So ........ did you get your walk in today??

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LadyBlue said:
I would hail a cab if I was really really tired, but hey, that's the New York way!

Actually only the tourists and executives do that, the rest of us use the subway.:rolleyes: :D
Half-hour on treadmill all my cardiologist asks

Half-hour on treadmill all my cardiologist asks

He says if I spend a half-hour on it five days a week I'll live five years longer. (I'm trying to put off my replacement surgery until I'm 62 and he's betting it will happen sooner than that. (I'm 57)
yankeeman said:
He says if I spend a half-hour on it five days a week I'll live five years longer. (I'm trying to put off my replacement surgery until I'm 62 and he's betting it will happen sooner than that. (I'm 57)

Yankee -- it's weird the way it works, BUT if you truly spend a half hour 5 days a week, you will quickly WANT to go beyond that. Walking becomes a way of life if you do it regularly. It kind of starts off as something you HAVE to do for medical health, but then after 6 months or so, you change - you become a WALKER, and you don't do it just for health.
:) With all due respect, DB......I so wish you were 100% correct and that your premise would include me.

I started walking after my surgery because I had to. I continued to walk because I had to. It is now 2 1/2 years later and I am still walking because I have to.

I never learned to love it. As my cardio told my husband when he complained about using the treadmill on days we can't walk outside......."You don't have to like it; you just have to do it."

I prefer walking outside to using the treadmill. But given my ruthers.....I love it if it were not mandatory.

BUT....I am very grateful I am able to walk and thank my lucky stars for that gift.
Jkm7 said:
:) With all due respect, DB......I so wish you were 100% correct and that your premise would include me.

I started walking after my surgery because I had to. I continued to walk because I had to. It is now 2 1/2 years later and I am still walking because I have to.

I never learned to love it. As my cardio told my husband when he complained about using the treadmill on days we can't walk outside......."You don't have to like it; you just have to do it."

I prefer walking outside to using the treadmill. But given my ruthers.....I love it if it were not mandatory.

BUT....I am very grateful I am able to walk and thank my lucky stars for that gift.

JKM -- I guess there will always be those that are outside predictable behavior. I am sorry that you have never learned to love it. I know myself, I feel pretty lousy when I miss a day. I have to say though that I share your distaste of the treadmill. I have one too that I use on extreme days and I can't stand it!! Even when I try to entertain myself by watching tv, I find I am literally counting the steps until I am done.
Walk today?

Walk today?

I went to the Mall today and walked for an hour! It's the longest I've walked in years. I actually ran up stairs. The controlled atmosphere was wonderful. Outside it's hot and humid, but inside just perfect. I'm really tired tonight.

Barbara Stewart said:
I went to the Mall today and walked for an hour! ....... I actually ran up stairs. Barbara

That's the ticket!!
mntbiker said:
Actually only the tourists and executives do that, the rest of us use the subway.:rolleyes: :D

Yep, I know. I used them as they were the quickest way to get anywhere if I felt lightheaded or very tired. All I would have to do was stand in the street where I was and a taxi would come to me...:D ...rather than walk to a subway or bus stop and feel crappy. I was proud that I did manage to walk as much as I did, however!! :D :D :D I love NYC and I would just hate not to beable to go there when I want!

You in Manhattan? Had I known, we'd could have had tea in the Rainbow Room or something!! :D
Jkm7 said:
:) With all due respect, DB......I so wish you were 100% correct and that your premise would include me.

I started walking after my surgery because I had to. I continued to walk because I had to. It is now 2 1/2 years later and I am still walking because I have to.

Sorry you hate to walk. I can certainly agree though. It is just plain boring to me. I have always been into different activities though from road riding to mountain biking, martial arts to boxing and all sorts of stuff in between. My wife was having problems with walking and I kept pushing her to try other things, finally she started roller blading and loves it. She still walks but now that she has an activity she really enjoys the walking isn't so bad. If you can find your activity it may be the same. I believe that unless you can find an activity you truly enjoy then it becomes exercise and exercise is work and work is no fun. Go find something fun.

LadyBlue said:
You in Manhattan? Had I known, we'd could have had tea in the Rainbow Room or something!!
I actually moved out of NY in 5/01. Left my job in the city and moved to GA to work from home. I was born and raised in LI and met my wife in the city. Our first date we went to the museum of natural history. If you ever come down to GA though let me know.
mntbiker said:
I actually moved out of NY in 5/01. Left my job in the city and moved to GA to work from home. I was born and raised in LI and met my wife in the city. Our first date we went to the museum of natural history. If you ever come down to GA though let me know.
Oh, Thank you! And likewise when you ever come to Boston! I am the best tourguide! :D ( love the museum of natural history! What a great first date!! :) )
My interval training seems to be helping. Today I walked at 3.5 miles an hour for a complete 3 miles. This is the first time in a long time that I have done this much. I am so excited. Next week I will start with a higher speed.

Does climbing count ???

Does climbing count ???

Climbing towers everyday at the Chemical Plant.
From 30' to 180'.....everyday I climb these towers. Does that count for a walk???
Straight up climbs are the worst, very few rest spots, only every 35' or so.........Maybe I am getting back in shape finally !!
Dought it, to much fun after work to get me into shape!!

Keep up the exercising, very good for all of us !!
Had a nice country walk a couple of days ago. It's such a lovely time in the English countryside at the moment - everything green but almost no mud, stinging nettles in modest quantities, etc.
We have an extensive network of footpaths, some of which have been linked to form "long distance" paths. These are good for walking as they're well waymarked and walked sufficiently to keep the weeds and stinging nettles down. My favourite goes from us down to the coast, passing various pubs, going through two golf-courses, and you seldom see a soul on the route.
Probably the main difference between walking in England vs the New World is that you are never really far from a village. It's obviously not a wilderness experience, but relatively safe as mobile coverage is good.
Mind you, my 24 miles would have been somewhat more healthy if I hadn't stopped off for a couple of pints at lunchtime (well it was very hot) and had a couple more when I finished;)

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