGHT NOW and put my Nikes on and hit the bricks". You keep doing that for a few days, and it'll turn into a few weeks -- and soon it'll be part of your life. I know this to be true -- it all happened to me 15 years ago.
Not me

Not me

Minnesota weather decided to get hot, hot, hot and humid with lots of wind. Sent me right into congestive heart failure yesterday and today. Cranked up the air and put my feet up and did not one darn thing. I hate summer!!!!!!
I am sooo grateful that I, thus far, have been able to march myself out the door each evening with my Dear Husband and walk at least 40 minutes most days of the week. Before my MI and surgery 2 1/2 years ago, that was not something I ever did. I keep my fingers crossed I continue doing it as there is no doubting the benefit.

Good point about the humidity though. Because I live in the Northeast, winters are cold and our summers can be hot. Our very close friend is a PCP and he wasn't happy when he heard I walk in the hot, hot, humid weather....or the bitterly cold of winter. I checked with my Cardio and he was quite firm that seeing as I walk daily, it was perfectly fine for me to go out in the extreme weather. He said if I was only doing it on weekends or occasionally, he would prefer I use our treadmill. I much rather walk outside.
I much prefer walking outdoors, too. Hate a treadmill. When exercising inside, I prefer an exercise bike with support for the back.

Good for you for doing your walking with your husband. Keep it going! (I would think Massachusetts humidity would be a tad less than Southern humidity, but that's just an assumption on this Southerner's part. :D
My Coumadin makes me walk.

My Coumadin makes me walk.

My Coumadin makes me walk. here's how it works in my case. We got ambitious, and my wife & I statrted a regular, and brisk 2 mile walk on a mountain road with some significant elevation gain. Then I discovered that, with that level of exercise, I needed to up my doseage to stay in range.

Now, as soon as I take those 8mg. of coumadin I have comitted myself to the walk. I guess the moral to the story is to take your discipline from wherever you can find it.
Here's a thought. Keep some walking shoes in the car. When your spouse or SO (I won't be sexist here) decides to stop for a little package of picture hooks at your "local' Home Depot, or Loew's or similar gigantic hardware store, be sure to put those sneakers on while he/she spends 2 hours searching for aforementioned item. You on the other hand can do loops inside the perimeter of the store and feel like an athlete, dodging lumber laden carts, exotic plants, bags of toxic, well....everything! That's where I got my walk in on Sunday!

For those of you with horrid hot weather, how about mall walking? THey often unlock the mall early just for walkers.

Wal-Mart Walk?

Wal-Mart Walk?

Yeah, Marguerite, guess you could even do a Wal-Mart walk, as long as you didn't get totaled by Wal-Mart shoppers with carts overflowing. :D

But seriously you are right: Lots of shopping malls even have mall walkers' clubs that meet to walk together before the malls start bustling. (And maybe enjoy a nice cherry danish and coffee afterwards? :D
good ideas -- mall walking, HD or Lowes walking!

On Sunday, due to the summer heat FINALLY arriving, I shifted gears and began my 4 mile walks early in the morning. Same with today -- I hit the road at 6:15 AM and came into work 1 1/2 hours later than normal. I'll simply stay later in the afternoon (I typically work 6 hour days) since it's too da-gum hot to do anything that late in the day.

I have to say that I have a LOT more energy walking early in the day. And generally, I cannot believe how I am able to push myself now, including going up hills. I haven't been walking this fast for at least 7 years (before my knee problems).
RobHol said:
(And maybe enjoy a nice cherry danish and coffee afterwards? :D

Behave yourself Bob!
You know you're not suppose to have that Danish!:p :p :p :p
Track length

Track length

Just a quick a running coach, I have a formula to figure the distance in each lane of the track, but for lane 8, given a lane width of 1.25 meters (average), you are really going an extra 55.9 meters per lap.
I was a mall walker post surgery when the weather was colder than my restrictions allowed (40F). can get lots of exercise, walking while their wife (SO) is shopping for clothes:D :D :D

That's a VERY expensive way to walk -- walking while milady exercises the credit cards! :eek: You could join a posh health club for less than that. :D


I of course eat only cherry danishes that are sweetened with Splenda. :D
I actually swam 18 laps yesterday and did a weightlifting class this morning. I can imagine that my arms and back are going to hurt like the dickens tomorrow morning. Geez...the price we pay.:D :D
Sherry, good going. You may hurt less than you think. Water is a lot more forgiving than concrete. Try 20 laps next week.

Rob, the idea is to walk before the mall opens. Wear exercise clothes with no pockets.

Tprice54, Hope things go well for you. Yes, 55.9 extra meters jives with 7 laps around the outside equalling 2 miles (well, okay, probably 36' short:rolleyes: )
I spent the last week walking a lot around New York City! I was nervous before I went, and thought I would huff and puff a lot and be weak and miserable. but I really did great! I had only one dizzy moment, but most of all I did great! I even went on a walk thru Central Park, and a walking tour of Rockerfeller Center! I had to walk up inclines a little slow, but overall it was ok, even on the humid days. I would hail a cab if I was really really tired, but hey, that's the New York way! It all helped me build up my confidence to take up some walking and yoga again. I had been a bit fearful for a little while. I'm really happy about it!

Also I bought a pair of Mephisto walking shoes...helps for alot of walking! My legs and feet are really sore, that's how much walking I did!:D

Happy walking!:D
The Joy of Walking

The Joy of Walking

Today was a great day for me, despite the heat. Got in 35 minutes on the exercise machines at the health club in the middle of the day, and then at 7 took my companionable dog for a half-hour jaunt along a Blue Ridge Parkway overpass. Smelled the honeysuckle, spotted some bluebirds, and saw what appeared to be a woodchuck. It had cooled down enough to be comfortable. Was quite invigorating.

Sorry, DB, but to a night owl like me early in the morning is 11 a.m., and it's too hot then in the summer for a long walk. But a walk near sunset works for me. (No, Mary, I abstained from the Cherry Danish, but I am now going to enjoy as my reward a big chunk of juicy watermelon from the Valley of Virginia. All-natural sugar. ;)

And thanks, Der Volksmarchmeister, for starting this thread. It has been a most enjoyable one.

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